8,073 research outputs found

    A Massive Data Parallel Computational Framework for Petascale/Exascale Hybrid Computer Systems

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    Heterogeneous systems are becoming more common on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Even using tools like CUDA and OpenCL it is a non-trivial task to obtain optimal performance on the GPU. Approaches to simplifying this task include Merge (a library based framework for heterogeneous multi-core systems), Zippy (a framework for parallel execution of codes on multiple GPUs), BSGP (a new programming language for general purpose computation on the GPU) and CUDA-lite (an enhancement to CUDA that transforms code based on annotations). In addition, efforts are underway to improve compiler tools for automatic parallelization and optimization of affine loop nests for GPUs and for automatic translation of OpenMP parallelized codes to CUDA. In this paper we present an alternative approach: a new computational framework for the development of massively data parallel scientific codes applications suitable for use on such petascale/exascale hybrid systems built upon the highly scalable Cactus framework. As the first non-trivial demonstration of its usefulness, we successfully developed a new 3D CFD code that achieves improved performance.Comment: Parallel Computing 2011 (ParCo2011), 30 August -- 2 September 2011, Ghent, Belgiu

    Design and Analysis of a Task-based Parallelization over a Runtime System of an Explicit Finite-Volume CFD Code with Adaptive Time Stepping

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    FLUSEPA (Registered trademark in France No. 134009261) is an advanced simulation tool which performs a large panel of aerodynamic studies. It is the unstructured finite-volume solver developed by Airbus Safran Launchers company to calculate compressible, multidimensional, unsteady, viscous and reactive flows around bodies in relative motion. The time integration in FLUSEPA is done using an explicit temporal adaptive method. The current production version of the code is based on MPI and OpenMP. This implementation leads to important synchronizations that must be reduced. To tackle this problem, we present the study of a task-based parallelization of the aerodynamic solver of FLUSEPA using the runtime system StarPU and combining up to three levels of parallelism. We validate our solution by the simulation (using a finite-volume mesh with 80 million cells) of a take-off blast wave propagation for Ariane 5 launcher.Comment: Accepted manuscript of a paper in Journal of Computational Scienc

    Architecture-Aware Optimization on a 1600-core Graphics Processor

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    The graphics processing unit (GPU) continues to make significant strides as an accelerator in commodity cluster computing for high-performance computing (HPC). For example, three of the top five fastest supercomputers in the world, as ranked by the TOP500, employ GPUs as accelerators. Despite this increasing interest in GPUs, however, optimizing the performance of a GPU-accelerated compute node requires deep technical knowledge of the underlying architecture. Although significant literature exists on how to optimize GPU performance on the more mature NVIDIA CUDA architecture, the converse is true for OpenCL on the AMD GPU. Consequently, we present and evaluate architecture-aware optimizations for the AMD GPU. The most prominent optimizations include (i) explicit use of registers, (ii) use of vector types, (iii) removal of branches, and (iv) use of image memory for global data. We demonstrate the efficacy of our AMD GPU optimizations by applying each optimization in isolation as well as in concert to a large-scale, molecular modeling application called GEM. Via these AMD-specific GPU optimizations, the AMD Radeon HD 5870 GPU delivers 65% better performance than with the wellknown NVIDIA-specific optimizations