26,413 research outputs found

    Parallelizing Windowed Stream Joins in a Shared-Nothing Cluster

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    The availability of large number of processing nodes in a parallel and distributed computing environment enables sophisticated real time processing over high speed data streams, as required by many emerging applications. Sliding window stream joins are among the most important operators in a stream processing system. In this paper, we consider the issue of parallelizing a sliding window stream join operator over a shared nothing cluster. We propose a framework, based on fixed or predefined communication pattern, to distribute the join processing loads over the shared-nothing cluster. We consider various overheads while scaling over a large number of nodes, and propose solution methodologies to cope with the issues. We implement the algorithm over a cluster using a message passing system, and present the experimental results showing the effectiveness of the join processing algorithm.Comment: 11 page

    Exploiting citation networks for large-scale author name disambiguation

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    We present a novel algorithm and validation method for disambiguating author names in very large bibliographic data sets and apply it to the full Web of Science (WoS) citation index. Our algorithm relies only upon the author and citation graphs available for the whole period covered by the WoS. A pair-wise publication similarity metric, which is based on common co-authors, self-citations, shared references and citations, is established to perform a two-step agglomerative clustering that first connects individual papers and then merges similar clusters. This parameterized model is optimized using an h-index based recall measure, favoring the correct assignment of well-cited publications, and a name-initials-based precision using WoS metadata and cross-referenced Google Scholar profiles. Despite the use of limited metadata, we reach a recall of 87% and a precision of 88% with a preference for researchers with high h-index values. 47 million articles of WoS can be disambiguated on a single machine in less than a day. We develop an h-index distribution model, confirming that the prediction is in excellent agreement with the empirical data, and yielding insight into the utility of the h-index in real academic ranking scenarios.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Analyzing Learned Molecular Representations for Property Prediction

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    Advancements in neural machinery have led to a wide range of algorithmic solutions for molecular property prediction. Two classes of models in particular have yielded promising results: neural networks applied to computed molecular fingerprints or expert-crafted descriptors, and graph convolutional neural networks that construct a learned molecular representation by operating on the graph structure of the molecule. However, recent literature has yet to clearly determine which of these two methods is superior when generalizing to new chemical space. Furthermore, prior research has rarely examined these new models in industry research settings in comparison to existing employed models. In this paper, we benchmark models extensively on 19 public and 16 proprietary industrial datasets spanning a wide variety of chemical endpoints. In addition, we introduce a graph convolutional model that consistently matches or outperforms models using fixed molecular descriptors as well as previous graph neural architectures on both public and proprietary datasets. Our empirical findings indicate that while approaches based on these representations have yet to reach the level of experimental reproducibility, our proposed model nevertheless offers significant improvements over models currently used in industrial workflows
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