162 research outputs found

    Optimizing visual properties of game content through neuroevolution

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    This paper presents a search-based approach to generating game content that satisfies both gameplay requirements and user-expressed aesthetic criteria. Using evolutionary constraint satisfaction, we search for spaceships (for a space combat game) represented as compositional patternproducing networks. While the gameplay requirements are satisfied by ad-hoc defined constraints, the aesthetic evaluation function can also be informed by human aesthetic judgement. This is achieved using indirect interactive evolution, where an evaluation function re-weights an array of aesthetic criteria based on the choices of a human player. Early results show that we can create aesthetically diverse and interesting spaceships while retaining in-game functionality.peer-reviewe

    Adapting models of visual aesthetics for personalized content creation

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    This paper introduces a search-based approach to personalized content generation with respect to visual aesthetics. The approach is based on a two-step adaptation procedure where (1) the evaluation function that characterizes the content is adjusted to match the visual aesthetics of users and (2) the content itself is optimized based on the personalized evaluation function. To test the efficacy of the approach we design fitness functions based on universal properties of visual perception, inspired by psychological and neurobiological research. Using these visual properties we generate aesthetically pleasing 2D game spaceships via neuroevolutionary constrained optimization and evaluate the impact of the designed visual properties on the generated spaceships. The offline generated spaceships are used as the initial population of an interactive evolution experiment in which players are asked to choose spaceships according to their visual taste: the impact of the various visual properties is adjusted based on player preferences and new content is generated online based on the updated computational model of visual aesthetics of the player. Results are presented which show the potential of the approach in generating content which is based on subjective criteria of visual aesthetics.Thanks to all the participants of the interactive evolution experiement. The research was supported, in part, by the FP7 ICT project SIREN (project no: 258453) and by the Danish Research Agency, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation project AGameComIn; project number: 274- 09-0083.peer-reviewe

    Neuroevolutionary constrained optimization for content creation

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    This paper presents a constraint-based procedural content generation (PCG) framework used for the creation of novel and high-performing content. Specifically, we examine the efficiency of the framework for the creation of spaceship design (hull shape and spaceship attributes such as weapon and thruster types and topologies) independently of game physics and steering strategies. According to the proposed framework, the designer picks a set of requirements for the spaceship that a constrained optimizer attempts to satisfy. The constraint satisfaction approach followed is based on neuroevolution; Compositional Pattern-Producing Networks (CPPNs) which represent the spaceship’s design are trained via a constraintbased evolutionary algorithm. Results obtained in a number of evolutionary runs using a set of constraints and objectives show that the generated spaceships perform well in movement, combat and survival tasks and are also visually appealing.peer-reviewe

    Deep learning for video game playing

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    In this article, we review recent Deep Learning advances in the context of how they have been applied to play different types of video games such as first-person shooters, arcade games, and real-time strategy games. We analyze the unique requirements that different game genres pose to a deep learning system and highlight important open challenges in the context of applying these machine learning methods to video games, such as general game playing, dealing with extremely large decision spaces and sparse rewards

    Co-creating game content using an adaptive model of user taste

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    Mixed-initiative procedural content generation can augment and assist human creativity by allowing the algorithm to take care of the mechanisable parts of content creation, such as consistency and playability checking. But it can also enhance human creativity by suggesting new directions and structures, which the designer can choose to adopt or not.peer-reviewe

    Evolutionary design of deep neural networks

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorFor three decades, neuroevolution has applied evolutionary computation to the optimization of the topology of artificial neural networks, with most works focusing on very simple architectures. However, times have changed, and nowadays convolutional neural networks are the industry and academia standard for solving a variety of problems, many of which remained unsolved before the discovery of this kind of networks. Convolutional neural networks involve complex topologies, and the manual design of these topologies for solving a problem at hand is expensive and inefficient. In this thesis, our aim is to use neuroevolution in order to evolve the architecture of convolutional neural networks. To do so, we have decided to try two different techniques: genetic algorithms and grammatical evolution. We have implemented a niching scheme for preserving the genetic diversity, in order to ease the construction of ensembles of neural networks. These techniques have been validated against the MNIST database for handwritten digit recognition, achieving a test error rate of 0.28%, and the OPPORTUNITY data set for human activity recognition, attaining an F1 score of 0.9275. Both results have proven very competitive when compared with the state of the art. Also, in all cases, ensembles have proven to perform better than individual models. Later, the topologies learned for MNIST were tested on EMNIST, a database recently introduced in 2017, which includes more samples and a set of letters for character recognition. Results have shown that the topologies optimized for MNIST perform well on EMNIST, proving that architectures can be reused across domains with similar characteristics. In summary, neuroevolution is an effective approach for automatically designing topologies for convolutional neural networks. However, it still remains as an unexplored field due to hardware limitations. Current advances, however, should constitute the fuel that empowers the emergence of this field, and further research should start as of today.This Ph.D. dissertation has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports under FPU fellowship with identifier FPU13/03917. This research stay has been partially co-funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports under FPU short stay grant with identifier EST15/00260.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: María Araceli Sanchís de Miguel.- Secretario: Francisco Javier Segovia Pérez.- Vocal: Simon Luca

    Deep Innovation Protection: Confronting the Credit Assignment Problem in Training Heterogeneous Neural Architectures

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    Deep reinforcement learning approaches have shown impressive results in a variety of different domains, however, more complex heterogeneous architectures such as world models require the different neural components to be trained separately instead of end-to-end. While a simple genetic algorithm recently showed end-to-end training is possible, it failed to solve a more complex 3D task. This paper presents a method called Deep Innovation Protection (DIP) that addresses the credit assignment problem in training complex heterogenous neural network models end-to-end for such environments. The main idea behind the approach is to employ multiobjective optimization to temporally reduce the selection pressure on specific components in multi-component network, allowing other components to adapt. We investigate the emergent representations of these evolved networks, which learn to predict properties important for the survival of the agent, without the need for a specific forward-prediction loss