393 research outputs found

    Optimizing Secure Computation Programs with Private Conditionals

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    Secure multiparty computation platforms are often provided with a programming language that allows to write privacy-preserving applications without thinking of the underlying cryptography. The control flow of these programs is expensive to hide, hence they typically disallow branching on private values. The application programmers have to specify their programs in terms of allowed constructions, either using ad-hoc methods to avoid such branchings, or the general methodology of executing all branches and obliviously selecting the effects of one at the end. There may be compiler support for the latter. The execution of all branches introduces significant computational overhead. If the branches perform similar private operations, then it may make sense to compute repeating patterns only once, even though the necessary bookkeeping also has overheads. In this paper, we propose a program optimization doing exactly that, allowing the overhead of private conditionals to be reduced. The optimization is quite general, and can be applied to various privacy-preserving platforms

    Programmeerimiskeeled turvalise ühisarvutuse rakenduste arendamiseks

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    Turvaline ühisarvutus on tehnoloogia, mis lubab mitmel sõltumatul osapoolel oma andmeid koos töödelda neis olevaid saladusi avalikustamata. Kui andmed on esitatud krüpteeritud kujul, tähendab see, et neid ei dekrüpteerita arvutuse käigus kordagi. Turvalise ühisarvutuse teoreetilised konstruktsioonid on teada olnud juba alates kaheksakümnendatest, kuid esimesed praktilised teostused ja rakendused, mis päris andmeid töötlesid, ilmusid alles natuke enam kui kümme aastat tagasi. Nüüdseks on turvalist ühisarvutust kasutatud mitmes praktilises rakenduses ning sellest on kujunenud oluline andmekaitsetehnoloogia. Turvalise ühisarvutuse rakenduste arendamine on keerukas. Vahendid, mis aitavad kaasa arendusprotsessile, on veel väga uued, ning raamistikud on sageli liiga aeglased praktiliste rakenduste jaoks. Rakendusi on endiselt võimelised arendama ainult krüptograafiaeksperdid. Käesoleva töö eesmärk on teha turvalise ühisarvutuse raamistikke paremaks ning muuta ühisarvutusrakenduste arendamist kergemaks. Väidame, et valdkon- naspetsiifiliste programmeerimiskeelte kasutamine võimaldab turvalise ühisarvu- tuse rakenduste ja raamistike ehitamist, mis on samaaegselt lihtsasti kasutatavad, hea jõudlusega, hooldatavad, usaldusväärsed ja võimelised suuri andmemahtusid töötlema. Peamise tulemusena esitleme kahte uut programmeerimiskeelt, mis on mõeldud turvalise ühisarvutuse jaoks. SecreC 2 on mõeldud turvalise ühisarvutuse rakendus- te arendamise lihtsustamiseks ja aitab kaasa sellele, et rakendused oleks turvalised ja efektiivsed. Teine keel on loodud turvalise ühisarvutuse protokollide arenda- miseks ning selle eesmärk on turvalise ühisarvutuse raamistikke paremaks muuta. Protokollide keel teeb raamistikke kiiremaks ja usaldusväärsemaks ning lihtsustab protokollide arendamist ja haldamist. Kirjeldame mõlemad keeled nii formaalselt kui mitteformaalselt. Näitame, kuidas mitmed rakendused ja prototüübid saavad neist keeltest kasu.Secure multi-party computation is a technology that allows several independent parties to cooperatively process their private data without revealing any secrets. If private inputs are given in encrypted form then the results will also be encrypted, and at no stage during processing are values ever decrypted. As a theoretical concept, the technology has been around since the 1980s, but the first practical implementations arose a bit more than a decade ago. Since then, secure multi-party computation has been used in practical applications, and has been established as an important method of data protection. Developing applications that use secure multi-party computation is challenging. The tools that help with development are still very young and the frameworks are often too slow for practical applications. Currently only experts in cryptography are able to develop secure multi-party applications. In this thesis we look how to improve secure multy-party computation frame- works and make the applications easier to develop. We claim that domain-specific programming languages enable to build secure multi-party applications and frame- works that are at the same time usable, efficient, maintainable, trustworthy, and practically scalable. The contribution of this thesis is the introduction of two new programming languages for secure multi-party computation. The SecreC 2 language makes secure multi-party computation application development easier, ensuring that the applications are secure and enabling them to be efficient. The second language is for developing low-level secure computation protocols. This language was created for improving secure multi-party computation frameworks. It makes the frameworks faster and more trustworthy, and protocols easier to develop and maintain. We give give both a formal and an informal overview of the two languages and see how they benefit multi-party applications and prototypes

    Tortoise: Interactive System Configuration Repair

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    System configuration languages provide powerful abstractions that simplify managing large-scale, networked systems. Thousands of organizations now use configuration languages, such as Puppet. However, specifications written in configuration languages can have bugs and the shell remains the simplest way to debug a misconfigured system. Unfortunately, it is unsafe to use the shell to fix problems when a system configuration language is in use: a fix applied from the shell may cause the system to drift from the state specified by the configuration language. Thus, despite their advantages, configuration languages force system administrators to give up the simplicity and familiarity of the shell. This paper presents a synthesis-based technique that allows administrators to use configuration languages and the shell in harmony. Administrators can fix errors using the shell and the technique automatically repairs the higher-level specification written in the configuration language. The approach (1) produces repairs that are consistent with the fix made using the shell; (2) produces repairs that are maintainable by minimizing edits made to the original specification; (3) ranks and presents multiple repairs when relevant; and (4) supports all shells the administrator may wish to use. We implement our technique for Puppet, a widely used system configuration language, and evaluate it on a suite of benchmarks under 42 repair scenarios. The top-ranked repair is selected by humans 76% of the time and the human-equivalent repair is ranked 1.31 on average.Comment: Published version in proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 201

    A Garbled Circuit Accelerator for Arbitrary, Fast Privacy-Preserving Computation

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    Privacy and security have rapidly emerged as priorities in system design. One powerful solution for providing both is privacy-preserving computation, where functions are computed directly on encrypted data and control can be provided over how data is used. Garbled circuits (GCs) are a PPC technology that provide both confidential computing and control over how data is used. The challenge is that they incur significant performance overheads compared to plaintext. This paper proposes a novel garbled circuit accelerator and compiler, named HAAC, to mitigate performance overheads and make privacy-preserving computation more practical. HAAC is a hardware-software co-design. GCs are exemplars of co-design as programs are completely known at compile time, i.e., all dependence, memory accesses, and control flow are fixed. The design philosophy of HAAC is to keep hardware simple and efficient, maximizing area devoted to our proposed custom execution units and other circuits essential for high performance (e.g., on-chip storage). The compiler can leverage its program understanding to realize hardware's performance potential by generating effective instruction schedules, data layouts, and orchestrating off-chip events. In taking this approach we can achieve ASIC performance/efficiency without sacrificing generality. Insights of our approach include how co-design enables expressing arbitrary GC programs as streams, which simplifies hardware and enables complete memory-compute decoupling, and the development of a scratchpad that captures data reuse by tracking program execution, eliminating the need for costly hardware managed caches and tagging logic. We evaluate HAAC with VIP-Bench and achieve a speedup of 608×\times in 4.3mm2^2 of area

    Tõhus peit- ja aktiivse ründaja vastu kaitstud turvaline ühisarvutus

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    Turvaline ühisarvutus on tänapäevase krüptograafia üks tähtsamaid kasutusviise, mis koondab elegantsed matemaatilised lahendused praktiliste rakenduste ehitamiseks, võimaldades mitmel erineval andmeomanikul sooritada oma andmetega suvalisi ühiseid arvutusi, ilma neid andmeid üksteisele avaldamata. Passiivse ründaja vastu turvalised protokollid eeldavad, et kõik osapooled käituvad ausalt. Aktiivse ründaja vastu turvalised protokollid ei lekita privaatseid andmeid sõltumata ründaja käitumisest. Käesolevas töös esitatakse üldine meetod, mis teisendab passiivse ründaja vastu turvalised ühisarvutusprotokollid turvaliseks aktiivse ründaja vastu. Meetod on optimeeritud kolme osapoolega arvutusteks üle algebraliste ringide; praktikas on see väga efektiivne mudel, mis teeb reaalse maailma rakendused teostatavateks. Meetod lisab esialgsele arvutusprotokollile täitmisjärgse verifitseerimisfaasi, mis muudab valesti käitunud osapooltel vahelejäämise vältimise tõenäosuse kaduvväikseks, säilitades esialgse protokolli turvagarantiid. Lisaks uurib käesolev töö rünnete uut eesmärki, mis seisneb mingi ausa osapoole vaate manipuleerimises sellisel viisil, et ta saaks midagi teada teise ausa osapoole privaatsete andmete kohta. Ründaja ise ei tarvitse seda infot üldse teada saada. Sellised ründed on olulised, sest need kohustavad ausat osapoolt tühjendama oma süsteemi teiste osapoolte andmetest, kuid see ülesanne võib olla päris mittetriviaalne. Eelnevalt pakutud verifitseerimismehhanisme täiendatakse nii, et privaatsed andmed oleksid kaitstud ka ausate osapoolte eest. Paljud ühisarvutusplatvormid on varustatud programmeerimiskeelega, mis võimaldab kirjutada privaatsust säilitavaid rakendusi ilma allolevale krüptograafiale mõtlemata. Juhul, kui programm sisaldab tingimuslauseid, kus arvutusharu valik sõltub privaatsetest andmetest, ei tohi ükski osapool haru valikust midagi teada, nii et üldjuhul peavad osapooled täitma kõik harud. Harude suure arvu kor-ral võib arvutuslik lisakulu olla ülisuur, sest enamik vahetulemustest visatakse ära. Käesolevas töös pakutakse selliseid lisakulusid vähendavat optimeerimist.Secure multiparty computation is one of the most important employments of modern cryptography, bringing together elegant mathematical solutions to build up useful practical applications. It allows several distinct data owners to perform arbitrary collaborative computation on their private data without leaking any information to each other. Passively secure protocols assume that all parties follow the protocol rules. Actively secure protocols do not leak private data regardless of the attacker’s behaviour. This thesis presents a generic method for turning passively secure multiparty protocols to actively secure ones. The method is optimized for three party computation over algebraic rings, which has proven to be quite an efficient model, making large real-world applications feasible. Our method adds to the protocol a post-execution verification phase that allows a misbehaving party to escape detection only with negligible probability. It preserves the privacy guarantees of the original protocol. In this thesis, we also study a new adversarial goal in multiparty protocols. The goal is to manipulate the view of some honest party in such a way, that this honest party learns the private data of some other honest party. The adversary itself might not learn this data at all. Such attacks are significant because they create a liability to the first honest party to clean its systems from the second honest party’s data, which may be a highly non-trivial task in practice. We check the security of our verification mechanism in this new model, and we propose some minor modifications that ensure data protection also from the honest parties. Many secure multiparty computation platforms come with a programming language that allows the developer to write privacy-preserving applications without thinking of the underlying cryptography. If a program contains conditional statements where the choice of the computational branch depends on private data, then no party should know which branch has been executed, so in general the parties need to execute all of them. If the number of branches is large, the computational overhead may be enormous, as most of the intermediate results are just discarded. In this thesis, we propose an automatic optimization that reduces this overhead

    Hardware-Assisted Secure Computation

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    The theory community has worked on Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) for more than two decades, and has produced many protocols for many settings. One common thread in these works is that the protocols cannot use a Trusted Third Party (TTP), even though this is conceptually the simplest and most general solution. Thus, current protocols involve only the direct players---we call such protocols self-reliant. They often use blinded boolean circuits, which has several sources of overhead, some due to the circuit representation and some due to the blinding. However, secure coprocessors like the IBM 4758 have actual security properties similar to ideal TTPs. They also have little RAM and a slow CPU.We call such devices Tiny TTPs. The availability of real tiny TTPs opens the door for a different approach to SMC problems. One major challenge with this approach is how to execute large programs on large inputs using the small protected memory of a tiny TTP, while preserving the trust properties that an ideal TTP provides. In this thesis we have investigated the use of real TTPs to help with the solution of SMC problems. We start with the use of such TTPs to solve the Private Information Retrieval (PIR) problem, which is one important instance of SMC. Our implementation utilizes a 4758. The rest of the thesis is targeted at general SMC. Our SMC system, Faerieplay, moves some functionality into a tiny TTP, and thus avoids the blinded circuit overhead. Faerieplay consists of a compiler from high-level code to an arithmetic circuit with special gates for efficient indirect array access, and a virtual machine to execute this circuit on a tiny TTP while maintaining the typical SMC trust properties. We report on Faerieplay\u27s security properties, the specification of its components, and our implementation and experiments. These include comparisons with the Fairplay circuit-based two-party system, and an implementation of the Dijkstra graph shortest path algorithm. We also provide an implementation of an oblivious RAM which supports similar tiny TTP-based SMC functionality but using a standard RAM program. Performance comparisons show Faerieplay\u27s circuit approach to be considerably faster, at the expense of a more constrained programming environment when targeting a circuit

    Secure Multi-Party Computation In Practice

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    Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a cryptographic primitive for computing on private data. MPC provides strong privacy guarantees, but practical adoption requires high-quality application design, software development, and resource management. This dissertation aims to identify and reduce barriers to practical deployment of MPC applications. First, the dissertation evaluates the design, capabilities, and usability of eleven state-of-the-art MPC software frameworks. These frameworks are essential for prototyping MPC applications, but their qualities vary widely; the survey provides insight into their current abilities and limitations. A comprehensive online repository augments the survey, including complete build environments, sample programs, and additional documentation for each framework. Second, the dissertation applies these lessons in two practical applications of MPC. The first addresses algorithms for assessing stability in financial networks, traditionally designed in a full-information model with a central regulator or data aggregator. This case study describes principles to transform two such algorithms into data-oblivious versions and benchmark their execution under MPC using three frameworks. The second aims to enable unlinkability of payments made with blockchain-based cryptocurrencies. This study uses MPC in conjunction with other privacy techniques to achieve unlinkability in payment channels. Together, these studies illuminate the limitations of existing software, develop guidelines for transforming non-private algorithms into versions suitable for execution under MPC, and illustrate the current practical feasibility of MPC as a solution to a wide variety of applications