37 research outputs found

    Optimizing ORAM and Using it Efficiently for Secure Computation

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    Oblivious RAM (ORAM) allows a client to access her data on a remote server while hiding the access pattern (which locations she is accessing) from the server. Beyond its immediate utility in allowing private computation over a client\u27s outsourced data, ORAM also allows mutually distrustful parties to run secure-computations over their joint data with sublinear on-line complexity. In this work we revisit the tree-based ORAM of Shi et al. [SCSL11] and show how to optimize its performance as a stand-alone scheme, as well as its performance within higher level constructions. More specifically, we make several contributions: - We describe two optimizations to the tree-based ORAM protocol of Shi et al., one reducing the storage overhead of that protocol by an O(k)O(k) multiplicative factor, and another reducing its time complexity by an O(logk)O(\log k) multiplicative factor, where kk is the security parameter. Our scheme also enjoys a much simpler and tighter analysis than the original protocol. - We describe a protocol for binary search over this ORAM construction, where the entire binary search operation is done in the same complexity as a single ORAM access (as opposed to logn\log n accesses for the naive protocol). We then describe simple uses of this binary-search protocol for things like range queries and keyword search. - We show how the ORAM protocol itself and our binary-search protocol can be implemented efficiently as secure computation, using somewhat-homomorphic encryption. Since memory accesses by address (ORAM access) or by value (binary search) are basic and prevalent operations, we believe that these optimizations can be used to significantly speed-up many higher-level protocols for secure computation

    Statistically-secure ORAM with O~(log2n)\tilde{O}(\log^2 n) Overhead

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    We demonstrate a simple, statistically secure, ORAM with computational overhead O~(log2n)\tilde{O}(\log^2 n); previous ORAM protocols achieve only computational security (under computational assumptions) or require Ω~(log3n)\tilde{\Omega}(\log^3 n) overheard. An additional benefit of our ORAM is its conceptual simplicity, which makes it easy to implement in both software and (commercially available) hardware. Our construction is based on recent ORAM constructions due to Shi, Chan, Stefanov, and Li (Asiacrypt 2011) and Stefanov and Shi (ArXiv 2012), but with some crucial modifications in the algorithm that simplifies the ORAM and enable our analysis. A central component in our analysis is reducing the analysis of our algorithm to a "supermarket" problem; of independent interest (and of importance to our analysis,) we provide an upper bound on the rate of "upset" customers in the "supermarket" problem

    Data-Oblivious Data Structures

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    Data-Oblivious Graph Algorithms in Outsourced External Memory

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    Motivated by privacy preservation for outsourced data, data-oblivious external memory is a computational framework where a client performs computations on data stored at a semi-trusted server in a way that does not reveal her data to the server. This approach facilitates collaboration and reliability over traditional frameworks, and it provides privacy protection, even though the server has full access to the data and he can monitor how it is accessed by the client. The challenge is that even if data is encrypted, the server can learn information based on the client data access pattern; hence, access patterns must also be obfuscated. We investigate privacy-preserving algorithms for outsourced external memory that are based on the use of data-oblivious algorithms, that is, algorithms where each possible sequence of data accesses is independent of the data values. We give new efficient data-oblivious algorithms in the outsourced external memory model for a number of fundamental graph problems. Our results include new data-oblivious external-memory methods for constructing minimum spanning trees, performing various traversals on rooted trees, answering least common ancestor queries on trees, computing biconnected components, and forming open ear decompositions. None of our algorithms make use of constant-time random oracles.Comment: 20 page

    Path ORAM: An Extremely Simple Oblivious RAM Protocol

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    We present Path ORAM, an extremely simple Oblivious RAM protocol with a small amount of client storage. Partly due to its simplicity, Path ORAM is the most practical ORAM scheme known to date with small client storage. We formally prove that Path ORAM has a O(log N) bandwidth cost for blocks of size B = Omega(log^2 N) bits. For such block sizes, Path ORAM is asymptotically better than the best known ORAM schemes with small client storage. Due to its practicality, Path ORAM has been adopted in the design of secure processors since its proposal

    Succinct Oblivious RAM

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    As online storage services become increasingly common, it is important that users\u27 private information is protected from database access pattern analyses. Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a cryptographic primitive that enables users to perform arbitrary database accesses without revealing any information about the access pattern to the server. Previous ORAM studies focused mostly on reducing the access overhead. Consequently, the access overhead of the state-of-the-art ORAM constructions are almost at practical levels in certain application scenarios such as secure processors. However, we assume that the server space usage could become a new important issue in the coming big-data era. To enable large-scale computation in security-aware settings, it is necessary to rethink the ORAM server space cost using big-data standards. In this paper, we introduce "succinctness" as a theoretically tractable and practically relevant criterion of the ORAM server space efficiency in the big-data era. We, then, propose two succinct ORAM constructions that also exhibit state-of-the-art performance in terms of the bandwidth blowup and the user space. We also give non-asymptotic analyses and simulation results which indicate that the proposed ORAM constructions are practically effective