132 research outputs found

    High-level programming of stencil computations on multi-GPU systems using the SkelCL library

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    The implementation of stencil computations on modern, massively parallel systems with GPUs and other accelerators currently relies on manually-tuned coding using low-level approaches like OpenCL and CUDA. This makes development of stencil applications a complex, time-consuming, and error-prone task. We describe how stencil computations can be programmed in our SkelCL approach that combines high-level programming abstractions with competitive performance on multi-GPU systems. SkelCL extends the OpenCL standard by three high-level features: 1) pre-implemented parallel patterns (a.k.a. skeletons); 2) container data types for vectors and matrices; 3) automatic data (re)distribution mechanism. We introduce two new SkelCL skeletons which specifically target stencil computations – MapOverlap and Stencil – and we describe their use for particular application examples, discuss their efficient parallel implementation, and report experimental results on systems with multiple GPUs. Our evaluation of three real-world applications shows that stencil code written with SkelCL is considerably shorter and offers competitive performance to hand-tuned OpenCL code

    Massively parallel lattice–Boltzmann codes on large GPU clusters

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    This paper describes a massively parallel code for a state-of-the art thermal lattice–Boltzmann method. Our code has been carefully optimized for performance on one GPU and to have a good scaling behavior extending to a large number of GPUs. Versions of this code have been already used for large-scale studies of convective turbulence. GPUs are becoming increasingly popular in HPC applications, as they are able to deliver higher performance than traditional processors. Writing efficient programs for large clusters is not an easy task as codes must adapt to increasingly parallel architectures, and the overheads of node-to-node communications must be properly handled. We describe the structure of our code, discussing several key design choices that were guided by theoretical models of performance and experimental benchmarks. We present an extensive set of performance measurements and identify the corresponding main bottlenecks; finally we compare the results of our GPU code with those measured on other currently available high performance processors. Our results are a production-grade code able to deliver a sustained performance of several tens of Tflops as well as a design and optimization methodology that can be used for the development of other high performance applications for computational physics

    Accelerating scientific applications on GPUs

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    We have analyzed and accelerated two large scientific applications used at the Barcelona Supercomputer Center (BSC). With this, we want to show how two complex applications can be efficiently ported to GPUs. In addition, we have developed a mechanism to manage the coherency of CPU/GPU memories

    NLSEmagic: Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation Multidimensional Matlab-based GPU-accelerated Integrators using Compact High-order Schemes

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    We present a simple to use, yet powerful code package called NLSEmagic to numerically integrate the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in one, two, and three dimensions. NLSEmagic is a high-order finite-difference code package which utilizes graphic processing unit (GPU) parallel architectures. The codes running on the GPU are many times faster than their serial counterparts, and are much cheaper to run than on standard parallel clusters. The codes are developed with usability and portability in mind, and therefore are written to interface with MATLAB utilizing custom GPU-enabled C codes with the MEX-compiler interface. The packages are freely distributed, including user manuals and set-up files.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figure

    Parallelization Strategies for Modern Computing Platforms: Application to Illustrative Image Processing and Computer Vision Applications

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    RÉSUMÉ L’évolution spectaculaire des technologies dans le domaine du matériel et du logiciel a permis l’émergence des nouvelles plateformes parallèles très performantes. Ces plateformes ont marqué le début d’une nouvelle ère de la computation et il est préconisé qu’elles vont rester dans le domaine pour une bonne période de temps. Elles sont présentes déjà dans le domaine du calcul de haute performance (en anglais HPC, High Performance Computer) ainsi que dans le domaine des systèmes embarqués. Récemment, dans ces domaines le concept de calcul hétérogène a été adopté pour atteindre des performances élevées. Ainsi, plusieurs types de processeurs sont utilisés, dont les plus populaires sont les unités centrales de traitement ou CPU (de l’anglais Central Processing Unit) et les processeurs graphiques ou GPU (de l’anglais Graphics Processing Units). La programmation efficace pour ces nouvelles plateformes parallèles amène actuellement non seulement des opportunités mais aussi des défis importants pour les concepteurs. Par conséquent, l’industrie a besoin de l’appui de la communauté de recherche pour assurer le succès de ce nouveau changement de paradigme vers le calcul parallèle. Trois défis principaux présents pour les processeurs GPU massivement parallèles (ou “many-cores”) ainsi que pour les processeurs CPU multi-coeurs sont: (1) la sélection de la meilleure plateforme parallèle pour une application donnée, (2) la sélection de la meilleure stratégie de parallèlisation et (3) le réglage minutieux des performances (ou en anglais performance tuning) pour mieux exploiter les plateformes existantes. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif global de notre projet de recherche est de définir de nouvelles solutions pour aider à la programmation efficace des applications complexes sur les plateformes parallèles modernes. Les principales contributions à la recherche sont: 1. L’évaluation de l’efficacité d’accélération pour plusieurs plateformes parallèles, dans le cas des applications de calcul intensif. 2. Une analyse quantitative des stratégies de parallèlisation et implantation sur les plateformes à base de processeurs CPU multi-cœur ainsi que pour les plateformes à base de processeurs GPU massivement parallèles. 3. La définition et la mise en place d’une approche de réglage de performances (en Anglais performance tuning) pour les plateformes parallèles. Les contributions proposées ont été validées en utilisant des applications réelles illustratives et un ensemble varié de plateformes parallèles modernes.----------ABSTRACT With the technology improvement for both hardware and software, parallel platforms started a new computing era and they are here to stay. Parallel platforms may be found in High Performance Computers (HPC) or embedded computers. Recently, both HPC and embedded computers are moving toward heterogeneous computing platforms. They are employing both Central Processing Units (CPUs) and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to achieve the highest performance. Programming efficiently for parallel platforms brings new opportunities but also several challenges. Therefore, industry needs help from the research community to succeed in its recent dramatic shift to parallel computing. Parallel programing presents several major challenges. These challenges are equally present whether one programs on a many-core GPU or on a multi-core CPU. Three of the main challenges are: (1) Finding the best platform providing the required acceleration (2) Select the best parallelization strategy (3) Performance tuning to efficiently leverage the parallel platforms. In this context, the overall objective of our research is to propose a new solution helping designers to efficiently program complex applications on modern parallel architectures. The contributions of this thesis are: 1. The evaluation of the efficiency of several target parallel platforms to speedup compute-intensive applications. 2. The quantitative analysis for parallelization and implementation strategies on multicore CPUs and many-core GPUs. 3. The definition and implementation of a new performance tuning framework for heterogeneous parallel platforms. The contributions were validated using real computation intensive applications and modern parallel platform based on multi-core CPU and many-core GPU

    Reducing off-chip memory accesses of wavefront parallel programs in Graphics Processing Units

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    2014 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.The power wall is one of the major barriers that stands on the way to exascale computing. To break the power wall, overall system power/energy must be reduced, without affecting the performance. We can decrease energy consumption by designing power efficient hardware and/or software. In this thesis, we present a software approach to lower energy consumption of programs targeted for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The main idea is to reduce energy consumption by minimizing the amount of off-chip (global) memory accesses. Off-chip memory accesses can be minimized by improving the last level (L2) cache hits. A wavefront is a set of data/tiles that can be processed concurrently. A kernel is a function that get executed in GPU. We propose a novel approach to implement wavefront parallel programs on GPUs. Instead of using one kernel call per wavefront like in the traditional implementation, we use one kernel call for the whole program and organize the order of computations in such a way that L2 cache reuse is achieved. A strip of wavefronts (or a pass) is a collection of partial wavefronts. We exploit the non-preemptive behavior of the thread block scheduler to process a strip of wavefronts (i.e., a pass) instead of processing a complete wavefront at a time. The data transfered by a partial wavefront in a pass is small enough to fit in L2 cache, so that, successive partial wavefronts in the pass reuse the data in L2 cache. Hence the number of off-chip memory accesses is significantly pruned. We also introduce a technique to communicate and synchronize between two thread blocks without limiting the number of thread blocks per kernel or SM. This technique is used to maintain the order of wavefronts. We have analytically shown and experimentally validated the amount of reduction in off-chip memory accesses in our approach. The off-chip memory reads and writes are decreased by a factor of 45 and 3 respectively. We have shown that if GPUs incorporate L2 cache with write-back cache write policy, then off-chip memory writes also get reduced by a factor of 45. Our approach provides 98% and 74% L2 cache read hits and total cache hits respectively and the traditional approach reports only 2% and 1% respectively

    FTCS finite difference scheme GPGPU parallel computing for the heat conduction equation = Programación en paralelo GPGPU del método en diferencias finitas FTCS para la ecuación del calor

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    En el presente artículo se muestran las ventajas de la programación en paralelo resolviendo numéricamente la ecuación del calor en dos dimensiones a través del método de diferencias finitas explícito centrado en el espacio FTCS. De las conclusiones de este trabajo se pone de manifiesto la importancia de la programación en paralelo para tratar problemas grandes, en los que se requiere un elevado número de cálculos, para los cuales la programación secuencial resulta impracticable por el elevado tiempo de ejecución. En la primera sección se describe brevemente los conceptos básicos de programación en paralelo. Seguidamente se resume el método de diferencias finitas explícito centrado en el espacio FTCS aplicado a la ecuación parabólica del calor. Seguidamente se describe el problema de condiciones de contorno y valores iniciales específico al que se va a aplicar el método de diferencias finitas FTCS, proporcionando pseudocódigos de una implementación secuencial y dos implementaciones en paralelo. Finalmente tras la discusión de los resultados se presentan algunas conclusiones. In this paper the advantages of parallel computing are shown by solving the heat conduction equation in two dimensions with the forward in time central in space (FTCS) finite difference method. Two different levels of parallelization are consider and compared with traditional serial procedures. We show in this work the importance of parallel computing when dealing with large problems that are impractical or impossible to solve them with a serial computing procedure. In the first section a summary of parallel computing approach is presented. Subsequently, the forward in time central in space (FTCS) finite difference method for the heat conduction equation is outline, describing how the heat flow equation is derived in two dimensions and the particularities of the finite difference numerical technique considered. Then, a specific initial boundary value problem is solved by the FTCS finite difference method and serial and parallel pseudo codes are provided. Finally after results are discussed some conclusions are presented

    Improving GPU performance : reducing memory conflicts and latency

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