1,327 research outputs found

    Real-time flow simulation of indoor environments using lattice Boltzmann method

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    A novel lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) based 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique has been implemented on the graphics processing unit (GPU) for the purpose of simulating the indoor environment in real-time. We study the time evolution of the turbulent airflow and temperature inside a test chamber and in a simple model of a four-bed hospital room. The predicted results from LBM are compared with traditional CFD based large eddy simulations (LES). Reasonable agreement between LBM results and LES method is observed with significantly faster computational times

    HPC with Python: An MPI-parallel implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method

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    The Lattice Boltzmann Method is well suited for high performance computational fluid dynamics. We show by means of a common two-dimensional test case, the lid-driven cavity problem, that excellent parallel scaling can be achieved in an implementation based on pure Python, using the numpy library and the Message Passing Interface. We highlight opportunities and pitfalls for the implementation of parallel high-performance codes in the high-level language Python

    Analytic Solution to the Piecewise Linear Interface Construction Problem and its Application in Curvature Calculation for Volume-of-Fluid Simulation Codes

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    The plane-cube intersection problem has been around in literature since 1984 and iterative solutions to it have been used as part of piecewise linear interface construction (PLIC) in computational fluid dynamics simulation codes ever since. In many cases, PLIC is the bottleneck of these simulations regarding compute time, so a faster, analytic solution to the plane-cube intersection would greatly reduce compute time for such simulations. We derive an analytic solution for all intersection cases and compare it to the one previous solution from Scardovelli and Zaleski (Ruben Scardovelli and Stephane Zaleski. "Analytical relations connecting linear interfaces and volume fractions in rectangular grids". In: Journal of Computational Physics 164.1 (2000), pp. 228-237.), which we further improve to include edge cases and micro-optimize to reduce arithmetic operations and branching. We then extend our comparison regarding compute time and accuracy to include two different iterative solutions as well. We find that the best choice depends on the employed hardware platform: on the CPU, Newton-Raphson is fastest with vectorization while analytic solutions perform better without. The reason for this is that vectorization instruction sets do not include trigonometric functions as used in the analytic solutions. On the GPU, the fastest method is our optimized version of the analytic SZ solution. We finally provide details on one of the applications of PLIC: curvature calculation for the Volume-of-Fluid model used for free surface fluid simulations in combination with the lattice Boltzmann method.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    GPU-accelerated large-eddy simulation of ship-ice interactions

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    This paper reports on the applicability of the Lattice Boltzmann based free surface flow solver elbe to the simulation of complex ship-ice interactions in marine engineering. In order to model the dynamics of these colliding rigid multi-body systems, elbe is coupled to the ODE physics engine. First, basic validations of the ODE collision and friction models are presented, particularly focusing on interacting triangle meshes that later will serve to describe the ice floes. Then, the basic methodology and initial validation of the fluid-structure coupling of elbe and ODE is presented. Finally, performance is addressed: As elbe uses graphics processing units (GPUs) to accelerate the numerical calculations, the coupled numerical tool allows for investigations of ship-ice interactions in very competitive computational time and on off-the-shelf desktop hardware

    Mesoscale fluid simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann method

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    PhDThis thesis describes investigations of several complex fluid effects., including hydrodynamic spinodal decomposition, viscous instability. and self-assembly of a cubic surfactant phase, by simulating them with a lattice Boltzmann computational model. The introduction describes what is meant by the term "complex fluid", and why such fluids are both important and difficult to understand. A key feature of complex fluids is that their behaviour spans length and time scales. The lattice Boltzmann method is presented as a modelling technique which sits at a "mesoscale" level intermediate between coarse-grained and fine-grained detail, and which is therefore ideal for modelling certain classes of complex fluids. The following chapters describe simulations which have been performed using this technique, in two and three dimensions. Chapter 2 presents an investigation into the separation of a mixture of two fluids. This process is found to involve several physical mechanisms at different stages. The simulated behaviour is found to be in good agreement with existing theory, and a curious effect, due to multiple competing mechanisms, is observed, in agreement with experiments and other simulations. Chapter 3 describes an improvement to lattice Boltzmann models of Hele-Shaw flow, along with simulations which quantitatively demonstrate improvements in both accuracy and numerical stability. The Saffman-Taylor hydrodynamic instability is demonstrated using this model. Chapter 4 contains the details and results of the TeraGyroid experiment, which involved extremely large-scale simulations to investigate the dynamical behaviour of a self-assembling structure. The first finite- size-effect- free dynamical simulations of such a system are presented. It is found that several different mechanisms are responsible for the assembly; the existence of chiral domains is demonstrated, along with an examination of domain growth during self-assembly. Appendix A describes some aspects of the implementation of the lattice Boltzmann codes used in this thesis; appendix B describes some of the Grid computing techniques which were necessary for the simulations of chapter 4. Chapter 5 summarises the work, and makes suggestions for further research and improvement.Huntsman Corporation Queen Mary University Schlumberger Cambridge Researc

    Super Calculator using Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)

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    Scientific computation requires a great amount of computing power especially in floating-point operation but a high-end multi-cores processor is currently limited in terms of floating point operation performance and parallelization. Recent technological advancement has made parallel computing technically and financially feasible using Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) developed by NVIDIA. This research focuses on measuring the performance of CUDA and implementing CUDA for a scientific computation involving the process of porting the source code from CPU to GPU using direct integration technique. The ported source code is then optimized by managing the resources to achieve performance gain over CPU. It is found that CUDA is able to boost the performance of the system up to 69 times in Parboil Benchmark Suite. Successful attempt at porting Serpent encryption algorithm and Lattice Boltzmann Method provided up to 7 times throughput performance gain and up to 10 times execution time performance gain respectively over the CPU. Direct integration guideline for porting the source code is then produced based on the two implementations

    Multi‑physics bi‑directional evolutionary topology optimization on GPU‑architecture

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    Topology optimization has proven to be viable for use in the preliminary phases of real world design problems. Ultimately, the restricting factor is the computational expense since a multitude of designs need to be considered. This is especially imperative in such fields as aerospace, automotive and biomedical, where the problems involve multiple physical models, typically fluids and structures, requiring excessive computational calculations. One possible solution to this is to implement codes on massively parallel computer architectures, such as graphics processing units (GPUs). The present work investigates the feasibility of a GPU-implemented lattice Boltzmann method for multi-physics topology optimization for the first time. Noticeable differences between the GPU implementation and a central processing unit (CPU) version of the code are observed and the challenges associated with finding feasible solutions in a computational efficient manner are discussed and solved here, for the first time on a multi-physics topology optimization problem. The main goal of this paper is to speed up the topology optimization process for multi-physics problems without restricting the design domain, or sacrificing considerable performance in the objectives. Examples are compared with both standard CPU and various levels of numerical precision GPU codes to better illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of this implementation. A structural and fluid objective topology optimization problem is solved to vary the dependence of the algorithm on the GPU, extending on the previous literature that has only considered structural objectives of non-design dependent load problems. The results of this work indicate some discrepancies between GPU and CPU implementations that have not been seen before in the literature and are imperative to the speed-up of multi-physics topology optimization algorithms using GPUs
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