145 research outputs found

    Transfer Learning for Detecting Unknown Network Attacks

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    Network attacks are serious concerns in today’s increasingly interconnected society. Recent studies have applied conventional machine learning to network attack detection by learning the patterns of the network behaviors and training a classification model. These models usually require large labeled datasets; however, the rapid pace and unpredictability of cyber attacks make this labeling impossible in real time. To address these problems, we proposed utilizing transfer learning for detecting new and unseen attacks by transferring the knowledge of the known attacks. In our previous work, we have proposed a transfer learning-enabled framework and approach, called HeTL, which can find the common latent subspace of two different attacks and learn an optimized representation, which was invariant to attack behaviors’ changes. However, HeTL relied on manual pre-settings of hyper-parameters such as relativeness between the source and target attacks. In this paper, we extended this study by proposing a clustering-enhanced transfer learning approach, called CeHTL, which can automatically find the relation between the new attack and known attack. We evaluated these approaches by stimulating scenarios where the testing dataset contains different attack types or subtypes from the training set. We chose several conventional classification models such as decision trees, random forests, KNN, and other novel transfer learning approaches as strong baselines. Results showed that proposed HeTL and CeHTL improved the performance remarkably. CeHTL performed best, demonstrating the effectiveness of transfer learning in detecting new network attacks

    Botnet detection from drive-by downloads

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    The advancement in Information Technology has brought about an advancement in the development and deployment of malware. Bot Malware have brought about immense compromise in computer security. Various ways for the deployment of such bots have been devised by attackers and they are becoming stealthier and more evasive by the day. Detecting such bots has proven to be difficult even though there are various detection techniques. In this work, a packet capturing and analysis technique for detecting host-based bots on their characteristics and behavior is proposed. The system captures network traffic first, to establish normal traffic, then already captured botnet traffic was used to test the system. The system filters out HTTP packets and analyses these packets to further filter out botnet traffic from normal internet traffic. The system was able to detect malicious packets with a False Positive Rate of 0.2 and accuracy of 99.91%

    Image malware detection using deep learning

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    We are currently living in an area where artificial intelligence is making out every day to day life much easier to manage. Some researchers are continuously developing the codes of artificial intelligence to utilize the benefits of the human being. And there is the process called data mining, which is used in many domains, including finance, engineering, biomedicine, and cyber security. The utilization of data mining, artificial intelligence algorithms like deep learning is so vast that we can't even name them all. This technology has almost touched every industry and cyber security is the most beneficial. The process of enhancing cyber security with the help of deep learning methods has come out of the theory books and many organizations are utilizing them rather than using a traditional piece of software to defend against online threats. Especially in the field of recognizing and classifying codes or malware. And this is essential, because, with the advent of cloud computing and the Internet of Things, expand potential malware infection sites from PCs to any electronic device. This makes our day to day life very unsafe. In this post, first, we will describe in brief how deep learning can be the most useful and promising techniques to detect malware. Besides this we will go through a deep neural network,ResNet for malware dynamic behavior classification jobs
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