2,682 research outputs found

    Optimization problems in contracted tensor networks

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    Abstract We discuss the calculus of variations in tensor representations with a special focus on tensor networks and apply it to functionals of practical interest. The survey provides all necessary ingredients for applying minimization methods in a general setting. The important cases of target functionals which are linear and quadratic with respect to the tensor product are discussed, and combinations of these functionals are presented in detail. As an example, we consider the representation rank compression in tensor networks. For the numerical treatment, we use the nonlinear block Gauss-Seidel method. We demonstrate the rate of convergence in numerical tests

    qTorch: The Quantum Tensor Contraction Handler

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    Classical simulation of quantum computation is necessary for studying the numerical behavior of quantum algorithms, as there does not yet exist a large viable quantum computer on which to perform numerical tests. Tensor network (TN) contraction is an algorithmic method that can efficiently simulate some quantum circuits, often greatly reducing the computational cost over methods that simulate the full Hilbert space. In this study we implement a tensor network contraction program for simulating quantum circuits using multi-core compute nodes. We show simulation results for the Max-Cut problem on 3- through 7-regular graphs using the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), successfully simulating up to 100 qubits. We test two different methods for generating the ordering of tensor index contractions: one is based on the tree decomposition of the line graph, while the other generates ordering using a straight-forward stochastic scheme. Through studying instances of QAOA circuits, we show the expected result that as the treewidth of the quantum circuit's line graph decreases, TN contraction becomes significantly more efficient than simulating the whole Hilbert space. The results in this work suggest that tensor contraction methods are superior only when simulating Max-Cut/QAOA with graphs of regularities approximately five and below. Insight into this point of equal computational cost helps one determine which simulation method will be more efficient for a given quantum circuit. The stochastic contraction method outperforms the line graph based method only when the time to calculate a reasonable tree decomposition is prohibitively expensive. Finally, we release our software package, qTorch (Quantum TensOR Contraction Handler), intended for general quantum circuit simulation.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Improving the efficiency of variational tensor network algorithms

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    We present several results relating to the contraction of generic tensor networks and discuss their application to the simulation of quantum many-body systems using variational approaches based upon tensor network states. Given a closed tensor network T\mathcal{T}, we prove that if the environment of a single tensor from the network can be evaluated with computational cost κ\kappa, then the environment of any other tensor from T\mathcal{T} can be evaluated with identical cost κ\kappa. Moreover, we describe how the set of all single tensor environments from T\mathcal{T} can be simultaneously evaluated with fixed cost 3κ3\kappa. The usefulness of these results, which are applicable to a variety of tensor network methods, is demonstrated for the optimization of a Multi-scale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz (MERA) for the ground state of a 1D quantum system, where they are shown to substantially reduce the computation time.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, RevTex 4.1, includes reference implementation. Software updated to v1.02: Resolved two scenarios in which multienv would generate errors for valid input

    Lecture Notes of Tensor Network Contractions

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    Tensor network (TN), a young mathematical tool of high vitality and great potential, has been undergoing extremely rapid developments in the last two decades, gaining tremendous success in condensed matter physics, atomic physics, quantum information science, statistical physics, and so on. In this lecture notes, we focus on the contraction algorithms of TN as well as some of the applications to the simulations of quantum many-body systems. Starting from basic concepts and definitions, we first explain the relations between TN and physical problems, including the TN representations of classical partition functions, quantum many-body states (by matrix product state, tree TN, and projected entangled pair state), time evolution simulations, etc. These problems, which are challenging to solve, can be transformed to TN contraction problems. We present then several paradigm algorithms based on the ideas of the numerical renormalization group and/or boundary states, including density matrix renormalization group, time-evolving block decimation, coarse-graining/corner tensor renormalization group, and several distinguished variational algorithms. Finally, we revisit the TN approaches from the perspective of multi-linear algebra (also known as tensor algebra or tensor decompositions) and quantum simulation. Despite the apparent differences in the ideas and strategies of different TN algorithms, we aim at revealing the underlying relations and resemblances in order to present a systematic picture to understand the TN contraction approaches.Comment: 134 pages, 68 figures. In this version, the manuscript has been changed into the format of book; new sections about tensor network and quantum circuits have been adde

    The Tensor Networks Anthology: Simulation techniques for many-body quantum lattice systems

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    We present a compendium of numerical simulation techniques, based on tensor network methods, aiming to address problems of many-body quantum mechanics on a classical computer. The core setting of this anthology are lattice problems in low spatial dimension at finite size, a physical scenario where tensor network methods, both Density Matrix Renormalization Group and beyond, have long proven to be winning strategies. Here we explore in detail the numerical frameworks and methods employed to deal with low-dimension physical setups, from a computational physics perspective. We focus on symmetries and closed-system simulations in arbitrary boundary conditions, while discussing the numerical data structures and linear algebra manipulation routines involved, which form the core libraries of any tensor network code. At a higher level, we put the spotlight on loop-free network geometries, discussing their advantages, and presenting in detail algorithms to simulate low-energy equilibrium states. Accompanied by discussions of data structures, numerical techniques and performance, this anthology serves as a programmer's companion, as well as a self-contained introduction and review of the basic and selected advanced concepts in tensor networks, including examples of their applications.Comment: 115 pages, 56 figure

    Simulating Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems with Tree Tensor Networks

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    We present a tree-tensor-network-based method to study strongly correlated systems with nonlocal interactions in higher dimensions. Although the momentum-space and quantum-chemistry versions of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method have long been applied to such systems, the spatial topology of DMRG-based methods allows efficient optimizations to be carried out with respect to one spatial dimension only. Extending the matrix-product-state picture, we formulate a more general approach by allowing the local sites to be coupled to more than two neighboring auxiliary subspaces. Following Shi. et. al. [Phys. Rev. A, 74, 022320 (2006)], we treat a tree-like network ansatz with arbitrary coordination number z, where the z=2 case corresponds to the one-dimensional scheme. For this ansatz, the long-range correlation deviates from the mean-field value polynomially with distance, in contrast to the matrix-product ansatz, which deviates exponentially. The computational cost of the tree-tensor-network method is significantly smaller than that of previous DMRG-based attempts, which renormalize several blocks into a single block. In addition, we investigate the effect of unitary transformations on the local basis states and present a method for optimizing such transformations. For the 1-d interacting spinless fermion model, the optimized transformation interpolates smoothly between real space and momentum space. Calculations carried out on small quantum chemical systems support our approach