8 research outputs found

    Joint optimization of the selective maintenance and repairperson assignment problem when using new and remanufactured spare parts

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    This paper deals with the problem of the selective maintenance (SM) optimization for a series-parallel system. The system performs several missions with breaks between consecutive missions. To improve the system reliability during the next mission, its components are maintained during the breaks. Current models in the SM literature usually assume that when a component is subjected to a replacement, it is done by a new one. This paper introduces a novel variant of the selective maintenance problem (SMP) where a mixture of new and reconditioned/remanufactured parts are used to carry out replacements. It has indeed been proved that remanufacturing processes can extend the life of a product returned from the field. This provides not only economic opportunities but also favours sustainable practices. Accordingly, a novel mixed integer nonlinear programming model of the SMP is developed and optimally solved. Numerical experiments show how using reconditioned spare parts impacts the SM decisions. (C) 2019, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Data-driven prognostics and logistics optimisation:A deep learning journey

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    Data-driven prognostics and logistics optimisation:A deep learning journey

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    Optimization of the joint selective maintenance and repairperson assignment problem under imperfect maintenance

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    This paper addresses the maintenance optimization problem in a multi-component system, carrying out several missions interspersed with scheduled finite breaks. Due to limited time, budget, or resources, maintenance actions can be only carried out on a limited set of components. The decision maker then has to decide which components to maintain to ensure a pre-specified performance level during the next mission. This is known as the selective maintenance problem. Most of the existing models in the literature usually assume that only one repair channel is available or that the assignment optimization can be done at a subsequent stage. To overcome this restrictive assumption, this paper introduces a novel integrated non-linear programming formulation of the selective maintenance problem to jointly select the components to be maintained, the maintenance levels to be carried out and the assignment of the maintenance tasks to multiple repair-persons or repair-channels. The fundamental constructs and the relevant parameters of this non-linear optimization problem are developed and discussed. Numerical experiments show the benefits of jointly selecting the components to be maintained and assigning the repair tasks to repair-persons

    Estudo e melhoria dos processos produtivos num centro de colisão auto

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    A presente dissertação de mestrado é resultante de um estágio realizado na Caetano Formula, situada no sector um da zona industrial da Maia, inserida no âmbito do curso de Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica – Gestão Industrial do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. O estágio consistiu no estudo e otimização dos processos produtivos do departamento de chapa e pintura da Caetano Formula, sendo imprescindível a análise do desperdício incrementada nos processos produtivos dos seus colaboradores, otimização do layout e principalmente implementação de melhorias nos processos realizados pelos colaboradores com foco no desperdício. Uma grande adversidade do dia-a-dia das empresas, é não conseguirem acompanhar o crescimento da competitividade que existe no ramo em que se inserem, sendo que, por vezes, existe a necessidade de redefinição do plano estratégico recorrendo a novas técnicas e filosofias, eliminando o desperdício inerente ao processo. Quando o Grupo Salvador Caetano adquiriu as instalações da antiga Autogarme, sensibilizou a remodelação das infraestruturas, sendo que o departamento de colisão não ficou esquecido, também restruturou a oficina de recondicionamento que se encontrava na freguesia de Ermesinde para as suas novas instalações na Maia, sendo que o layout se manteve sem qualquer tipo de alteração. Hoje, a Caetano Formula é destingida pela Renault pelos seus elevados padrões de qualidade, sendo dos melhores concessionários a atuar no mercado Português, em conjunto com o Renault Retail Group. Com o mercado de retalho automóvel cada vez mais competitivo, o Grupo Salvador Caetano define objetivos para as várias secções de produtividade (mecânica, chaparia e pintura), embora os indicadores encontram-se distantes do objetivo proposto pelo grupo, tendo por base os serviços relacionados com os indicadores. Assim sendo, encontrar-seão apresentados ao longo da presente dissertação respostas às questões mais pertinentes relativamente a todos os procedimentos que darão seguimento às implementações de melhorias num sistema bastante difícil e competitivo, prestação de serviços, sendo o objetivo a qualidade do produto e fidelização dos clientes.This dissertation is the result of an internship at Caetano Formula, located in sector one of the industrial zones of Maia, within the scope of the master’s degree course in Mechanical Engineering - Industrial Management of the Higher Institute of Engineering of Porto. The internship consisted of the study and optimization of the production processes of Caetano Formula's plate and paint department. It is essential to analyze the increased waste in the production processes of its employees, layout optimization and especially the implementation of process improvements made by employees focusing on waste. A great adversity in the daily life of companies, is not being able to keep up with the growth of competitiveness that exists in the field in which they operate, and sometimes there is a need to redefine the strategic plan using new techniques and philosophies, eliminating the waste inherent in the process. When the Salvador Caetano Group acquired the facilities of the former Autogarme, it sensitized the remodeling of the infrastructures, and the collision department was not forgotten. that the layout remained unchanged. Today, Caetano Formula is distinguished by Renault for its high quality standards, being one of the best dealers operating in the Portuguese market, together with the Renault Retail Group. With the increasingly competitive automotive retail market, the Salvador Caetano Group sets goals for the various productivity sections (mechanical, sheet metal and paint), although the indicators are far from the group's proposed objective, based on related services. with the indicators. Therefore, answers will be presented throughout this dissertation to the most pertinent questions regarding all procedures that will follow the implementation of improvements in a very difficult and competitive system, service delivery, with the objective being product quality and customer loyalt

    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum