2,245 research outputs found

    Optimal Control of Wireless Computing Networks

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    Augmented information (AgI) services allow users to consume information that results from the execution of a chain of service functions that process source information to create real-time augmented value. Applications include real-time analysis of remote sensing data, real-time computer vision, personalized video streaming, and augmented reality, among others. We consider the problem of optimal distribution of AgI services over a wireless computing network, in which nodes are equipped with both communication and computing resources. We characterize the wireless computing network capacity region and design a joint flow scheduling and resource allocation algorithm that stabilizes the underlying queuing system while achieving a network cost arbitrarily close to the minimum, with a tradeoff in network delay. Our solution captures the unique chaining and flow scaling aspects of AgI services, while exploiting the use of the broadcast approach coding scheme over the wireless channel.Comment: 30 pages, journa

    Distortion Metrics of Composite Channels with Receiver Side Information

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    We consider transmission of stationary ergodic sources over non-ergodic composite channels with channel state information at the receiver (CSIR). Previously we introduced alternative capacity definitions to Shannon capacity, including outage and expected capacity. These generalized definitions relax the constraint of Shannon capacity that all transmitted information must be decoded at the receiver. In this work alternative end- to-end distortion metrics such as outage and expected distortion are introduced to relax the constraint that a single distortion level has to be maintained for all channel states. Through the example of transmission of a Gaussian source over a slow-fading Gaussian channel, we illustrate that the end-to-end distortion metrics dictate whether the source and channel coding can be separated for a communication system. We also show that the source and channel need to exchange information through an appropriate interface to facilitate separate encoding and decoding

    Space-Time Signal Design for Multilevel Polar Coding in Slow Fading Broadcast Channels

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    Slow fading broadcast channels can model a wide range of applications in wireless networks. Due to delay requirements and the unavailability of the channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT), these channels for many applications are non-ergodic. The appropriate measure for designing signals in non-ergodic channels is the outage probability. In this paper, we provide a method to optimize STBCs based on the outage probability at moderate SNRs. Multilevel polar coded-modulation is a new class of coded-modulation techniques that benefits from low complexity decoders and simple rate matching. In this paper, we derive the outage optimality condition for multistage decoding and propose a rule for determining component code rates. We also derive an upper bound on the outage probability of STBCs for designing the set-partitioning-based labelling. Finally, due to the optimality of the outage-minimized STBCs for long codes, we introduce a novel method for the joint optimization of short-to-moderate length polar codes and STBCs

    Joint Source-Channel Coding with Time-Varying Channel and Side-Information

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    Transmission of a Gaussian source over a time-varying Gaussian channel is studied in the presence of time-varying correlated side information at the receiver. A block fading model is considered for both the channel and the side information, whose states are assumed to be known only at the receiver. The optimality of separate source and channel coding in terms of average end-to-end distortion is shown when the channel is static while the side information state follows a discrete or a continuous and quasiconcave distribution. When both the channel and side information states are time-varying, separate source and channel coding is suboptimal in general. A partially informed encoder lower bound is studied by providing the channel state information to the encoder. Several achievable transmission schemes are proposed based on uncoded transmission, separate source and channel coding, joint decoding as well as hybrid digital-analog transmission. Uncoded transmission is shown to be optimal for a class of continuous and quasiconcave side information state distributions, while the channel gain may have an arbitrary distribution. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example in which the uncoded transmission achieves the optimal performance thanks to the time-varying nature of the states, while it is suboptimal in the static version of the same problem. Then, the optimal \emph{distortion exponent}, that quantifies the exponential decay rate of the expected distortion in the high SNR regime, is characterized for Nakagami distributed channel and side information states, and it is shown to be achieved by hybrid digital-analog and joint decoding schemes in certain cases, illustrating the suboptimality of pure digital or analog transmission in general.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Bit Allocation Law for Multi-Antenna Channel Feedback Quantization: Single-User Case

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    This paper studies the design and optimization of a limited feedback single-user system with multiple-antenna transmitter and single-antenna receiver. The design problem is cast in form of the minimizing the average transmission power at the base station subject to the user's outage probability constraint. The optimization is over the user's channel quantization codebook and the transmission power control function at the base station. Our approach is based on fixing the outage scenarios in advance and transforming the design problem into a robust system design problem. We start by showing that uniformly quantizing the channel magnitude in dB scale is asymptotically optimal, regardless of the magnitude distribution function. We derive the optimal uniform (in dB) channel magnitude codebook and combine it with a spatially uniform channel direction codebook to arrive at a product channel quantization codebook. We then optimize such a product structure in the asymptotic regime of BB\rightarrow \infty, where BB is the total number of quantization feedback bits. The paper shows that for channels in the real space, the asymptotically optimal number of direction quantization bits should be (M1)/2{(M{-}1)}/{2} times the number of magnitude quantization bits, where MM is the number of base station antennas. We also show that the performance of the designed system approaches the performance of the perfect channel state information system as 22BM+12^{-\frac{2B}{M+1}}. For complex channels, the number of magnitude and direction quantization bits are related by a factor of (M1)(M{-}1) and the system performance scales as 2BM2^{-\frac{B}{M}} as BB\rightarrow\infty.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, March 201

    Code designs for MIMO broadcast channels

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    Recent information-theoretic results show the optimality of dirty-paper coding (DPC) in achieving the full capacity region of the Gaussian multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) broadcast channel (BC). This paper presents a DPC based code design for BCs. We consider the case in which there is an individual rate/signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) constraint for each user. For a fixed transmitter power, we choose the linear transmit precoding matrix such that the SINRs at users are uniformly maximized, thus ensuring the best bit-error rate performance. We start with Cover's simplest two-user Gaussian BC and present a coding scheme that operates 1.44 dB from the boundary of the capacity region at the rate of one bit per real sample (b/s) for each user. We then extend the coding strategy to a two-user MIMO Gaussian BC with two transmit antennas at the base-station and develop the first limit-approaching code design using nested turbo codes for DPC. At the rate of 1 b/s for each user, our design operates 1.48 dB from the capacity region boundary. We also consider the performance of our scheme over a slow fading BC. For two transmit antennas, simulation results indicate a performance loss of only 1.4 dB, 1.64 dB and 1.99 dB from the theoretical limit in terms of the total transmission power for the two, three and four user case, respectively