6,477 research outputs found

    Dynamic approach to solve the daily drayage problem with travel time uncertainty

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    The intermodal transport chain can become more e cient by means of a good organization of drayage movements. Drayage in intermodal container terminals involves the pick up and delivery of containers at customer locations, and the main objective is normally the assignment of transportation tasks to the di erent vehicles, often with the presence of time windows. This scheduling has traditionally been done once a day and, under these conditions, any unexpected event could cause timetable delays. We propose to use the real-time knowledge about vehicle position to solve this problem, which permanently allows the planner to reassign tasks in case the problem conditions change. This exact knowledge of the position of the vehicles is possible using a geographic positioning system by satellite (GPS, Galileo, Glonass), and the results show that this additional data can be used to dynamically improve the solution

    Multi-objective model for optimizing railway infrastructure asset renewal

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    Trabalho inspirado num problema real da empresa Infraestruturas de Portugal, EP.A multi-objective model for managing railway infrastructure asset renewal is presented. The model aims to optimize three objectives, while respecting operational constraints: levelling investment throughout multiple years, minimizing total cost and minimizing work start postponements. Its output is an optimized intervention schedule. The model is based on a case study from a Portuguese infrastructure management company, which specified the objectives and constraints, and reflects management practice on railway infrastructure. The results show that investment levelling greatly influences the other objectives and that total cost fluctuations may range from insignificant to important, depending on the condition of the infrastructure. The results structure is argued to be general and suggests a practical methodology for analysing trade-offs and selecting a solution for implementation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A three-dimensional macroscopic fundamental diagram for mixed bi-modal urban networks

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    Recent research has studied the existence and the properties of a macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) for large urban networks. The MFD should not be universally expected as high scatter or hysteresis might appear for some type of networks, like heterogeneous networks or freeways. In this paper, we investigate if aggregated relationships can describe the performance of urban bi-modal networks with buses and cars sharing the same road infrastructure and identify how this performance is influenced by the interactions between modes and the effect of bus stops. Based on simulation data, we develop a three-dimensional vehicle MFD (3D-vMFD) relating the accumulation of cars and buses, and the total circulating vehicle flow in the network. This relation experiences low scatter and can be approximated by an exponential-family function. We also propose a parsimonious model to estimate a three-dimensional passenger MFD (3D-pMFD), which provides a different perspective of the flow characteristics in bi-modal networks, by considering that buses carry more passengers. We also show that a constant Bus-Car Unit (BCU) equivalent value cannot describe the influence of buses in the system as congestion develops. We then integrate a partitioning algorithm to cluster the network into a small number of regions with similar mode composition and level of congestion. Our results show that partitioning unveils important traffic properties of flow heterogeneity in the studied network. Interactions between buses and cars are different in the partitioned regions due to higher density of buses. Building on these results, various traffic management strategies in bi-modal multi-region urban networks can then be integrated, such as redistribution of urban space among different modes, perimeter signal control with preferential treatment of buses and bus priority

    Policy-making tool for optimization of transit priority lanes in urban network

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    Transit improvement is an effective way to relieve traffic congestion and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Improvement can be in the form of new facilities or giving on-road priority to transit. Although construction of off-road mass transit is not always viable, giving priority to transit can be a low-cost alternative. A framework is introduced for optimization of bus priority at the network level. The framework identifies links on which a bus lane should be located. Allocation of a lane to transit vehicles would increase the utility of transit, although this can be a disadvantage to auto traffic. The approach balances the impact on all stakeholders. Automobile advocates would like to increase traffic road space, and the total travel time of users and total emissions of the network could be reduced by a stronger priority scheme. A bilevel optimization is applied that encompasses an objective function at the upper level and a mode choice, a traffic assignment, and a transit assignment model at the lower level. The proposed optimization helps transport authorities to quantify the outcomes of various strategies of transit priority. A detailed sensitivity analysis is carried out on the relative weight of each factor in the objective function. The proposed framework can also be applied in the context of high-occupancy-vehicle lanes and heavy-vehicle priority lanes

    The crew-scheduling module in the GIST system

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    The public transportation is gaining importance every year basically due the population growth, environmental policies and, route and street congestion. Too able an efficient management of all the resources related to public transportation, several techniques from different areas are being applied and several projects in Transportation Planning Systems, in different countries, are being developed. In this work, we present the GIST Planning Transportation Systems, a Portuguese project involving two universities and six public transportation companies. We describe in detail one of the most relevant modules of this project, the crew-scheduling module. The crew-scheduling module is based on the application of meta-heuristics, in particular GRASP, tabu search and genetic algorithm to solve the bus-driver-scheduling problem. The metaheuristics have been successfully incorporated in the GIST Planning Transportation Systems and are actually used by several companies.Integrated transportation systems, crew scheduling, metaheuristics

    An Integrated Contraflow Strategy for Multimodal Evacuation

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    To improve the efficiency of multimodal evacuation, a network aggregation method and an integrated contraflow strategy are proposed in this paper. The network aggregation method indicates the uncertain evacuation demand on the arterial subnetwork and balances accuracy and efficiency by refining the local road subnetworks. The integrated contraflow strategy contains three arterial configurations: noncontraflow to shorten the strategy setup time, full-lane contraflow to maximize the evacuation network capacity, and bus contraflow to realize the transit cycle operation. The application of this strategy takes two steps to provide transit priority during evacuation: solve the transit-based evacuation problem with a minimum-cost flow model, firstly, and then address the auto-based evacuation problem with a bilevel network flow model. The numerical results from optimizing an evacuation network for a super typhoon justify the validness and usefulness of the network aggregation method and the integrated contraflow strategy