47 research outputs found

    Optimization of intersatellite routing for real-time data download

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    The objective of this study is to develop a strategy to maximise the available bandwidth to Earth of a satellite constellation through inter-satellite links. Optimal signal routing is achieved by mimicking the way in which ant colonies locate food sources, where the 'ants' are explorative data packets aiming to find a near-optimal route to Earth. Demonstrating the method on a case-study of a space weather monitoring constellation; we show the real-time downloadable rate to Earth

    Satellite-based internet: A tutorial

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    In a satellite-based Internet system, satellites are used to interconnect heterogeneous network segments and to provide ubiquitous direct Internet access to homes and businesses. This article presents satellite-based Internet architectures and discusses multiple access control, routing, satellite transport, and integrating satellite networks into the global Internet.published_or_final_versio

    Satellite-based internet: A tutorial

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    In a satellite-based Internet system, satellites are used to interconnect heterogeneous network segments and to provide ubiquitous direct Internet access to homes and businesses. This article presents satellite-based Internet architectures and discusses multiple access control, routing, satellite transport, and integrating satellite networks into the global Internet.published_or_final_versio

    Architectural Model for Evaluating Space Communication Networks

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    [ANGLÈS] The space exploration endeavor started in 1957 with the launch and operation of the first manmade satellite, the URSS Sputnik 1. Since then, multiple space programs have been developed, pushing the limits of technology and science but foremost unveiling the mysteries of the universe. In all these cases, the need for flexible and reliable communication systems has been primordial, allowing the return of collected science data and, when necessary, ensuring the well-being and safety of astronauts. To that end, multiple space communication networks have been globally deployed, be it through geographically distributed ground assets or through space relay satellites. Until now most of these systems have relied upon mature technology standards that have been adapted to the specific needs of particular missions and customers. Nevertheless, current trends in the space programs suggest that a shift of paradigm is needed: an Internet-like space network would increase the capacity and reliability of an interplanetary network while dramatically reducing its overall costs. In this context, the System Architecting Paradigm can be a good starting point. Through its formal decomposition of the system, it can help determine the architecturally distinguishing decisions and identify potential areas of commonality and cost reduction. This thesis presents a general framework to evaluate space communication relay systems for the near Earth domain. It indicates the sources of complexity in the modeling process, and discusses the validity and appropriateness of past approaches to the problem. In particular, it proposes a discussion of current models vis-à-vis the System Architecting Paradigm and how they fit into tradespace exploration studies. Next, the thesis introduces a computational performance model for the analysis and fast simulation of space relay satellite systems. The tool takes advantage of a specifically built-in rule-based expert system for storing the constitutive elements of the architecture and perform logical interactions between them. Analogously, it uses numerical models to assess the network topology over a given timeframe, perform physical layer computations and calculate plausible schedules for the overall system. In particular, it presents a newly developed heuristic scheduler that guarantees prioritization of specific missions and services while ensuring manageable computational times.[CASTELLÀ] El inicio de la carrera espacial se inició en 1957 con el lanzamiento y operación del primer satélite artificial, el Sputnik 1 de la URSS. Desde entonces se han desarrollado múltiples programas espaciales que han llevado al límite tanto la tecnología como la ciencia y han permitido desvelar los misterios del universo. En todos estos casos, la necesidad de sistemas de comunicación flexibles y fiables ha sido primordial con el fin de asegurar el retorno de los datos científicos recopilados y, en ciertos casos, garantizar la seguridad de los astronautas. Como consecuencia, múltiples redes de comunicaciones espaciales han sido desplegadas, ya sea a través de antenas globalmente distribuidas a través de la superficie terrestre o mediante satélites repetidores. Hasta ahora la mayoría de estos sistemas se ha basado en estándares tecnológicos maduros y testeados, los cuales se han adaptado con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades específicas de cada misión y cliente. Sin embargo, las tendencias actuales en el diseño de los nuevos programas espaciales indica que un cambio de paradigma es necesario: una red espacial a imagen de Internet permitiría incrementar la capacidad y fiabilidad de las comunicaciones interplanetarias y, a la vez, reducir dramáticamente sus costes. En este contexto, el paradigma de arquitectura de sistemas puede ser un buen punto de partida. Mediante la descomposición formal del sistema, puede ayudar a determinar las decisiones que tienen un impacto cabal en el diseño de la arquitectura así como identificar las áreas con tecnologías similares y de menor coste. Esta tesis presenta un marco teórico general para evaluar sistemas de comunicaciones espaciales para misiones que orbitan la Tierra. Adicionalmente, la tesis indica los principales orígenes de complejidad durante el modelado del sistema y presenta una discusión sobre la validez de anteriores estrategias para analizar el problema. En concreto, propone una comparación de anteriores modelos respecto el paradigma de arquitectura de sistemas y su grado de adecuación para evaluar y comprar arquitecturas. A continuación, la tesis introduce un modelo computacional para simular y evaluar el rendimiento de sistemas de repetidores por satélite. La herramienta utiliza un rule-based expert system específicamente diseñado con el fin de almacenar los principales elementos constitutivos de la arquitectura y comprender las interacciones lógicas entre ellos. Análogamente, el modelo usa métodos numéricos con el fin de calcular la evolución temporal de la topología de la red en un determinado intervalo de tiempo, así como su capa física y un posible programa de contactos. En concreto, presenta un nuevo scheduler heurístico que garantiza la correcta ordenación de las misiones y servicios a la vez que asegura un tiempo computacional aceptable.[CATALÀ] L'inici de la cursa espacial va iniciar-se l'any 1957 amb el llançament i operació del primer satèl·lit artificial, l'Sputnik 1 de la URSS. Des d'aleshores s'han dut a terme múltiples programes espacials que han portat al límit tant la tecnologia com la ciència i han permès desvelar els misteris de l'univers. En tots aquests casos, la necessitat de sistemes de comunicació flexibles i fiables ha sigut primordial per tal d'assegurar el retorn de les dades científiques recopilades i, en certs casos, garantir el benestar i seguretat dels astronautes. Com a conseqüència, múltiples xarxes de comunicacions espacials han sigut desplegades, ja sigui a través d'antenes globalment distribuïdes a través de la superfície terrestre o mitjançant satèl·lits repetidors. Fins ara la majoria d'aquests sistemes s'han basat en estàndards tecnològics madurs i testats, els quals s'han adaptat per tal de satisfer les necessitats específiques de cada missió i client. Això no obstant, les tendències actuals en el disseny dels nous programes espacials indica que un canvi de paradigma és necessari: una xarxa espacial a imatge d'Internet permetria incrementar la capacitat i fiabilitat de les comunicacions interplanetàries i, alhora, reduir dramàticament els seu costs. En aquest context, el paradigma d'arquitectura de sistemes pot ser un bon punt de partida. Mitjançant la descomposició formal del sistema, pot ajudar a determinar les decisions que tenen un impacte cabdal en el disseny de l'arquitectura així com permetre identificar àrees amb tecnologies similars i de menor cost. Aquesta tesi presenta un marc teòric general per avaluar sistemes de comunicacions espacials per missions orbitant la Terra. Addicionalment, la tesi indica els principals orígens de complexitat durant el modelatge del sistema i presenta una discussió sobre la validesa d'anteriors estratègies per analitzar el problema. En concret, proposa una comparació d'anteriors models respecte el paradigma d'arquitectura de sistemes i el seu grau d'adequació per avaluar i comparar arquitectures. A continuació, la tesi introdueix un model computacional per simular i avaluar el rendiment de sistemes de repetidors per satèl·lit. L'eina empra un rule-based expert system específicament dissenyat per tal d'emmagatzemar els principals elements constitutius de l'arquitectura i comprendre les interaccions lògiques entre ells. Anàlogament, el model utilitza mètodes numèrics per tal de calcular l'evolució temporal de la topologia de la xarxa en un determinat interval de temps, així com calcular la seva capa física i un possible programa de contactes. En concret, presenta un nou scheduler heurístic que garanteix la correcte ordenació de les missions i serveis tot assegurant un temps de computació acceptable

    Large constellations of small satellites: A survey of near future challenges and missions

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    Constellations of satellites are being proposed in large numbers; most of them are expected to be in orbit within the next decade. They will provide communication to unserved and underserved communities, enable global monitoring of Earth and enhance space observation. Mostly enabled by technology miniaturization, satellite constellations require a coordinated effort to face the technological limits in spacecraft operations and space traffic. At the moment in fact, no cost-effective infrastructure is available to withstand coordinated flight of large fleets of satellites. In order for large constellations to be sustainable, there is the need to efficiently integrate and use them in the current space framework. This review paper provides an overview of the available experience in constellation operations and statistical trends about upcoming constellations at the moment of writing. It highlights also the tools most often proposed in the analyzed works to overcome constellation management issues, such as applications of machine learning/artificial intelligence and resource/infrastructure sharing. As such, it is intended to be a useful resource for both identifying emerging trends in satellite constellations, and enabling technologies still requiring substantial development efforts

    Integrating LEO Satellite Constellations into Internet Backbone

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    Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations have been used for ubiquitous and flexible Internet access services. However, a number of problems related to the integration of terrestrial with satellite hosts should be resolved for the effective exploitation of LEO constellations. LEO constellations are different from terrestrial Internet because of its special properties, which result in a lot of problems. A key issue is how to route Internet packets to the LEO constellation. In the thesis (1) the background of LEO constellations was introduced; (2) the obstacles of routing between the satellites and Internet were outlined; (3) The particular problem, which must be solved, is the routing burst stream traffic in LEO satellite constellations. Two novel routing algorithmsCControl Route Transmission (CRT) and CRT with bandwidth allocation (BCRT)Cwere utilized to address the bursts routing problem. CRT is an adaptive protocol which is able to minimize the congestion in the constellations. BCRT is a CRT extension which is allowed to class the traffic (e.g. video) with different QoS requirements and guarantees. Both of CRT and BCRT work in time epochs. Routes are computed on the basis of a directed weighted graph representing the global traffic traveling in the constellations. Both CRT and BCRT were evaluated via simulation and compared with other proposals in the literatures. The results showed that CRT is a simple algorithm, but the strategy produced by CRT could avoid the congestion and enhance the global resource usage in different traffic conditions. Moreover, the explicit reservation and reroute of BCRT greatly improve the performance of CRT. In particular, the dropping rate of BCRT is very low and the average delivery time is comparable with other proposals in the literatures.Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations have been used for ubiquitous and flexible Internet access services. However, a number of problems related to the integration of terrestrial with satellite hosts should be resolved for the effective exploitation of LEO constellations. LEO constellations are different from terrestrial Internet because of its special properties, which result in a lot of problems. A key issue is how to route Internet packets to the LEO constellation. In the thesis (1) the background of LEO constellations was introduced; (2) the obstacles of routing between the satellites and Internet were outlined; (3) The particular problem, which must be solved, is the routing burst stream traffic in LEO satellite constellations. Two novel routing algorithmsCControl Route Transmission (CRT) and CRT with bandwidth allocation (BCRT)Cwere utilized to address the bursts routing problem. CRT is an adaptive protocol which is able to minimize the congestion in the constellations. BCRT is a CRT extension which is allowed to class the traffic (e.g. video) with different QoS requirements and guarantees. Both of CRT and BCRT work in time epochs. Routes are computed on the basis of a directed weighted graph representing the global traffic traveling in the constellations. Both CRT and BCRT were evaluated via simulation and compared with other proposals in the literatures. The results showed that CRT is a simple algorithm, but the strategy produced by CRT could avoid the congestion and enhance the global resource usage in different traffic conditions. Moreover, the explicit reservation and reroute of BCRT greatly improve the performance of CRT. In particular, the dropping rate of BCRT is very low and the average delivery time is comparable with other proposals in the literatures

    Satellite-5G integration: a network perspective

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    Future 5G mobile communication systems are expected to integrate different radio access technologies, including the satellite component. Within the 5G framework, the terrestrial services can be augmented with the development of HTS systems and new mega-constellations meeting 5G requirements, such as high bandwidth, low latency, and increased coverage including rural areas, air, and seas. This article provides an overview of the current 5G initiatives and projects followed by a proposed architecture for 5G satellite networks where the SDN/NFV approach facilitates the integration with the 5G terrestrial system. In addition, a novel technique based on network coding is analyzed for the joint exploitation of multiple paths in such an integrated satellite-terrestrial system. For TCP-based applications, an analytical model is presented to achieve an optimal traffic split between terrestrial and satellite paths and optimal redundancy levels

    A novel dissemination protocol to deploy opportunistic services in federated satellite systems

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    The Earth Observation community is demanding new satellite applications that cover the need of monitoring different areas with high spatial resolution and short revisit times. These applications will generate huge amounts of data, and thus improvements in the downlink capacity are mandatory. Distributed Satellite Systems have emerged as a moderate-risk and cost-effective solution to meet these new requirements. These systems are groups of satellites that share a global and common objective. One of these systems are the Federated Satellite Systems, which rely on the collaboration between satellites that share unused resources, such as memory storage, computing capabilities, or downlink opportunities. In the same context, the Internet of Satellites paradigm expands the FSS concept to a multi-hop scenario, without predefining a satellite system architecture, and deploying temporal satellite networks. The basis of both concepts is the offer of unused satellite resources as services, being necessary that satellites notify their availability to other satellites that composes the system. This work presents the Opportunistic Service Avaliability Dissemination Protocol, which allows a satellite to publish an available service to be consumed by others. Details of the protocol behavior, and packet formats are presented as part of the protocol definition. Additionally, without loss of generality, the protocol has been verified in a realistic scenario composed of Earth Observation satellites, and the Telesat mega-constellation as a network backbone. The achieved results demonstrate the benefits of using the proposed protocol by doubling the downloaded data in some cases.This work was supported in part by the ’’CommSensLab’’ Excellence Research Unit Maria de Maeztu Ministerio de asuntos Económicos y transformación digital (MINECO) under Grant MDM-2016-0600; in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) and European Union - European Regional Development Fund (EU ERDF) project ’’Sensing with pioneering opportunistic techniques‘‘ under Grant RTI2018-099008-B-C21; in part by the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)—Generalitat de Catalunya (FEDER) under Grant FI-DGR 2015; and in part by the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya under Grant 2017 SGR 376 and Grant 2017 SGR 219.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Antenna and Random Access Solutions for nano-satellite and 5G networks operating in the millimiter-wave domain

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    L\u2019obiettivo di questa tesi \ue8 la discussione di soluzioni per reti satellitari basate su nano-satelliti e reti 5G, operanti in onde millimetriche. I contributi originali di questo lavoro interessano due settori che ricoprono un ruolo chiave nel contesto delle comunicazioni digitali ad alta velocit\ue0 e alta capacit\ue0: i meccanismi di condivisione del mezzo trasmissivo basati sull\u2019accesso casuale e le antenne a schiera riconfigurabili e compatte. I risultati ottenuti in questi due ambiti sono poi applicati in un\u2019architettura di rete che integra sistemi 5G terrestri e una costellazione di nanosatelliti in orbita bassa. Le comunicazioni satellitari sono sempre pi\uf9 parte integrante della vita quotidiana. Negli ultimi anni, si \ue8 registrata una crescita notevole dei piccoli satelliti (da 1 a 100 kg), sia in termini di tecnologia, che di frequenza di utilizzo. Non solo vengono lanciati in gran numero, ma si \ue8 iniziato ad utilizzarli in costellazioni da diverse decine di unit\ue0. Questa attivit\ue0 \ue8 l\u2019indicatore di una prospettiva ormai prossima: gli sviluppi nel settore dell\u2019Information and Communication Technology hanno avviato diverse iniziative che puntano ad utilizzare megacostellazioni di satelliti come reti per la fornitura di servizi di comunicazione a banda larga. Lo sfruttamento delle onde millimetriche rappresenta quindi un punto cardine per soddisfare la crescente richiesta di capacit\ue0 dei sistemi radio di prossima generazione. Inoltre, lo scenario che ne risulta \ue8 tale da richiedere una connettivit\ue0 completa, cos\uec che ogni satellite operi come un nodo di rete a tutto tondo, con possibilit\ue0 di collegamento tra la terra e lo spazio, e da satellite a satellite. In tale contesto, il ricorso a moderne tecniche di accesso casuale \ue8 particolarmente indicato. Negli ultimi anni si \ue8 assistito a un rinnovato interesse per i protocolli di tipo Aloha, grazie alla possibilit\ue0 di dotare i ricevitori di sistemi di cancellazione dell\u2019interferenza. A tale proposito, viene presentato un nuovo algoritmo che affianca alla cancellazione iterativa di interferenza lo sfruttamento dell\u2019effetto cattura, tenendo al tempo stesso presente la possibile non idealit\ue0 della cancellazione, e quindi la presenza di un residuo. Le sue prestazioni sono confrontate con i metodi attualmente adottati negli standard, mostrando un miglioramento del throughput pari al 31%. Viene inoltre presentata la sintesi di un\u2019antenna a schiera operante in banda Ka adatta per l\u2019uso su nanosatelliti. La schiera risultante offre interessanti benefici in termini di larghezza di banda, polarizzazione e versatilit\ue0, essendo possibile un utilizzo dual-task (downlink verso terra e collegamentointersatellitare). I risultati cos\uec ottenuti sono poi utilizzati per dimostrare, in un simulatore tempo discreto ed evento discreto, le prestazioni ottenibili da un\u2019architettura di rete integrante segmenti di rete radiomobile 5G con una dorsale costituita da una costellazione di nanosatellti. Il simulatore si avvale inoltre di un modello teorico per valutare l\u2019impatto della distribuzione geometrica dei nodi interferenti su una comunicazione in onde millimetriche di tipo line-of-sight. Tale modello, validato con simulazioni di tipo Monte Carlo, contempla i diagrammi di radiazione delle antenne e i recenti modelli di canale in onde millimetriche, che tengono in considerazione rumore, dispersione angolare, fading e bounded path loss. Sono state ricavate delle formulazioni analitiche per la distribuzione della potenza di rumore e interferenza, che consentono di valutare in forma chiusa la probabilit\ue0 di cattura. Tale impostazione \ue8 stata infine usata per discutere gli effetti dell\u2019interferenza sulla capacit\ue0 di Shannon di un collegamento in uplink operante in onde millimetriche, prendendo in considerazione delle condizioni realistiche per il canale