111 research outputs found

    An Intrinsically-Motivated Approach for Learning Highly Exploring and Fast Mixing Policies

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    What is a good exploration strategy for an agent that interacts with an environment in the absence of external rewards? Ideally, we would like to get a policy driving towards a uniform state-action visitation (highly exploring) in a minimum number of steps (fast mixing), in order to ease efficient learning of any goal-conditioned policy later on. Unfortunately, it is remarkably arduous to directly learn an optimal policy of this nature. In this paper, we propose a novel surrogate objective for learning highly exploring and fast mixing policies, which focuses on maximizing a lower bound to the entropy of the steady-state distribution induced by the policy. In particular, we introduce three novel lower bounds, that lead to as many optimization problems, that tradeoff the theoretical guarantees with computational complexity. Then, we present a model-based reinforcement learning algorithm, IDE3^{3}AL, to learn an optimal policy according to the introduced objective. Finally, we provide an empirical evaluation of this algorithm on a set of hard-exploration tasks.Comment: In 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020


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    Natural language processing (NLP) is a technique by which computers can analyze, understand, and derive meaning from human language. Phrases in a body of natural text that represent names, such as those of persons, organizations or locations are referred to as named entities. Identifying and categorizing these named entities is still a challenging task, research on which, has been carried out for many years. In this project, we build a supervised learning based classifier which can perform named entity recognition and classification (NERC) on input text and implement it as part of a chatbot application. The implementation is then scaled out to handle very high-velocity concurrent inputs and deployed on two clusters of different sizes. We evaluate performance for various input loads and configurations and compare observations to determine an optimal environment

    Learning to rank networked entities

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    Several algorithms have been proposed to learn to rank entities modeled as feature vectors, based on relevance feedback. However, these algorithms do not model network connections or relations between entities. Meanwhile, Pagerank and variants find the stationary distribution of a reasonable but arbitrary Markov walk over a network, but do not learn from relevance feedback. We present a framework for ranking networked entities based on Markov walks with parameterized conductance values associated with the network edges. We propose two flavors of conductance learning problems in our framework. In the first setting, relevance feedback comparing node-pairs hints that the user has one or more hidden preferred communities with large edge conductance, and the algorithm must discover these communities. We present a constrained maximum entropy network flow formulation whose dual can be solved efficiently using a cutting-plane approach and a quasi-Newton optimizer. In the second setting, edges have types, and relevance feedback hints that each edge type has a potentially different conductance, but this is fixed across the whole network. Our algorithm learns the conductances using an approximate Newton method

    Limits of Econometrics

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    In the social and behavioral sciences, far-reaching claims are often made for the superiority of advanced quantitative methods by those who manage to ignore the far-reaching assumptions behind the models. In section 2, we see there was considerable skepticism about disentangling causal processes by statistical modeling. Freedman (2005) examined several well-known modeling exercises, and discovered good reasons for skepticism. Some kinds of problems may yield to sophisticated statistical technique; others will not. The goal of empirical research is or should be to increase our understanding of the phenomena, rather than displaying our mastery of technique.

    Unsupervised reinforcement learning via state entropy maximization

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) provides a powerful framework to address sequential decision-making problems in which the transition dynamics is unknown or too complex to be represented. The RL approach is based on speculating what is the best decision to make given sample estimates obtained from previous interactions, a recipe that led to several breakthroughs in various domains, ranging from game playing to robotics. Despite their success, current RL methods hardly generalize from one task to another, and achieving the kind of generalization obtained through unsupervised pre-training in non-sequential problems seems unthinkable. Unsupervised RL has recently emerged as a way to improve generalization of RL methods. Just as its non-sequential counterpart, the unsupervised RL framework comprises two phases: An unsupervised pre-training phase, in which the agent interacts with the environment without external feedback, and a supervised fine-tuning phase, in which the agent aims to efficiently solve a task in the same environment by exploiting the knowledge acquired during pre-training. In this thesis, we study unsupervised RL via state entropy maximization, in which the agent makes use of the unsupervised interactions to pre-train a policy that maximizes the entropy of its induced state distribution. First, we provide a theoretical characterization of the learning problem by considering a convex RL formulation that subsumes state entropy maximization. Our analysis shows that maximizing the state entropy in finite trials is inherently harder than RL. Then, we study the state entropy maximization problem from an optimization perspective. Especially, we show that the primal formulation of the corresponding optimization problem can be (approximately) addressed through tractable linear programs. Finally, we provide the first practical methodologies for state entropy maximization in complex domains, both when the pre-training takes place in a single environment as well as multiple environments

    Investigating different levels of joining entity and relation classification

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    Named entities, such as persons or locations, are crucial bearers of information within an unstructured text. Recognition and classification of these (named) entities is an essential part of information extraction. Relation classification, the process of categorizing semantic relations between two entities within a text, is another task closely linked to named entities. Those two tasks -- entity and relation classification -- have been commonly treated as a pipeline of two separate models. While this separation simplifies the problem, it also disregards underlying dependencies and connections between the two subtasks. As a consequence, merging both subtasks into one joint model for entity and relation classification is the next logical step. A thorough investigation and comparison of different levels of joining the two tasks is the goal of this thesis. This thesis will accomplish the objective by defining different levels of joint entity and relation classification and developing (implementing and evaluating) and analyzing machine learning models for each level. The levels which will be investigated are: (L1) a pipeline of independent models for entity classification and relation classification (L2) using the entity class predictions as features for relation classification (L3) global features for both entity and relation classification (L4) explicit utilization of a single joint model for entity and relation classification The best results are achieved using the model for level 3 with an F1 score of 0.830 for entity classification and an F_1 score of 0.52 for relation classification.Entitäten, wie Personen oder Orte sind ausschlaggebende Informationsträger in unstrukturierten Texten. Das Erkennen und das Klassifizieren dieser Entitäten ist eine entscheidende Aufgabe in der Informationsextraktion. Das Klassifizieren von semantischen Relationen zwischen zwei Entitäten in einem Text ist eine weitere Aufgabe, die eng mit Entitäten verbunden ist. Diese zwei Aufgaben (Entitäts- und Relationsklassifikation) werden üblicherweise in einer Pipeline hintereinander mit zwei verschiedenen Modellen durchgeführt. Während die Aufteilung der beiden Probleme den Klassifizierungsprozess vereinfacht, ignoriert sie aber auch darunterliegende Abhängigkeiten und Zusammenhänge zwischen den beiden Aufgaben. Daher scheint es ratsam, ein gemeinsames Modell für beide Probleme zu entwickeln. Eine umfassende Untersuchung von verschiedenen Stufen der Verknüpfung der beiden Aufgaben ist das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit. Dazu werden Modelle für die unterschiedlichen Stufen der Verknüpfung zwischen Entitäts- und Relationsklassifikation definiert und mittels maschinellen Lernens ausgewertet und evaluiert. Die verschiedenen Stufen die betrachtet werden, sind: (L1) Verwendung einer Pipeline zum sequentiellen und unabhängigen Ausführen beider Modelle (L2) Verwendung der Vorhersagen über die Entitätsklassen als Merkmale für die Relationsklassifikation (L3) Verwendung von globalen Merkmale für sowohl die Entitätsklassifikation als auch für die Relationsklassifikation (L4) Explizite Verwendung eines gemeinsamen Modells zur Entitäts- und Relationsklassifikation Die besten Resultate wurden mit dem Modell für Level 3 erreicht. Das F1-Maß der Entitätsklassifikation beträgt 0.830 und das F1-Maß der Relationsklassifikation beträgt 0.52
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