14 research outputs found

    MISO Broadcast Channel with Delayed and Evolving CSIT

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    The work considers the two-user MISO broadcast channel with gradual and delayed accumulation of channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT), and addresses the question of how much feedback is necessary, and when, in order to achieve a certain degrees-of-freedom (DoF) performance. Motivated by limited-capacity feedback links that may not immediately convey perfect CSIT, and focusing on the block fading scenario, we consider a progressively increasing CSIT quality as time progresses across the coherence period (T channel uses - evolving current CSIT), or at any time after (delayed CSIT). Specifically, for any set of feedback quality exponents a_t, t=1,...,T, describing the high-SNR rates-of-decay of the mean square error of the current CSIT estimates at time t<=T (during the coherence period), the work describes the optimal DOF region in several different evolving CSIT settings, including the setting with perfect delayed CSIT, the asymmetric setting where the quality of feedback differs from user to user, as well as considers the DoF region in the presence of a imperfect delayed CSIT corresponding to having a limited number of overall feedback bits. These results are supported by novel multi-phase precoding schemes that utilize gradually improving CSIT. The approach here naturally incorporates different settings such as the perfect-delayed CSIT setting of Maddah-Ali and Tse, the imperfect current CSIT setting of Yang et al. and of Gou and Jafar, the asymmetric setting of Maleki et al., as well as the not-so-delayed CSIT setting of Lee and Heath.Comment: Submitted to Transactions on Information Theory - November 2012 18 double column page

    Space-time rate splitting for the MISO BC with magnitude CSIT

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    A novel coding strategy is proposed for a broadcast setting with two transmitter (TX) antennas and two single-antenna receivers (RX). The strategy consists of using space-time block coding to send a common message (to be decoded by both RXs) across the two TX antennas, while each TX antenna also sends a private message to one of the RXs. The relative weight of the private and common messages from each TX antenna is tuned to maximize the instantaneous achievable sum-rate of the channel. Closed-form expressions for the optimal weight factors are derived. In terms of the generalized degrees of freedom (GDoF) metric, the new scheme is able to achieve the sum-GDoF with finite precision channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) of the two user broadcast channel. Moreover, as opposed to the existing rate-splitting schemes, the proposed scheme yields instantaneous achievable rates that are independent of the channel phases. This property is instrumental for link adaptation when only magnitude CSIT is available. Our numerical results indeed demonstrate the superiority of the scheme for the 2-user setting in case of magnitude CSIT. Extension to a more general K -user scenario is briefly discussed.Grant numbers : SatNEx IV - Satellite Network of Experts IV project. © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Novel transmission and beamforming strategies for multiuser MIMO with various CSIT types

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    In multiuser multi-antenna wireless systems, the transmission and beamforming strategies that achieve the sum rate capacity depend critically on the acquisition of perfect Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT). Accordingly, a high-rate low-latency feedback link between the receiver and the transmitter is required to keep the latter accurately and instantaneously informed about the CSI. In realistic wireless systems, however, only imperfect CSIT is achievable due to pilot contamination, estimation error, limited feedback and delay, etc. As an intermediate solution, this thesis investigates novel transmission strategies suitable for various imperfect CSIT scenarios and the associated beamforming techniques to optimise the rate performance. First, we consider a two-user Multiple-Input-Single-Output (MISO) Broadcast Channel (BC) under statistical and delayed CSIT. We mainly focus on linear beamforming and power allocation designs for ergodic sum rate maximisation. The proposed designs enable higher sum rate than the conventional designs. Interestingly, we propose a novel transmission framework which makes better use of statistical and delayed CSIT and smoothly bridges between statistical CSIT-based strategies and delayed CSIT-based strategies. Second, we consider a multiuser massive MIMO system under partial and statistical CSIT. In order to tackle multiuser interference incurred by partial CSIT, a Rate-Splitting (RS) transmission strategy has been proposed recently. We generalise the idea of RS into the large-scale array. By further exploiting statistical CSIT, we propose a novel framework Hierarchical-Rate-Splitting that is particularly suited to massive MIMO systems. Third, we consider a multiuser Millimetre Wave (mmWave) system with hybrid analog/digital precoding under statistical and quantised CSIT. We leverage statistical CSIT to design digital precoder for interference mitigation while all feedback overhead is reserved for precise analog beamforming. For very limited feedback and/or very sparse channels, the proposed precoding scheme yields higher sum rate than the conventional precoding schemes under a fixed total feedback constraint. Moreover, a RS transmission strategy is introduced to further tackle the multiuser interference, enabling remarkable saving in feedback overhead compared with conventional transmission strategies. Finally, we investigate the downlink hybrid precoding for physical layer multicasting with a limited number of RF chains. We propose a low complexity algorithm to compute the analog precoder that achieves near-optimal max-min performance. Moreover, we derive a simple condition under which the hybrid precoding driven by a limited number of RF chains incurs no loss of optimality with respect to the fully digital precoding case.Open Acces

    Optimally bridging the gap from delayed to perfect CSIT in the K-user MISO BC

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