170 research outputs found

    Create a Rigid and Safe Grid-Like Structure

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    The failure of the building is not the consequence of the not strong enough elements of the structure in the majority of the cases, but the bracing elements inappropriate places. We consider a 4 × 4 and 4 × 5 braced frames to understand the connections between the lateral stiffnesses, and bracing graph to achieve the stiffest and the more safety design. In our consideration, we study those relationships that based on our frame using their finite element analyses and some new result in optimizations of structural design. We offer some conclusions, including perspectives and future developments in the rigidity of scaffolds and tall building as symmetrical and grid-like bar-joint frameworks

    A techno-economic evaluation of the geodesic dome as a possible form of low-income house in Southern Africa

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    This dissertation studies the viability of one alternative building system as an option to conventional low-income housing. The need for research in this regard has been expressed by various government committees and commissions of inquiry, as well as by the private sector, to be of vital importance in facing the future housing challenge in southern Africa. The study is largely confined to black housing. The search for a form of shelter which combines traditional black low-technology and innovative Wes tern high-technology in a successful marriage, brings the geodesic dome to light. The conclusion reached is that in economic, technical and cultural terms, the dome compares favourably with conventional low-income housing. The social acceptance of the structure is a topic of research beyond the scope of this study

    Reliability−based topology optimization frameworks for the design of structures subjected to random excitations

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    Structural optimization aims to provide structural designs that allow for the best performance while satisfying given design constraints. Among various applications of structural optimization, topology optimization based on mathematical programming and finite element analysis has recently gained great attention in research community as well as in applied structural engineering fields. One of the most fundamental requirements on building structures is to withstand various uncertain loads such as earthquake ground motions, wind loads and ocean waves. The design of structures, therefore, needs to ensure safe and reliable operations of structures over a prolonged period of time during which they may be exposed to various randomness of excitations caused by hazardous events. As such, significant amount of time and financial resources are invested to control the dynamic response of a structure under random vibrations caused by natural hazards or operations of non-structural components. In this regard, topology optimization of structures with stochastic response constraints is of great importance and consideration in industrial applications. This thesis discusses the development of structural optimization frameworks for a wide spectrum of deterministic and probabilistic constraints in engineering and investigate numerical applications. First, the efficient optimization framework for statics and dynamics problems is investigated. In many incidences, expensive computational cost and labor hours are so prohibitive that optimization processes become impractical or inapplicable. In order to alleviate the computational burden in dynamic topology optimization, the multiresolution topology optimization approach is adopted. Based on the polygonal finite element method and multiresolution topology optimization techniques, a method of polygonal multiresolution topology optimization for statics and dynamics problems is developed. This development provides methods to discretize complicated geometries and reduce computational cost to obtain topology results of high-resolutions. Despite rapid technological advances, incorporating stochastic response of structures into topology optimization is considered a relatively new field of research mainly due to computational challenges. In order to overcome such technical challenges in this field, a new method is introduced for incorporating random vibration theories into topology optimization using a discrete representation method for stochastic processes. Furthermore, a novel formulation is developed for sensitivity analysis of stochastic responses in order to use gradient-based optimization algorithms for the proposed topology optimization employing the discrete representation method. To assess the reliability of a structure subjected to random excitations, the probability of the occurrence of at least one failure event over a time interval, i.e. the first passage probability, often needs to be evaluated. In this thesis, a new method is proposed to incorporate probabilistic constraints on the first passage probability into structural design and topology optimization. To obtain the first passage probability effectively during each iteration, the failure event is described as a series system event consisting of failure events defined at discrete time points, and the system failure probability is obtained with the sequential compounding method. A new sensitivity formulation is developed employing the sequential compounding method to facilitate the use of gradient-based optimizers for the proposed method. Finally, the conventional filter effects are investigated in reliability-based topology optimization using the elastic formulation of the ground structure method. In addition, an optimization scheme employing the discrete filter is proposed to ensure that optimized solutions satisfy the probabilistic constraints and global equilibrium. In addition, the single-loop approach is incorporated to enhance the computational efficiency of the proposed RBTO method

    Structural optimization in steel structures, algorithms and applications

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    ne–xt facades: Proceedings of the COST Action TU1403 Adaptive Facades Network Mid-term Conference

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    The ne-xt facades conference is the official International Mid-term Conference of the European COST Action TU1403 ‘Adaptive Facades Network’, an international scientific cooperation with the aim to harmonise, share and disseminate technological knowledge on adaptive facades on the European level. During the mid-term conference first results are presented to stakeholders from industry and design and to the public. The goal is to share knowledge and discuss novel facade concepts, effective evaluation tools and design methods for adaptive facades. Alongside the contributions from members of the COST Action, the conference received many contributions from external researchers and the industry. This added to the interesting debate about adaptive facades we believe it was an excellent stage to test the first results of the COST Action

    Rural structures in the tropics: Design and development

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    There is a growing awareness of the need for better rural structures and services in many developing countries. Here the FAO presents an up-to-date, comprehensive text focusing on structures for small- to medium-scale farms and, to some extent, village-scale agricultural infrastructure. The book will help to improve teaching on the subject of rural buildings in the tropics and will assist professionals engaged in providing technical advice. Importantly, it also provides guidance in the context of disaster recovery and rehabilitation, for rebuilding the sound rural structures and related services that are key to development and economic sustainability

    Solar Decathlon 2014: Techstyle Haus Project Manual

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    Solar Decathlon 2014 Techstyle Haus Project Manual. The Solar Decathlon competition challenges twenty collegiate teams to design and build sustainable homes that are powered exclusively by solar energy and incorporate sustainable architecture and design. Techstyle Haus is an international Brown University, RISD and University of Applied Sciences Erfurt,Germany collaboration designing a solar passivehaus out of high performance textiles

    Conceptual Joining

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    This book explores experimental approaches to the design and construction of wooden structures in architecture, while presenting the results of an artistic research project. By using digital tools, experimental formations are created that are derived from the material logic. Selected guest contributions round up the documentation of the work processes
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