33 research outputs found

    Multilayer Graph-Based Trajectory Planning for Race Vehicles in Dynamic Scenarios

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    Trajectory planning at high velocities and at the handling limits is a challenging task. In order to cope with the requirements of a race scenario, we propose a far-sighted two step, multi-layered graph-based trajectory planner, capable to run with speeds up to 212~km/h. The planner is designed to generate an action set of multiple drivable trajectories, allowing an adjacent behavior planner to pick the most appropriate action for the global state in the scene. This method serves objectives such as race line tracking, following, stopping, overtaking and a velocity profile which enables a handling of the vehicle at the limit of friction. Thereby, it provides a high update rate, a far planning horizon and solutions to non-convex scenarios. The capabilities of the proposed method are demonstrated in simulation and on a real race vehicle.Comment: Accepted at The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, October 27 - 30, 201

    Bringing Diversity to Autonomous Vehicles: An Interpretable Multi-vehicle Decision-making and Planning Framework

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    With the development of autonomous driving, it is becoming increasingly common for autonomous vehicles (AVs) and human-driven vehicles (HVs) to travel on the same roads. Existing single-vehicle planning algorithms on board struggle to handle sophisticated social interactions in the real world. Decisions made by these methods are difficult to understand for humans, raising the risk of crashes and making them unlikely to be applied in practice. Moreover, vehicle flows produced by open-source traffic simulators suffer from being overly conservative and lacking behavioral diversity. We propose a hierarchical multi-vehicle decision-making and planning framework with several advantages. The framework jointly makes decisions for all vehicles within the flow and reacts promptly to the dynamic environment through a high-frequency planning module. The decision module produces interpretable action sequences that can explicitly communicate self-intent to the surrounding HVs. We also present the cooperation factor and trajectory weight set, bringing diversity to autonomous vehicles in traffic at both the social and individual levels. The superiority of our proposed framework is validated through experiments with multiple scenarios, and the diverse behaviors in the generated vehicle trajectories are demonstrated through closed-loop simulations

    Conception of control paradigms for teleoperated driving tasks in urban environments

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    Development of concepts and computationally efficient motion planning methods for teleoperated drivingEntwicklung von Konzepten und recheneffizienten Bewegungsplanungsmethoden für teleoperiertes Fahre

    Improving the Generalizability of Trajectory Prediction Models with Frenet-Based Domain Normalization

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    Predicting the future trajectories of nearby objects plays a pivotal role in Robotics and Automation such as autonomous driving. While learning-based trajectory prediction methods have achieved remarkable performance on public benchmarks, the generalization ability of these approaches remains questionable. The poor generalizability on unseen domains, a well-recognized defect of data-driven approaches, can potentially harm the real-world performance of trajectory prediction models. We are thus motivated to improve generalization ability of models instead of merely pursuing high accuracy on average. Due to the lack of benchmarks for quantifying the generalization ability of trajectory predictors, we first construct a new benchmark called argoverse-shift, where the data distributions of domains are significantly different. Using this benchmark for evaluation, we identify that the domain shift problem seriously hinders the generalization of trajectory predictors since state-of-the-art approaches suffer from severe performance degradation when facing those out-of-distribution scenes. To enhance the robustness of models against domain shift problem, we propose a plug-and-play strategy for domain normalization in trajectory prediction. Our strategy utilizes the Frenet coordinate frame for modeling and can effectively narrow the domain gap of different scenes caused by the variety of road geometry and topology. Experiments show that our strategy noticeably boosts the prediction performance of the state-of-the-art in domains that were previously unseen to the models, thereby improving the generalization ability of data-driven trajectory prediction methods.Comment: This paper was accepted by 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Object detection, distributed cloud computing and parallelization techniques for autonomous driving systems.

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    Autonomous vehicles are increasingly becoming a necessary trend towards building the smart cities of the future. Numerous proposals have been presented in recent years to tackle particular aspects of the working pipeline towards creating a functional end-to-end system, such as object detection, tracking, path planning, sentiment or intent detection, amongst others. Nevertheless, few efforts have been made to systematically compile all of these systems into a single proposal that also considers the real challenges these systems will have on the road, such as real-time computation, hardware capabilities, etc. This paper reviews the latest techniques towards creating our own end-to-end autonomous vehicle system, considering the state-of-the-art methods on object detection, and the possible incorporation of distributed systems and parallelization to deploy these methods. Our findings show that while techniques such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and long short-term memory can effectively handle the initial detection and path planning tasks, more efforts are required to implement cloud computing to reduce the computational time that these methods demand. Additionally, we have mapped different strategies to handle the parallelization task, both within and between the networks

    Real-time motion planning methods for autonomous on-road driving: state-of-the-art and future research directions

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    Currently autonomous or self-driving vehicles are at the heart of academia and industry research because of its multi-faceted advantages that includes improved safety, reduced congestion, lower emissions and greater mobility. Software is the key driving factor underpinning autonomy within which planning algorithms that are responsible for mission-critical decision making hold a significant position. While transporting passengers or goods from a given origin to a given destination, motion planning methods incorporate searching for a path to follow, avoiding obstacles and generating the best trajectory that ensures safety, comfort and efficiency. A range of different planning approaches have been proposed in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to review existing approaches and then compare and contrast different methods employed for the motion planning of autonomous on-road driving that consists of (1) finding a path, (2) searching for the safest manoeuvre and (3) determining the most feasible trajectory. Methods developed by researchers in each of these three levels exhibit varying levels of complexity and performance accuracy. This paper presents a critical evaluation of each of these methods, in terms of their advantages/disadvantages, inherent limitations, feasibility, optimality, handling of obstacles and testing operational environments. Based on a critical review of existing methods, research challenges to address current limitations are identified and future research directions are suggested so as to enhance the performance of planning algorithms at all three levels. Some promising areas of future focus have been identified as the use of vehicular communications (V2V and V2I) and the incorporation of transport engineering aspects in order to improve the look-ahead horizon of current sensing technologies that are essential for planning with the aim of reducing the total cost of driverless vehicles. This critical review on planning techniques presented in this paper, along with the associated discussions on their constraints and limitations, seek to assist researchers in accelerating development in the emerging field of autonomous vehicle research

    Real-time motion planning methods for autonomous on-road driving: State-of-the-art and future research directions

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    Open access articleCurrently autonomous or self-driving vehicles are at the heart of academia and industry research because of its multi-faceted advantages that includes improved safety, reduced congestion,lower emissions and greater mobility. Software is the key driving factor underpinning autonomy within which planning algorithms that are responsible for mission-critical decision making hold a significant position. While transporting passengers or goods from a given origin to a given destination, motion planning methods incorporate searching for a path to follow, avoiding obstacles and generating the best trajectory that ensures safety, comfort and efficiency. A range of different planning approaches have been proposed in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to review existing approaches and then compare and contrast different methods employed for the motion planning of autonomous on-road driving that consists of (1) finding a path, (2) searching for the safest manoeuvre and (3) determining the most feasible trajectory. Methods developed by researchers in each of these three levels exhibit varying levels of complexity and performance accuracy. This paper presents a critical evaluation of each of these methods, in terms of their advantages/disadvantages, inherent limitations, feasibility, optimality, handling of obstacles and testing operational environments. Based on a critical review of existing methods, research challenges to address current limitations are identified and future research directions are suggested so as to enhance the performance of planning algorithms at all three levels. Some promising areas of future focus have been identified as the use of vehicular communications (V2V and V2I) and the incorporation of transport engineering aspects in order to improve the look-ahead horizon of current sensing technologies that are essential for planning with the aim of reducing the total cost of driverless vehicles. This critical review on planning techniques presented in this paper, along with the associated discussions on their constraints and limitations, seek to assist researchers in accelerating development in the emerging field of autonomous vehicle research

    Dynamically integrated spatiotemporal-based trajectory planning and control for autonomous vehicles

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    In the literature, the intensive research effort has been made on the trajectory planning for autonomous vehicles, while the integration of the trajectory planner with the trajectory controller is less focused. This study proposes the spatiotemporal-based trajectory planner and controller by a two-level dynamically integrated structure. In the upper level, the best trajectory is selected among a group of candidate time-parameterised trajectories, while the target vehicle ending position and velocity can be satisfied. Then the planned trajectory is evaluated by checking the feasibility when the actual vehicle dynamic motion constraints are considered. After that, the lower level trajectory controller based on the vehicle dynamics model will control the vehicle to follow the desired trajectory. Numerical simulations are used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, where the scenario of an intersection and the scenario of overtaking are applied to show that the proposed trajectory controller can successfully achieve the control targets. In addition, compared with the potential field method, the proposed method based on the four-wheel independent steering and four-wheel independent driving electric vehicle shows great advantages in guaranteeing the vehicle handling and stability

    Dynamic state estimation for mobile robots

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    The scientific goal of this thesis is to tackle different approaches for effective state estimation and modelling of relevant problems in the context of mobile robots. The starting point of this dissertation is the concept of probabilistic robotics, an emerging paradigm that combines state-of-the-art methods with the classic probabilistic theory, developing stochastic frameworks for understanding the uncertain nature of the interaction between a robot and its environment. This allows introducing relevant concepts which are the foundation of the localisation system implemented on the main experimental platform used on this dissertation. An accurate estimation of the position of a robot with respect to a fixed frame is fundamental for building navigation systems that can work in dynamic unstructured environments. This development also allows introducing additional contributions related with global localisation, dynamic obstacle avoidance, path planning and position tracking problems. Kinematics on generalised manipulators are characterised for dealing with complex nonlinear systems. Nonlinear formulations are needed to properly model these systems, which are not always suitable for real-time realisation, lacking analytic formulations in most cases. In this context, this thesis tackles the serial-parallel dual kinematic problem with a novel approach, demonstrating state-of-the-art accuracy and real-time performance. With a spatial decomposition method, the forward kinematics problem on parallel robots and the inverse kinematics problem on serial manipulators is solved modelling the nonlinear behaviour of the pose space using Support Vector Machines. The results are validated on different topologies with the analytic solution for such manipulators, which demonstrates the applicability of the proposed method. Modelling and control of complex dynamical systems is another relevant field with applications on mobile robots. Nonlinear techniques are usually applied to tackle problems like feature or object tracking. However, some nonlinear integer techniques applied for tasks like position tracking in mobile robots with complex dynamics have limited success when modelling such systems. Fractional calculus has demonstrated to be suitable to model complex processes like viscoelasticity or super diffusion. These tools, that take advantage of the generalization of the derivative and integral operators to a fractional order, have been applied to model and control different topics related with robotics in recent years with remarkable success. With the proposal of a fractional-order PI controller, a suitable controller design method is presented to solve the position tracking problem. This is applied to control the distance of a self-driving car with respect to an objective, which can also be applied to other tracking applications like following a navigation path. Furthermore, this thesis introduces a novel fractional-order hyperchaotic system, stabilised with a full-pseudo-state-feedback controller and a located feedback method. This theoretical contribution of a chaotic system is introduced hoping to be useful in this context. Chaos theory has recently started to be applied to study manipulators, biped robots and autonomous navigation, achieving new and promising results, highlighting the uncertain and chaotic nature which also has been found on robots. All together, this thesis is devoted to different problems related with dynamic state estimation for mobile robots, proposing specific contributions related with modelling and control of complex nonlinear systems. These findings are presented in the context of a self-driving electric car, Verdino, jointly developed in collaboration with the Robotics Group of Universidad de La Laguna (GRULL)