115 research outputs found

    Guiding the Exploration of the Solution Space in Walking Robots Through Growth-Based Morphological Development

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    In human beings, the joint development of the body and cognitive system has been shown to facilitate the acquisition of new skills and abilities. In the literature, these natural principles have been applied to robotics with mixed results and different authors have suggested several hypotheses to explain them. One of the most popular hypotheses states that morphological development improves learning by increasing exploration of the solution space, avoiding stagnation in local optima. In this article, we are going to study the influence of growth-based morphological development and its nuances as a tool to improve the exploration of the solution space. We will perform a series of experiments over two different robot morphologies which learn to walk. Furthermore, we will compare these results to another optimization strategy that has been shown to be useful to favor exploration in learning algorithms: the application of noise during learning. Finally, to check if the increased exploration hypothesis holds, we visualize the genotypic space during learning considering the different optimization strategies by using the Search Trajectory Network representation. The results indicate that noise and growth increase exploration, but only growth guides the search towards good solutions

    A review of gait optimization based on evolutionary computation

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    Gait generation is very important as it directly affects the quality of locomotion of legged robots. As this is an optimization problem with constraints, it readily lends itself to Evolutionary Computation methods and solutions. This paper reviews the techniques used in evolution-based gait optimization, including why Evolutionary Computation techniques should be used, how fitness functions should be composed, and the selection of genetic operators and control parameters. This paper also addresses further possible improvements in the efficiency and quality of evolutionary gait optimization, some problems that have not yet been resolved and the perspectives for related future research

    Intelligent approaches in locomotion - a review

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    A literature review on the optimization of legged robots

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    Over the last two decades the research and development of legged locomotion robots has grown steadily. Legged systems present major advantages when compared with ‘traditional’ vehicles, because they allow locomotion in inaccessible terrain to vehicles with wheels and tracks. However, the robustness of legged robots, and especially their energy consumption, among other aspects, still lag behind mechanisms that use wheels and tracks. Therefore, in the present state of development, there are several aspects that need to be improved and optimized. Keeping these ideas in mind, this paper presents the review of the literature of different methods adopted for the optimization of the structure and locomotion gaits of walking robots. Among the distinct possible strategies often used for these tasks are referred approaches such as the mimicking of biological animals, the use of evolutionary schemes to find the optimal parameters and structures, the adoption of sound mechanical design rules, and the optimization of power-based indexes

    State Generation Method for Humanoid Motion Planning Based on Genetic Algorithm

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    A new approach to generate the original motion data for humanoid motion planning is presented in this paper. And a state generator is developed based on the genetic algorithm, which enables users to generate various motion states without using any reference motion data. By specifying various types of constraints such as configuration constraints and contact constraints, the state generator can generate stable states that satisfy the constraint conditions for humanoid robots. To deal with the multiple constraints and inverse kinematics, the state generation is finally simplified as a problem of optimizing and searching. In our method, we introduce a convenient mathematic representation for the constraints involved in the state generator, and solve the optimization problem with the genetic algorithm to acquire a desired state. To demonstrate the effectiveness and advantage of the method, a number of motion states are generated according to the requirements of the motion

    A contact-implicit direct trajectory optimization scheme for the study of legged maneuverability

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    For legged robots to move safely in unpredictable environments, they need to be manoeuvrable, but transient motions such as acceleration, deceleration and turning have been the subject of little research compared to constant-speed gait. They are difficult to study for two reasons: firstly, the way they are executed is highly sensitive to factors such as morphology and traction, and secondly, they can potentially be dangerous, especially when executed rapidly, or from high speeds. These challenges make it an ideal topic for study by simulation, as this allows all variables to be precisely controlled, and puts no human, animal or robotic subjects at risk. Trajectory optimization is a promising method for simulating these manoeuvres, because it allows complete motion trajectories to be generated when neither the input actuation nor the output motion is known. Furthermore, it produces solutions that optimize a given objective, such as minimizing the distance required to stop, or the effort exerted by the actuators throughout the motion. It has consequently become a popular technique for high-level motion planning in robotics, and for studying locomotion in biomechanics. In this dissertation, we present a novel approach to studying motion with trajectory optimization, by viewing it more as “trajectory generation” – a means of generating large quantities of synthetic data that can illuminate the differences between successful and unsuccessful motion strategies when studied in aggregate. One distinctive feature of this approach is the focus on whole-body models, which capture the specific morphology of the subject, rather than the highly-simplified “template” models that are typically used. Another is the use of “contact-implicit” methods, which allow an appropriate footfall sequence to be discovered, rather than requiring that it be defined upfront. Although contact-implicit methods are not novel, they are not widely-used, as they are computationally demanding, and unnecessary when studying comparatively-predictable constant speed locomotion. The second section of this dissertation describes innovations in the formulation of these trajectory optimization problems as nonlinear programming problems (NLPs). This “direct” approach allows these problems to be solved by general-purpose, open-source algorithms, making it accessible to scientists without the specialized applied mathematics knowledge required to solve NLPs. The design of the NLP has a significant impact on the accuracy of the result, the quality of the solution (with respect to the final value of the objective function), and the time required to solve the proble

    Goal-Based Control and Planning in Biped Locomotion Using Computational Intelligence Methods

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    Este trabajo explora la aplicación de campos neuronales, a tareas de control dinámico en el domino de caminata bípeda. En una primera aproximación, se propone una arquitectura de control que usa campos neuronales en 1D. Esta arquitectura de control es evaluada en el problema de estabilidad para el péndulo invertido de carro y barra, usado como modelo simplificado de caminata bípeda. El controlador por campos neuronales, parametrizado tanto manualmente como usando un algoritmo evolutivo (EA), se compara con una arquitectura de control basada en redes neuronales recurrentes (RNN), también parametrizada por por un EA. El controlador por campos neuronales parametrizado por EA se desempeña mejor que el parametrizado manualmente, y es capaz de recuperarse rápidamente de las condiciones iniciales más problemáticas. Luego, se desarrolla una arquitectura extendida de control y planificación usando campos neurales en 2D, y se aplica al problema caminata bípeda simple (SBW). Para ello se usa un conjunto de valores _óptimos para el parámetro de control, encontrado previamente usando algoritmos evolutivos. El controlador óptimo por campos neuronales obtenido se compara con el controlador lineal propuesto por Wisse et al., y a un controlador _optimo tabular que usa los mismos parámetros óptimos. Si bien los controladores propuestos para el problema SBW implementan una estrategia activa de control, se aproximan de manera más cercana a la caminata dinámica pasiva (PDW) que trabajos previos, disminuyendo la acción de control acumulada. / Abstract. This work explores the application of neural fields to dynamical control tasks in the domain of biped walking. In a first approximation, a controller architecture that uses 1D neural fields is proposed. This controller architecture is evaluated using the stability problem for the cart-and-pole inverted pendulum, as a simplified biped walking model. The neural field controller is compared, parameterized both manually and using an evolutionary algorithm (EA), to a controller architecture based on a recurrent neural neuron (RNN), also parametrized by an EA. The non-evolved neural field controller performs better than the RNN controller. Also, the evolved neural field controller performs better than the non-evolved one and is able to recover fast from worst-case initial conditions. Then, an extended control and planning architecture using 2D neural fields is developed and applied to the SBW problem. A set of optimal parameter values, previously found using an EA, is used as parameters for neural field controller. The optimal neural field controller is compared to the linear controller proposed by Wisse et al., and to a table-lookup controller using the same optimal parameters. While being an active control strategy, the controllers proposed here for the SBW problem approach more closely Passive Dynamic Walking (PDW) than previous works, by diminishing the cumulative control action.Maestrí

    Kinematic arrangement optimization of a quadruped robot with genetic algorithms

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    Quadruped robots are capable of performing a multitude of tasks like walking, running carrying and jumping. As research on quadruped robots grows, so does the variety of the designs available. These designs are often inspired by nature and finalized around technical constraints that are different for each project. A load carrying robot design will take its inspiration from a mule, while a running robot will use a cheetah-like design. However, this technique might be too broad when approaching a designing process for a quadruped robot aimed to accomplish certain tasks with varying degrees of importance. In order to reach an efficient design with precise link lengths and joint positions, for some specific task at hand, a complex series of problems have to be solved. This thesis proposes to use genetic algorithms to handle the designing process. An approach that mimics the evolutionary process of living beings, genetic algorithms can be used to reach quadruped designs which are optimized for a given task. The task-specific nature of this process is expected to result in more efficient designs than simply mimicking 4 animal structures, since animals are evolved to be efficient in a bigger variety of tasks. To explore this, genetic algorithms are used to optimize the kinematic structure of quadruped robots designed for the tasks of vertical jumping and trotting. The robots are optimized for these two tasks separately and then together. Algorithm results are compared to a relatively more conventional quadruped design