23 research outputs found

    A tool-path generation strategy for wire and arc additive manufacturing

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    This paper presents an algorithm to automatically generate optimal tool-paths for the wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) process for a large class of geometries. The algorithm firstly decomposes 2D geometries into a set of convex polygons based on a divide-and-conquer strategy. Then, for each convex polygon, an optimal scan direction is identified and a continuous tool-path is generated using a combination of zigzag and contour pattern strategies. Finally, all individual sub-paths are connected to form a closed curve. This tool-path generation strategy fulfils the design requirements of WAAM, including simple implementation, a minimized number of starting-stopping points, and high surface accuracy. Compared with the existing hybrid method, the proposed path planning strategy shows better surface accuracy through experiments on a general 3D component

    Advanced Design for Additive Manufacturing: 3D Slicing and 2D Path Planning

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    Commercial 3D printers have been increasingly implemented in a variety of fields due to their quick production, simplicity of use, and cheap manufacturing. Software installed in these machines allows automatic production of components from computer-aided design (CAD) models with minimal human intervention. However, there are fewer options provided, with a limited range of materials, limited path patterns, and layer thicknesses. For fabricating metal functional parts, such as laser-based, electron beam-based, and arc-welding-based additive manufacturing (AM) machines, usually more careful process design requires in order to obtain components with the desired mechanical and material properties. Therefore, advanced design for additive manufacturing, particularly slicing and path planning, is necessary for AM experts. This chapter introduces recent achievements in slicing and path planning for AM process

    A practical path planning methodology for wire and arc additive manufacturing of thin-walled structures

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    This paper presents a novel methodology to generate deposition paths for wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM). The medial axis transformation (MAT), which represents the skeleton of a given geometry, is firstly extracted to understand the geometry. Then a deposition path that is based on the MAT is efficiently generated. The resulting MAT-based path is able to entirely fill any given cross-sectional geometry without gaps. With the variation of step-over distance, material efficiency alters accordingly for both solid and thin-walled structures. It is found that thin-walled structures are more sensitive to step-over distance in terms of material efficiency. The optimal step-over distance corresponding to the maximum material efficiency can be achieved for various geometries, allowing the optimization of the deposition parameters. Five case studies of complex models including solid and thin-walled structures are used to test the developed methodology. Experimental comparison between the proposed MAT-based path patterns and the traditional contour path patterns demonstrate significant improved performance in terms of gap-free cross-sections. The proposed path planning strategy is shown to be particularly beneficial for WAAM of thin-walled structures

    Selecting Flat End Mills for 2-1/2D Milling Operations

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    The size of milling cutter significantly affects the machining time. Therefore, in order to perform milling operations efficiently, we need to select a set of milling cutters with optimal sizes. It is difficult for human process planners to select the optimal or near optimal set of milling cutters due to complex geometric interactions among tools size, part shapes, and tool trajectories. In this paper, we give a geometric algorithm to find the optimal cutters for 2-1/2D milling operations. We define the 2-1/2D milling operations as covering the target region without intersecting with the obstruction region. This definition allows us to handle the open edge problem. Based on this definition, we introduced the offsetting and inverse-offsetting algorithm to find the coverable area for a given cutter. Following that, we represent the cutter selection problem as shortest path problem and discuss the lower and upper bond of cutter sizes that are feasible for given parts. The Dijkstra's algorithm is used to solve the problem and thus a set of cutters is selected in order to achieve the optimum machining cost. We believe the selection of optimum cutter combination can not only save manufacturing time but also help automatic process planning

    Méthodologie pour la génération d'opérations d'ébauche 5 axes

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    International audiencela définition des opérations d'ébauche de formes complexes est un élément clé pour l'amélioration du processus de fabrication des pièces. Ces opérations doivent maximiser le débit de matière retiré et réduire le temps global de fabrication en supprimant les reprises d'ébauches avant les opérations de finition. Dans ce contexte, le recours aux opérations 5 axes permet d'améliorer l'accessibilité de l'outil dans des zones en contre-dépouille, minimisant ainsi le volume de matière restant. Nous proposons donc une étude de différentes techniques de génération des trajectoires d'ébauche en fraisage 5 axes de pièces complexes de l'industrie aéronautique afin d'établir une optimisation des stratégies pour ce type d'opération. Ayant défini l'ébauche comme le balayage d'un volume de matière à retirer de la pièce, une première étape consiste à extraire ce volume à partir de la géométrie des pièces brutes et finies. Chacune des faces du volume extrait est alors analysée puis classée selon qu'elle permette l'accessibilité de l'outil sans collisions ou non. L'étape suivante aborde le partitionnement du volume extrait en sous-volumes afin d'évaluer la stratégie de balayage utilisée. Ce découpage s'appuie sur des surfaces telles que des offsets des bords du volume et des surfaces canoniques (plans, cylindres, etc.) générées par les mouvements articulaires. La dernière étape analyse alors les techniques de balayage d'un sous-volume en intégrant l'accessibilité des faces par l'outil et ainsi définir la solution adaptée en se basant sur des critères tels que le volume restant, la longueur de la trajectoire d'ébauche ou le débit de copeau. Mots clés : usinage 5 axes, ébauche, partitionnement de volume, génération de trajectoires

    Geometric process planning in rough machining

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    This thesis examines geometric process planning in four-axis rough machining. A review of existing literature provides a foundation for process planning in machining; efficiency (tool path length) is identified as a primary concern. Emergent structures (thin webs and strings) are proposed as a new metric of process robustness. Previous research efforts are contrasted to establish motivation for improvements in these areas in four-axis rough machining. The original research is presented as a journal article. This research develops a new methodology for quickly estimating the remaining stock during a plurality of 2 y D cuts defined by their depth and orientation relative to a rotary fourth axis. Unlike existing tool path simulators, this method can be performed independently of (and thus prior to) tool path generation. The algorithms presented use polyhedral mesh surface input to create and analyze polygonal slices, which are again reconstructed into polyhedral surfaces. At the slice level, nearly all operations are Boolean in nature, allowing simple implementation. A novel heuristic for polyhedral reconstruction for this application is presented. Results are shown for sample components, showing a significant reduction in overall rough machining tool path length. The discussion of future work provides a brief discussion of how this new methodology can be applied to detecting thin webs and strings prior to tool path planning or machining. The methodology presented in this work provides a novel method of calculating remaining stock such that it can be performed during process planning, prior to committing to tool path generation

    A Geometric Algorithm for Finding the Largest Milling Cutter

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    In this paper, we describe a new geometric algorithm to determine the largest feasible cutter size for2-D milling operations to be performed using a single cutter. In particular:1. We give a general definition of the problem as the task of covering a target region without interfering with anobstruction region. This definition encompasses the task of milling a general 2-D profile that includes bothopen and closed edges.2. We discuss three alternative definitions of what it means for a cutter to be feasible, and explain which of thesedefinitions is most appropriate for the above problem.3. We present a geometric algorithm for finding the maximal cutter for 2-D milling operations, and we show thatour algorithm is correct

    A review of geometry representation and processing methods for cartesian and multiaxial robot-based additive manufacturing

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    Nowadays, robot-based additive manufacturing (RBAM) is emerging as a potential solution to increase manufacturing flexibility. Such technology allows to change the orientation of the material deposition unit during printing, making it possible to fabricate complex parts with optimized material distribution. In this context, the representation of parts geometries and their subsequent processing become aspects of primary importance. In particular, part orientation, multiaxial deposition, slicing, and infill strategies must be properly evaluated so as to obtain satisfactory outputs and avoid printing failures. Some advanced features can be found in commercial slicing software (e.g., adaptive slicing, advanced path strategies, and non-planar slicing), although the procedure may result excessively constrained due to the limited number of available options. Several approaches and algorithms have been proposed for each phase and their combination must be determined accurately to achieve the best results. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art works addressing the primary methods for the representation of geometries and the subsequent geometry processing for RBAM. For each category, tools and software found in the literature and commercially available are discussed. Comparison tables are then reported to assist in the selection of the most appropriate approaches. The presented review can be helpful for designers, researchers and practitioners to identify possible future directions and open issues

    A new geometric-and-physics model of milling and an effective approach to medial axis transforms of free-form pockets for high performance machining

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    Mechanical part quality and productivity depend on many parameters in CNC milling processes, such as workpiece material, cutters, tool paths, feed rate, and spindle speed, etc. To pursue high performance machining, the cutting parameter optimization is in high demand in industry, though it is quite challenge. This innovative research successfully addresses some essential problems in optimizing the cutting parameters by developing a new geometric-and-physics integrated model of milling and proposing an effective approach to the medial axis transforms of free-form pockets. In this research, an original geometric model of 21/2- and 3-axis CNC milling is developed and integrated with a well-established mechanistic model. A main research contribution is that this integrated model can predict complex milling processes in higher fidelity with instantaneous material remove rates, cutting forces and spindle powers, compared to prior machining models. In the geometric model, an in-process workpiece model is introduced by using a group of discrete Z-layers and applying the B-Rep scheme to represent the workpiece shape on each layer, in order to accurately represent instantaneous cutter-and-workpiece engagement in 2Yz- and 3-axis milling. Hence, the un-deformed chip geometry can be found even for complex part milling, which is then fed to the mechanistic model to predict instantaneous cutting forces. By using this integrated model, cutting parameters can be optimized for profiling, pocketing, and surface milling to ensure steady cut and the maximum material removal rates. This model has been verified by experiments, and will be implemented into a software tool for Bombardier Aerospace. Another important research in this work is to propose aggressive roughing of free-form pockets for ultimately high cutting efficiency. For this purpose, an accurate, efficient approach to the medial axis transforms of free-form pockets and an optimal approach to multiple cutters selection and their path generation are proposed. The main contributions of this research include (1) a new mathematical model of medial axis point, (2) an innovative global optimization solver, the hybrid global optimization method, (3) an optimization model of selecting multiple cutters for the maximum material removal rate. This research can substantially promote aggressive roughing in the machining industry to increase cutting efficiency of free-form pockets. The technique has been validated using considerable number of cutting tests and can be directly implemented into commercial CAD/CAM softwar

    Integrated approach to Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) optimization: Harnessing the synergy of process parameters and deposition strategies

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    The flexibility of Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies in the metal 3D printing process has gained significant attention in research and industry, which allows for fabricating complicated and intricate Near-Net-Shape (NNS) geometry designs. The achievement of desired characteristics in Wire-Arc Additive Manufactured (WAAM) components is primarily contingent upon the careful selection and precise control of significant processing variables, including bead deposition strategy, wire materials, type of heat source, wire feed speed, and the application of shielding gas. As a result, optimizing these most significant process parameters has improved, producing higher-quality WAAM-manufactured components. Consequently, this has contributed to the overall rise in the method's popularity and many applications. This article aims to provide an overview of the wire deposition strategy and the optimization of process parameters in WAAM. The optimization of numerous wire deposition techniques and process parameters in the WAAM method, which is required to manufacture high-quality additively manufactured metal parts, is summarised. The WAAM optimization algorithm, in addition to anticipate technological developments, has been proposed. Subsequently, a discussion ensues regarding the potential for WAAM optimization within the swiftly growing domain of WAAM. In the end, conclusions have been derived from the reviewed research work