7 research outputs found

    On the weight distributions of several classes of cyclic codes from APN monomials

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    Let m3m\geq 3 be an odd integer and pp be an odd prime. % with p1=2rhp-1=2^rh, where hh is an odd integer. In this paper, many classes of three-weight cyclic codes over Fp\mathbb{F}_{p} are presented via an examination of the condition for the cyclic codes C(1,d)\mathcal{C}_{(1,d)} and C(1,e)\mathcal{C}_{(1,e)}, which have parity-check polynomials m1(x)md(x)m_1(x)m_d(x) and m1(x)me(x)m_1(x)m_e(x) respectively, to have the same weight distribution, where mi(x)m_i(x) is the minimal polynomial of πi\pi^{-i} over Fp\mathbb{F}_{p} for a primitive element π\pi of Fpm\mathbb{F}_{p^m}. %For p=3p=3, the duals of five classes of the proposed cyclic codes are optimal in the sense that they meet certain bounds on linear codes. Furthermore, for p3(mod4)p\equiv 3 \pmod{4} and positive integers ee such that there exist integers kk with gcd(m,k)=1\gcd(m,k)=1 and τ{0,1,,m1}\tau\in\{0,1,\cdots, m-1\} satisfying (pk+1)e2pτ(modpm1)(p^k+1)\cdot e\equiv 2 p^{\tau}\pmod{p^m-1}, the value distributions of the two exponential sums T(a,b)=\sum\limits_{x\in \mathbb{F}_{p^m}}\omega^{\Tr(ax+bx^e)} and S(a,b,c)=\sum\limits_{x\in \mathbb{F}_{p^m}}\omega^{\Tr(ax+bx^e+cx^s)}, where s=(pm1)/2s=(p^m-1)/2, are settled. As an application, the value distribution of S(a,b,c)S(a,b,c) is utilized to investigate the weight distribution of the cyclic codes C(1,e,s)\mathcal{C}_{(1,e,s)} with parity-check polynomial m1(x)me(x)ms(x)m_1(x)m_e(x)m_s(x). In the case of p=3p=3 and even ee satisfying the above condition, the duals of the cyclic codes C(1,e,s)\mathcal{C}_{(1,e,s)} have the optimal minimum distance

    Experimental relativistic zero-knowledge proofs

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    Protecting secrets is a key challenge in our contemporary information-based era. In common situations, however, revealing secrets appears unavoidable, for instance, when identifying oneself in a bank to retrieve money. In turn, this may have highly undesirable consequences in the unlikely, yet not unrealistic, case where the bank's security gets compromised. This naturally raises the question of whether disclosing secrets is fundamentally necessary for identifying oneself, or more generally for proving a statement to be correct. Developments in computer science provide an elegant solution via the concept of zero-knowledge proofs: a prover can convince a verifier of the validity of a certain statement without facilitating the elaboration of a proof at all. In this work, we report the experimental realisation of such a zero-knowledge protocol involving two separated verifier-prover pairs. Security is enforced via the physical principle of special relativity, and no computational assumption (such as the existence of one-way functions) is required. Our implementation exclusively relies on off-the-shelf equipment and works at both short (60 m) and long distances (400 m) in about one second. This demonstrates the practical potential of multi-prover zero-knowledge protocols, promising for identification tasks and blockchain-based applications such as cryptocurrencies or smart contracts.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Optimal ternary cyclic codes with minimum distance four and five

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    Cyclic codes are an important subclass of linear codes and have wide applications in data storage systems, communication systems and consumer electronics. In this paper, two families of optimal ternary cyclic codes are presented. The first family of cyclic codes has parameters [3m−1,3m−1−2m,4] and contains a class of conjectured cyclic codes and several new classes of optimal cyclic codes. The second family of cyclic codes has parameters [3m−1,3m−2−2m,5] and contains a number of classes of cyclic codes that are obtained from perfect nonlinear functions over F3m, where m > 1 and is a positive integer