4,477 research outputs found

    On the optimal operation of wireless networks

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    With the ever increasing mobile traffic in wireless networks, radio frequency spectrum is becoming limited and overcrowded. To address the radio frequency spectrum scarcity problem, researchers proposed advanced radio technology-Cognitive Radio to make use of the uncommonly used and under-utilized licensed bands to improve overall spectrum efficiency. Mobile service providers also deploy small base stations on the streets, into shopping center and users\u27 households in order to improve spectrum efficiency per area. In this thesis, we study cooperation schemes in cognitive radio networks as well as heterogeneous networks to reuse the existing radio frequency spectrum intelligently and improve network throughput and spectrum efficiency, reduce network power consumption and provide network failure protection capability. In the first work of the thesis, we study a multicast routing problem in Cognitive Ratio Networks (CRNs). In this work, all Secondary Users (SUs) are assumed not self interested and they are willing to provide relay service for source SUs. We propose a new network modeling method, where we model CRNs using a Multi-rate Multilayer Hyper-Graph (MMHG). Given a multicast session of the MMHG, our goal is to find the multicast routing trees that minimize the worst case end-to-end delay, maximize the multicast rate and minimize the number of transmission links used in the multicast tree. We apply two metaheuristic algorithms (Multi-Objective Ant Colony System optimization algorithm (MOACS) and Archived Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing Optimization Algorithm (AMOSA)) in solving the problem. We also study the scheduling problem of multicast routing trees obtained from the MMHG model. In the second work of the thesis, we study the cell outage compensation function of the self-healing mechanism using network cooperation scheme. In a heterogeneous network environment with densely deployed Femto Base Stations (FBSs), we propose a network cooperation scheme for FBSs using Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) transmission and reception with joint processing technique. Different clustering methods are studied to improve the performance of the network cooperation scheme. In the final work of the thesis, we study the user cooperative multi-path routing solution for wireless Users Equipment (UEs)\u27 streaming application using auction theory. We assume that UEs use multi-path transport layer service, and establish two paths for streaming events, one path goes through its cellular link, another path is established using a Wi-Fi connection with a neighbor UE. We study user coordinated multi-path routing solution with two different energy cost functions (LCF and EAC) and design user cooperative real-time optimization and failure protection operations for the streaming application. To stimulate UEs to participate into the user cooperation operation, we design a credit system enabled with auction mechanism. Simulation results in this thesis show that optimal cooperation operations among network devices to reuse the existing spectrum wisely are able to improve network performance considerably. Our proposed network modeling approach in CRN helps reduce the complicated multicast routing problem to a simple graph problem, and the proposed algorithms can find most of the optimal multicast routing trees in a short amount of time. In the second and third works, our proposed network cooperation and user cooperation approaches are shown to provide better UEs\u27 throughput compared to non-cooperation schemes. The network cooperation approach using CoMP provides failure compensation capability by preventing the system sum rate loss from having the same speed of radio resource loss, and this is done without using additional radio resources and will not have a significant adverse effect on the performance of other UEs. The user cooperation approach shows great advantage in improving service rate, improving streaming event success rate and reducing energy consumption compared to non-cooperation solution

    Transmitter Optimization in Multiuser Wireless Systems with Quality of Service Constraints

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    In this dissertation, transmitter adaptation for optimal resource allocation in wireless communication systems are investigated. First, a multiple access channel model is considered where many transmitters communicate with a single receiver. This scenario is a basic component of a. wireless network in which multiple users simultaneously access the resources of a wireless service provider. Adaptive algorithms for transmitter optimization to meet Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements in a distributed manner are studied. Second, an interference channel model is considered where multiple interfering transmitter-receiver pairs co-exist such that a given transmitter communicates with its intended receiver in the presence of interference from other transmitters. This scenario models a wireless network in which several wireless service providers share the spectrum to offer their services by using dynamic spectrum access and cognitive radio (CR) technologies. The primary objective of dynamic spectrum access in the CR approach is to enable use of the frequency band dynamically and opportunistically without creating harmful interference to licensed incumbent users. Specifically, CR users are envisioned to be able to provide high bandwidth and efficient utilization of the spectrum via dynamic spectrum access in heterogeneous networks. In this scenario, a distributed method is investigated for combined precoder and power adaptation of CR transmitters for dynamic spectrum sharing in cognitive radio systems. Finally, the effect of limited feedback for transmitter optimization is analyzed where precoder adaptation uses the quantized version of interference information or the predictive vector quantization for incremental updates. The performance of the transmitter adaptation algorithms is also studied in the context of fading channels

    Proposed Multi-Mode Home Node-B Air Interface Protocol Stack Architecture

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    A Multi-mode Home NodeB (MHNB) is a system that can offer cellular service(s) to more than one different generation technology. The Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) technology using NodeB as its transceiver station was developed to offer a high frequency range of 5MHz and because of this, the signal from the NodeB dilutes faster once reaching indoor. Studies showed that the idea of Home NodeB system by Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) came as a means to boost the diluted indoor signals. The challenge with this system is that it can only accommodate small number of subscribers as its Close Subscriber Group (CSG) without allowance for expansion. This study seeks to address the small capacity issue of the existing HNB by proposing a system that will accommodate wider capacity range and also, modify its operation from a single network mode to a Multi network mode technology. This will also offer great benefit to developing countries through extension of their GSM coverage and will also create a uniform platform for all cellular generation technologies. Keywords: Home NodeB, Multi-mode Home NodeB, Third Generation Partnership Project and Close Subscriber Group                                                                                                                        

    Location-specific Spectrum Sharing in Heterogeneous Networks

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    The popularity of wireless mobile communication with enormous production of smart devices and applications increases the number of users in the wireless network. This increase of mobile users in the wireless network results insatiable demand for additional bandwidth. To improve network capacity of mobile operators efficient use of spectrum is critical. To improve the system capacity of operators and to provide flexible use of spectrum, we investigate a localized spectrum sharing between operators located at the same geographical area. We provide a coordination mechanism for operators to form a common spectrum pool and to use it dynamically. The coordination between the operators is modeled using a game theoretical approach in a non-cooperative basis. We study the spectrum sharing at localized and non-localized level, where at localized level operators agree on spectrum sharing at small scale. In localized spectrum sharing operators share their spectrum at smaller areas, when compared to non-localized spectrum sharing. Through numerical simulation, we analyze the performance of localized and non-localized spectrum sharing in comparison to the default orthogonal spectrum sharing mechanism. From the simulation results, we conclude that localized spectrum sharing outperforms non-localized spectrum sharing. Thus, spectrum sharing at smaller areas provides a better performance improvement than spectrum sharing at larger geographical areas

    Performance Evaluation of v-eNodeB using Virtualized Radio Resource Management

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    With the demand upsurge for high bandwidth services, continuous increase in the number of cellular subscriptions, adoption of Internet of Things (IoT), and marked growth in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) traffic, there is great stress exerted on cellular network infrastructure. The present wireline and wireless networking technologies are rigid in nature and heavily hardware-dependent, as a result of which the process of infrastructure upgrade to keep up with future demand is cumbersome and expensive. Software-defined networks (SDN) hold the promise to decrease network rigidity by providing central control and flow abstraction, which in current network setups are hardware-based. The embrace of SDN in traditional cellular networks has led to the implementation of vital network functions in the form of software that are deployed in virtualized environments. This approach to move crucial and hardware intensive network functions to virtual environments is collectively referred to as network function virtualization (NFV). Our work evaluates the cost reduction and energy savings that can be achieved by the application of SDN and NFV technologies in cellular networks. In this thesis, we implement a virtualized eNodeB component (Radio Resource Management) to add agility to the network setup and improve performance, which we compare with a traditional resource manager. When combined with dynamic network resource allocation techniques proposed in Elastic Handoff, our hardware agnostic approach can achieve a greater reduction in capital and operational expenses through optimal use of network resources and efficient energy utilization. Advisor: Jitender S. Deogu