3 research outputs found

    A review of maintenance service for leasing equipment

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    Recent business trend focuses more on efficiency. One of the chosen ways is leased the capital equipment from other parties. The leasing option encourages both the lessee and lessor to discuss any consequences include responsibility for managing the equipment performance, rectifying failure during operation, maintenance option provided during leasing period, as well as the accompanying cost. The review and maping of publications are conducted based on the order in which the reference appears in the publication, in order to follow the development of thinking on the research topic of leasing, yet to identify the more recent development during the last decade. Several potential research ideas could be generated from the maping toward the fast and flexibel busines

    A Two-dimensional Maintenance Service Contract Considering Availability and Maintenance Cost

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    In this paper, we study a two- dimensional Maintenance Service Contract (MSC) characterized by two limits (dimensions) of age and usage. It is considered that an agent offers a two-dimensional MSC by guaranteeing a certain level of equipment available to consumers. The agent needs to reduce the total maintenance cost to offer competitive MSC prices. Preventive maintenance actions (PM) are periodically carried out, and each PM action is considered to improve reliability modeled by reducing the failure rate function. Two decision variables (the PM interval (T) and the reduction in the intensity function  are obtained by considering two performance measures that are relevant to agents and consumers (i.e., availability and total maintenance cost). A numerical example is presented by considering three types of equipment usage rates: low, medium, and high. The optimization of the two performance measures can ensure availability targets and, at the same time, minimize total maintenance costs

    Pengembangan Model Kebijakan Maintenance dengan Mempertimbangkan Perpanjangan Periode Lease

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    Harga beli dan biaya perawatan peralatan semakin mahal, sehingga perusahaan mempertimbangkan untuk lease peralatan daripada membelinya. Perpanjangan periode lease akan memberikan keuntungan lebih banyak, baik bagi pihak lessor (yang menyewakan) maupun pihak lessee (penyewa). Pada penelitian sebelumnya, perpanjangan periode lease ditawarkan pada awal kontrak. Bagi pihak lessee, model ini memiliki resiko dalam pembiayaan seperti ketidakpastian performansi peralatan dan tanggung jawab lessor. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini mencoba untuk memodelkan kebijakan maintenance yang optimal dengan mempertimbangkan perpanjangan periode lease (extended lease) yang ditawarkan pada akhir masa kontrak. Tujuannya untuk menghilangkan resiko yang ada pada penelitian sebelumnya. Minimal repair dilakukan untuk memperbaiki peralatan gagal agar kembali ke kondisi operasional, sedangkan imperfect preventive maintenance untuk meningkatkan kondisi operasional peralatan ketika mencapai batas kontrol optimal agar terhindar dari kegagalan. Model matematika dibangun untuk menentukan batas kontrol, jumlah dan degree preventive maintenance, serta jumlah periode extended lease optimal. Pada bagian akhir, percobaan numerik diberikan untuk menunjukkan pengaruh panjang extended lease dan kebijakan maintenance dalam memaksimalkan keuntungan lessor. ================================================================= The purchase price and maintenance cost of the equipment are more expensive, thus the company considers to lease the equipment instead of purchase it. The lease period extension will provide more benefits for both the lessor (owner) and the lessee (user). In a previous research, the lease period extension was offered in the beginning of the contract. For the lessee, this model had some risks in finance, such as uncertainty of the equipment performance and lessor responsibility. Therefore, this research attemps to modelling the optimal maintenance policy by considering lease period extension (extended lease) that is offered in the ending of the contract. It aims to eliminate some risks in the previous research. Minimal repair is performed to rectify a failed equipment back to its operasional state, while imperfect preventive maintenance is conducted to improve the operasional state of the equipment when reaches a controlled limit to avoid failures. The mathematical model is constructed to determine the optimal controlled limit, number and degree of preventif maintenance, and number of extended lease period. Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the influences of the optimal length of the extend ed lease and the maintenance policy to maximize profit of the lessor