8 research outputs found

    File Fragmentation over an Unreliable Channel

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    It has been recently discovered that heavy-tailed file completion time can result from protocol interaction even when file sizes are light-tailed. A key to this phenomenon is the RESTART feature where if a file transfer is interrupted before it is completed, the transfer needs to restart from the beginning. In this paper, we show that independent or bounded fragmentation guarantees light-tailed file completion time as long as the file size is light-tailed, i.e., in this case, heavy-tailed file completion time can only originate from heavy-tailed file sizes. If the file size is heavy-tailed, then the file completion time is necessarily heavy-tailed. For this case, we show that when the file size distribution is regularly varying, then under independent or bounded fragmentation, the completion time tail distribution function is asymptotically upper bounded by that of the original file size stretched by a constant factor. We then prove that if the failure distribution has non-decreasing failure rate, the expected completion time is minimized by dividing the file into equal sized fragments; this optimal fragment size is unique but depends on the file size. We also present a simple blind fragmentation policy where the fragment sizes are constant and independent of the file size and prove that it is asymptotically optimal. Finally, we bound the error in expected completion time due to error in modeling of the failure process

    On Channel Failures, File Fragmentation Policies, and Heavy-Tailed Completion Times

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    It has been recently discovered that heavy-tailed completion times can result from protocol interaction even when file sizes are light-tailed. A key to this phenomenon is the use of a restart policy where if the file is interrupted before it is completed, it needs to restart from the beginning. In this paper, we show that fragmenting a file into pieces whose sizes are either bounded or independently chosen after each interruption guarantees light-tailed completion time as long as the file size is light-tailed; i.e., in this case, heavy-tailed completion time can only originate from heavy-tailed file sizes. If the file size is heavy-tailed, then the completion time is necessarily heavy-tailed. For this case, we show that when the file size distribution is regularly varying, then under independent or bounded fragmentation, the completion time tail distribution function is asymptotically bounded above by that of the original file size stretched by a constant factor. We then prove that if the distribution of times between interruptions has nondecreasing failure rate, the expected completion time is minimized by dividing the file into equal-sized fragments; this optimal fragment size is unique but depends on the file size. We also present a simple blind fragmentation policy where the fragment sizes are constant and independent of the file size and prove that it is asymptotically optimal. Both these policies are also shown to have desirable completion time tail behavior. Finally, we bound the error in expected completion time due to error in modeling of the failure process

    Optimal job fragmentation

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    It has been recently discovered that on an unreliable server, the job completion time distribution function (df) can be heavy-tailed (HT) even when job size df is light-tailed (LT) [1, 5]. A key to this phenomenon is the RESTART feature where if a job is interrupted in the middle of its processing, the entire job needs to restart from the beginning, i.e., the work that is partially completed is lost. A standard mechanism for reducing the job completion time in an unreliable service environment is checkpointing [3, 4, 6]. We view checkpointing as a job fragmentation operation, where the server processes one fragment of the job at a time. If the server becomes unavailable, say due to failure, then only the work corresponding to the fragment being processed at the time of failure is lost. In this paper, we are motivated by the question: Can fragmentation ‘lighten’ the tail df of the completion time? In Section 3, we provide sufficient conditions on the fragmentation policy that gives rise to LT completion time so long as the job size df is LT. We then characterize the optimal fragmentation policy seeking to minimize the expected job completion time. This policy requires a priori knowledge of the job size. We then describe a sub-optimal fragmentation policy that is blind to the job size and is provably very close to optimal. We also describe the asymptotic tail behavior of the job completion time df under both policies. Assuming the server unavailability periods are LT, both policies produce LT completion times when the job size df is LT. For the case of regularly varying job size df, the job completion time under both policies is regularly varying with the same degree - this is the lightest possible asymptotic tail behavior (in the degree sense)

    Optimal job fragmentation

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    It has been recently discovered that on an unreliable server, the job completion time distribution function (df) can be heavy-tailed (HT) even when job size df is light-tailed (LT) [1, 5]. A key to this phenomenon is the RESTART feature where if a job is interrupted in the middle of its processing, the entire job needs to restart from the beginning, i.e., the work that is partially completed is lost. A standard mechanism for reducing the job completion time in an unreliable service environment is checkpointing [3, 4, 6]. We view checkpointing as a job fragmentation operation, where the server processes one fragment of the job at a time. If the server becomes unavailable, say due to failure, then only the work corresponding to the fragment being processed at the time of failure is lost. In this paper, we are motivated by the question: Can fragmentation ‘lighten’ the tail df of the completion time? In Section 3, we provide sufficient conditions on the fragmentation policy that gives rise to LT completion time so long as the job size df is LT. We then characterize the optimal fragmentation policy seeking to minimize the expected job completion time. This policy requires a priori knowledge of the job size. We then describe a sub-optimal fragmentation policy that is blind to the job size and is provably very close to optimal. We also describe the asymptotic tail behavior of the job completion time df under both policies. Assuming the server unavailability periods are LT, both policies produce LT completion times when the job size df is LT. For the case of regularly varying job size df, the job completion time under both policies is regularly varying with the same degree - this is the lightest possible asymptotic tail behavior (in the degree sense)

    Optimal job fragmentation

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