10 research outputs found

    Fault Tolerant Gradient Clock Synchronization

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    Synchronizing clocks in distributed systems is well-understood, both in terms of fault-tolerance in fully connected systems and the dependence of local and global worst-case skews (i.e., maximum clock difference between neighbors and arbitrary pairs of nodes, respectively) on the diameter of fault-free systems. However, so far nothing non-trivial is known about the local skew that can be achieved in topologies that are not fully connected even under a single Byzantine fault. Put simply, in this work we show that the most powerful known techniques for fault-tolerant and gradient clock synchronization are compatible, in the sense that the best of both worlds can be achieved simultaneously. Concretely, we combine the Lynch-Welch algorithm [Welch1988] for synchronizing a clique of nn nodes despite up to f<n/3f<n/3 Byzantine faults with the gradient clock synchronization (GCS) algorithm by Lenzen et al. [Lenzen2010] in order to render the latter resilient to faults. As this is not possible on general graphs, we augment an input graph G\mathcal{G} by replacing each node by 3f+13f+1 fully connected copies, which execute an instance of the Lynch-Welch algorithm. We then interpret these clusters as supernodes executing the GCS algorithm, where for each cluster its correct nodes' Lynch-Welch clocks provide estimates of the logical clock of the supernode in the GCS algorithm. By connecting clusters corresponding to neighbors in G\mathcal{G} in a fully bipartite manner, supernodes can inform each other about (estimates of) their logical clock values. This way, we achieve asymptotically optimal local skew, granted that no cluster contains more than ff faulty nodes, at factor O(f)O(f) and O(f2)O(f^2) overheads in terms of nodes and edges, respectively. Note that tolerating ff faulty neighbors trivially requires degree larger than ff, so this is asymptotically optimal as well

    Clock Synchronization and Distributed Estimation in Highly Dynamic Networks: An Information Theoretic Approach

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    International audienceWe consider the External Clock Synchronization problem in dynamic sensor networks. Initially, sensors obtain inaccurate estimations of an external time reference and subsequently collaborate in order to synchronize their internal clocks with the external time. For simplicity, we adopt the drift-free assumption, where internal clocks are assumed to tick at the same pace. Hence, the problem is reduced to an estimation problem, in which the sensors need to estimate the initial external time. This work is further relevant to the problem of collective approximation of environmental values by biological groups. Unlike most works on clock synchronization that assume static networks, this paper focuses on an extreme case of highly dynamic networks. Specifically, we assume a non-adaptive scheduler adversary that dictates in advance an arbitrary, yet independent, meeting pattern. Such meeting patterns fit, for example, with short-time scenarios in highly dynamic settings, where each sensor interacts with only few other arbitrary sensors. We propose an extremely simple clock synchronization algorithm that is based on weighted averages, and prove that its performance on any given independent meeting pattern is highly competitive with that of the best possible algorithm, which operates without any resource or computational restrictions, and knows the meeting pattern in advance. In particular, when all distributions involved are Gaussian, the performances of our scheme coincide with the optimal performances. Our proofs rely on an extensive use of the concept of Fisher information. We use the Cramér-Rao bound and our definition of a Fisher Channel Capacity to quantify information flows and to obtain lower bounds on collective performance. This opens the door for further rigorous quantifications of information flows within collaborative sensors

    Synchronizer-Free Digital Link Controller

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    This work presents a producer-consumer link between two independent clock domains. The link allows for metastability-free, low-latency, high-throughput communication by slight adjustments to the clock frequencies of the producer and consumer domains steered by a controller circuit. Any such controller cannot deterministically avoid, detect, nor resolve metastability. Typically, this is addressed by synchronizers, incurring a larger dead time in the control loop. We follow the approach of Friedrichs et al. (TC 2018) who proposed metastability-containing circuits. The result is a simple control circuit that may become metastable, yet deterministically avoids buffer underrun or overflow. More specifically, the controller output may become metastable, but this may only affect oscillator speeds within specific bounds. In contrast, communication is guaranteed to remain metastability-free. We formally prove correctness of the producer-consumer link and a possible implementation that has only small overhead. With SPICE simulations of the proposed implementation we further substantiate our claims. The simulation uses 65nm process running at roughly 2GHz.Comment: 12 page journal articl

    On Line Trace Synchronization for Large Scale Distributed Systems

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    RÉSUMÉ Les systèmes distribués en réseau fournissent une plate-forme informatique polyvalente pour soutenir diverses applications, telles que des algorithmes de routage dans les réseaux de télécommunication, les systèmes bancaires dans les applications de réseau, les systèmes de contrôle d'aéronefs dans le contrôle de processus en temps réel, ou le calcul scientifique, y compris les grilles et grappes de calcul en calcul parallèle. Ces systèmes sont généralement supervisés afin de détecter, de déboguer et d'éviter les problèmes de sécurité ou de performance. Un outil de traçage est une des méthodes les plus efficaces et précises, avec laquelle toutes les informations détaillées pour chaque noeud individuel dans le système peuvent être extraites et étudiées. Typiquement, une tâche énorme est divisée en de nombreuses tâches, qui sont distribuées et exécutées sur plusieurs ordinateurs coopérant en réseau. Ainsi, afin de contrôler la fonctionnalité des systèmes distribués actuels, toutes les informations sont collectées à partir de plusieurs systèmes et appareils embarqués pour une analyse et une visualisation à la fois en ligne et hors ligne. Cette information de traçage, générée à un rythme effarant, est livrée avec estampilles de temps générées localement sur chaque noeud. Ces estampilles sont généralement fondées sur des compteurs de cycle, avec une granularité du niveau de la nanoseconde. Toutefois, les horloges de chaque noeud sont indépendantes et donc asynchrones les unes des autres. Néanmoins, les utilisateurs s'attendent à voir la sortie de l'analyse en temps réel, sur un axe de référence de temps commun, afin d'être en mesure de diagnostiquer les problèmes plus facilement. La portée de l'oeuvre proposée ici est la synchronisation efficace et en direct de traces générées dans un environnement de grande grappe d'ordinateurs avec des estampilles de temps de granularité du niveau de la nanoseconde, produites par des horloges non synchronisées. Par ailleurs, le modèle de trafic du réseau, le nombre de noeuds informatiques disponibles et même la topologie du réseau peuvent changer. En effet, les grands centres de données roulent un ensemble diversifié et en constante évolution d'applications. Les noeuds peuvent échouer ou revenir en ligne à tout moment, et même le réseau peut être reconfiguré dynamiquement. Ainsi, motivé par la grande échelle des systèmes ciblés, le volume élevé de flux de traces de données associés, la limitation des tampons mémoire et la nécessité d'une analyse en direct, et la haute précision de synchronisation requise, nous avons conçu une nouvelle approche incrémentale pour synchroniser les traces de plusieurs ordinateurs connectés à un réseau dynamique à grande échelle. Tout d'abord, nous présentons une nouvelle technique de synchronisation en direct des connexions individuelles basée sur la classification rapide des paquets échangés, soit comme des paquets précis ou des paquets inintéressants. Cette méthode permet d'obtenir à la fois le plus bas coût de calcul, une latence minimale et une meilleure précision. Deuxièmement, nous avons proposé un algorithme efficace pour calculer incrémentalement l'arbre couvrant minimum des liaisons réseau avec la meilleure précision (plus faible inexactitude) afin de permettre le calcul efficace de paramètres de synchronisation transitive entre deux noeuds qui ne sont pas connectés directement. Ce problème est un défi multiple puisque l'exactitude des liens change au fur et à mesure que des paquets sont échangés entre deux noeuds, de nouveaux liens peuvent apparaître lorsque les noeuds commencent à échanger des paquets, et de nouveaux noeuds peuvent aussi apparaître. Enfin, nous avons proposé un nouvel algorithme pour identifier efficacement et mettre à jour le noeud de référence optimal dans l'arbre couvrant minimum, afin d'utiliser ce noeud comme référence de temps pour l'analyse et la visualisation des traces de plusieurs noeuds. En résumé, nous avons conçu et mis en oeuvre une nouvelle procédure efficace et complète pour la synchronisation de trace optimale, dans un environnement de très grande grappe d'ordinateurs, en direct. Le Linux Trace Toolkit next generation (LTTng), développé à l'École Polytechnique de Montréal, offre une trace d'exécution détaillée des systèmes Linux avec faible surcharge. Notre nouvelle procédure a été programmée et validée par la synchronisation en ligne d'énormes traces LTTng dans de grands réseaux dynamiques.----------ABSTRACT Networked distributed systems provide a versatile computing platform for supporting various applications, such as routing algorithms in telecommunication networks, banking systems in network applications, aircraft control systems in real-time process control, or scientific computing including cluster and grid computing in parallel computation. These systems are typically monitored to detect, debug and avoid security or performance problems. A tracing tool is one of the most efficient and precise methods, in which all the detailed information for every individual node in the system can be extracted and studied. Typically, a particular huge task is divided into many tasks, which are distributed and run on several cooperating networked computers. Hence, in order to monitor the functionality of current distributed systems, all information is collected, from multiple systems and embedded devices, for both online and a posteriori offline analysis and viewing. This tracing information, generated at a staggering rate, comes with timestamps locally generated on each node. These timestamps are typically based on cycle counters, with a nanosecond level granularity. However, the clocks in each node are independent and thus asynchronous from one another. Nonetheless, users expect to see the analysis output in real-time, on a common time reference axis, in order to be able to diagnose problems more easily. The scope of the work proposed here is the efficient and live synchronization of traces generated in distributed systems with nanosecond granularity timestamps produced by unsynchronized clocks. Moreover, the pattern of network traffic, the number of available computer nodes and even the network topology can change. Indeed, distributed systems run a diverse and changing set of applications, nodes may fail or come back online at any time, and even the network can be reconfigured dynamically. Thus, motivated by the large scale of targeted systems, the high volume of associated trace data streams, the data buffering limitations, and the need for live analysis and high synchronization precision, we designed a new incremental approach to synchronize traces from multiple connected computers in a large scale dynamic network. First, we present a novel schema for live synchronization of individual connections based on the fast classification of exchanged packets as either accurate packets or uninteresting packets. This method achieves at the same time the lowest computing cost, lowest latency and best accuracy. Secondly, we proposed an efficient algorithm to incrementally compute the minimum spanning tree of network links with the best precision (lowest inaccuracy) in order to allow the efficient computation of synchronization parameters transitively between two nodes which are not connected directly. This problem is a multiple challenge since the accuracy of links changes as more packets are exchanged between two nodes, new links may appear when nodes start exchanging packets, and new nodes may appear as well. Finally, we proposed a new algorithm to efficiently identify and update the optimal reference node in the minimum spanning tree, in order to use this node as time reference when analyzing and visualizing traces from multiple nodes. In summary, we designed and implemented a new efficient procedure for optimum trace synchronization in a live distributed systems. The Linux Trace Toolkit next generation (LTTng), developed at Polytechnique Montreal, provides a detailed execution trace of Linux systems with low overhead. Our new procedure was programmed and validated through the online synchronization of huge LTTng traces in large dynamic networks

    Optimal Gradient Clock Synchronization in Dynamic Networks (Version 3)

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    We study the problem of clock synchronization in highly dynamic networks, where communication links can appear or disappear at any time. The nodes in the network are equipped with hardware clocks, but the rate of the hardware clocks can vary arbitrarily within specific bounds, and the estimates that nodes can obtain about the clock values of other nodes are inherently inaccurate. Our goal in this setting is to output a logical clock at each node such that the logical clocks of any two nodes are not too far apart, and nodes that remain close to each other in the network for a long time are better synchronized than distant nodes. This property is called gradient clock synchronization. Gradient clock synchronization has been widely studied in the static setting, where the network topology does not change. We show that the asymptotically optimal bounds obtained for the static case also apply to our highly dynamic setting: if two nodes remain at distance dd from each other for sufficiently long, it is possible to upper bound the difference between their clock values by O(dlog(D/d))O(d \log (D / d)), where DD is the diameter of the network. This is known to be optimal even for static networks. Furthermore, we show that our algorithm has optimal stabilization time: when a path of length dd appears between two nodes, the time required until the clock skew between the two nodes is reduced to O(dlog(D/d))O(d \log (D / d)) is O(D)O(D), which we prove to be optimal. Finally, the techniques employed for the more intricate analysis of the algorithm for dynamic graphs provide additional insights that are also of interest for the static setting. In particular, we establish self-stabilization of the gradient property within O(D)O(D) time