3,804 research outputs found

    VLSI design methodology

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    Innovative teaching of IC design and manufacture using the Superchip platform

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    In this paper we describe how an intelligent chip architecture has allowed a large cohort of undergraduate students to be given effective practical insight into IC design by designing and manufacturing their own ICs. To achieve this, an efficient chip architecture, the “Superchip”, has been developed, which allows multiple student designs to be fabricated on a single IC, and encapsulated in a standard package without excessive cost in terms of time or resources. We demonstrate how the practical process has been tightly coupled with theoretical aspects of the degree course and how transferable skills are incorporated into the design exercise. Furthermore, the students are introduced at an early stage to the key concepts of team working, exposure to real deadlines and collaborative report writing. This paper provides details of the teaching rationale, design exercise overview, design process, chip architecture and test regime

    Transistor-Level Layout of Integrated Circuits

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    In this dissertation, we present the toolchain BonnCell and its underlying algorithms. It has been developed in close cooperation with the IBM Corporation and automatically generates the geometry for functional groups of 2 to approximately 50 transistors. Its input consists of a set of transistors, including properties like their sizes and their types, a specification of their connectivity, and parameters to flexibly control the technological framework as well as the algorithms' behavior. Using this data, the tool computes a detailed geometric realization of the circuit as polygonal shapes on 16 layers. To this end, a placement routine configures the transistors and arranges them in the plane, which is the main subject of this thesis. Subsequently, a routing engine determines wires connecting the transistors to ensure the circuit's desired functionality. We propose and analyze a family of algorithms that arranges sets of transistors in the plane such that a multi-criteria target function is optimized. The primary goal is to obtain solutions that are as compact as possible because chip area is a valuable resource in modern techologies. In addition to the core algorithms we formulate variants that handle particularly structured instances in a suitable way. We will show that for 90% of the instances in a representative test bed provided by IBM, BonnCell succeeds to generate fully functional layouts including the placement of the transistors and a routing of their interconnections. Moreover, BonnCell is in wide use within IBM's groups that are concerned with transistor-level layout - a task that has been performed manually before our automation was available. Beyond the processing of isolated test cases, two large-scale examples for applications of the tool in the industry will be presented: On the one hand the initial design phase of a large SRAM unit required only half of the expected 3 month period, on the other hand BonnCell could provide valuable input aiding central decisions in the early concept phase of the new 14 nm technology generation

    Product assurance technology for custom LSI/VLSI electronics

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    The technology for obtaining custom integrated circuits from CMOS-bulk silicon foundries using a universal set of layout rules is presented. The technical efforts were guided by the requirement to develop a 3 micron CMOS test chip for the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES). This chip contains both analog and digital circuits. The development employed all the elements required to obtain custom circuits from silicon foundries, including circuit design, foundry interfacing, circuit test, and circuit qualification

    An extrinsic function-level evolvable hardware approach

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    The function level evolvable hardware approach to synthesize the combinational multiple-valued and binary logic functions is proposed in first time. The new representation of logic gate in extrinsic EHW allows us to describe behaviour of any multi-input multi-output logic function. The circuit is represented in the form of connections and functionalities of a rectangular array of building blocks. Each building block can implement primitive logic function or any multi-input multi-output logic function defined in advance. The method has been tested on evolving logic circuits using half adder, full adder and multiplier. The effectiveness of this approach is investigated for multiple-valued and binary arithmetical functions. For these functions either method appears to be much more efficient than similar approach with two-input one-output cell representation

    Concurrent optimization strategies for high-performance VLSI circuits

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    In the next generation of VLSI circuits, concurrent optimizations will be essential to achieve the performance challenges. In this dissertation, we present techniques for combining traditional timing optimization techniques to achieve a superior performance;The method of buffer insertion is used in timing optimization to either increase the driving power of a path in a circuit, or to isolate large capacitive loads that lie on noncritical or less critical paths. The procedure of transistor sizing selects the sizes of transistors within a circuit to achieve a given timing specification. Traditional design techniques perform these two optimizations as independent steps during synthesis, even though they are intimately linked and performing them in alternating steps is liable to lead to suboptimal solutions. The first part of this thesis presents a new approach for unifying transistor sizing with buffer insertion. Our algorithm achieve from 5% to 49% area reduction compared with the results of a standard transistor sizing algorithm;The next part of the thesis deals with the problem of collapsing gates for technology mapping. Two new techniques are proposed. The first method, the odd-level transistor replacement (OTR) method, performs technology mapping without the restriction of a fixed library size, and maps a circuit to a virtual library of complex static CMOS gates. The second technique, the Static CMOS/PTL method, uses a mix of static CMOS and pass transistor logic (PTL) to realize the circuit, using the relation between PTL and binary decision diagrams. The methods are very efficient and can handle all ISCAS\u2785 benchmark circuits in minutes. On average, it was found that the OTR method gave 40%, and the Static/PTL gave 50% delay reductions over SIS, with substantial area savings;Finally, we extend the technology mapping work to interleave it with placement in a single optimization. Conventional methods that perform these steps separately will not be adequate for next-generation circuits. Our approach presents an integrated solution to this problem, and shows an average of 28.19%, and a maximum of 78.42% improvement in the delay over a method that performs the two optimizations in separate steps

    Area-power-delay trade-off in logic synthesis

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    This thesis introduces new concepts to perform area-power-delay trade-offs in a logic synthesis system. To achieve this, a new delay model is presented, which gives accurate delay estimations for arbitrary sets of Boolean expressions. This allows use of this delay model already during the very first steps of logic synthesis. Furthermore, new algorithms are presented for a number of different optimization tasks within logic synthesis. There are new algorithms to create prime irredundant Boo lean expressions, to perform technology mapping for use with standard cell generators, and to perform gate sizing. To prove the validity of the presented ideas, benchmark results are given throughout the thesis

    Structured, technology independent VLSI design

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    Journal ArticleRapid advancement in new semiconductor technologies has created a need for the design of existing integrated circuits using these new technologies. These new technologies are required to provide improved performance, smaller feature sizes and lower costs. The conversion of an integrated circuit from an existing technology to a new technology, however, is very difficulty with existing CAD tools. In this research, we have concentrated on developing a structured, technology independent VLSI design methodology, with the goal of theoretically quantifying technology independence and systematically performing technology transformation. We have identified the nature of the problems, using techniques developed during our past research, within the context of particular semiconductor technologies such as CMOS and GaAs technologies

    Low Power SoC Design

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    The design of Low Power Systems-on-Chips (SoC) in very deep submicron technologies becomes a very complex task that has to bridge very high level system description with low-level considerations due to technology defaults and variations and increasing system and circuit complexity. This paper describes the major low-level issues, such as dynamic and static power consumption, temperature, technology variations, interconnect, DFM, reliability and yield, and their impact on high-level design, such as the design of multi-Vdd, fault-tolerant, redundant or adaptive chip architectures. Some very low power System-on-Chip (SoC) will be presented in three domains: wireless sensor networks, vision sensors and mobile TV
