95,509 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Potential of Hosting Capacity Enhancement Using Integrated Grid Planning Modelling Methods

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    Connection of a significant amount of distributed generation, such as solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity, may lead to problems in distribution networks due to violations of distribution network hosting capacity (HC) limits. HC enhancement techniques, such as energy storage, could increase the allowable PV penetration level in the distribution network, reducing the need for transmission and large-scale generation expansion. However, current approaches for transmission and generation expansion planning do not account for distribution network HC limits. As a consequence, it is hard to quantify the impact and benefits of HC enhancement in the context of long-term grid expansion planning. This paper presents a novel integrated planning approach, combining a two-stage transmission and generation expansion planning model with a distribution network hosting capacity assessment, which allows for inclusion of detailed distribution network constraints We test this method on a stylized representation of the Malaysian grid. Our results show that distribution constraints have a significant impact on optimal transmission expansion plans and significantly increase overall system costs. HC enhancement in the form of battery storage does not significantly mitigate this but does lead to a cost decrease regardless of distribution network constraints. We also show how our approach can identify the key interactions between transmission and distribution networks in systems with high levels of renewable and storage technologies. In particular, HC enhancement with battery storage can act as a substitute or complement to line investment, depending on the renewable energy penetration, the storage location and the level of coordination in the network

    Optimal Scheduling for Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Networks

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    [EN] Distributed energy storage may play a key role in the operation of future low-carbon power systems as they can help to facilitate the provision of the required flexibility to cope with the intermittency and volatility featured by renewable generation. Within this context, this paper addresses an optimization methodology that will allow managing distributed storage systems of different technology and characteristics in a specific distribution network, taking into account not only the technical aspects of the network and the storage systems but also the uncertainties linked to demand and renewable energy variability. The implementation of the proposed methodology will allow facilitating the integration of energy storage systems within future smart grids. This paper's results demonstrate numerically the good performance of the developed methodology.This research was funded by European Regional Development Fund (Comunidad Valenciana FEDER 2014-2020 PO, CCI number: 2014ES16RFOP013) and the ITE-IVACE collaboration agreement corresponding to the annuity 2019 (file: IMDEEA-2019-38).Escoto Simó, M.; Montagud, M.; González-Cobos, N.; Belinchón, A.; Trujillo, AV.; Romero-Chavarro, JC.; Diaz-Cabrera, JC.... (2020). Optimal Scheduling for Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Networks. Energies. 13(15):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13153921S1131315The Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on Clean Energy Progresshttps://www.iea.org/articles/the-impact-of-the-covid-19-crisis-on-clean-energy-progressSustainable Development Goalshttps://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/Mesarić, P., & Krajcar, S. (2015). Home demand side management integrated with electric vehicles and renewable energy sources. Energy and Buildings, 108, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.09.001Rodrigues, E. M. G., Godina, R., Santos, S. F., Bizuayehu, A. W., Contreras, J., & Catalão, J. P. S. (2014). Energy storage systems supporting increased penetration of renewables in islanded systems. Energy, 75, 265-280. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2014.07.072Hirsch, A., Parag, Y., & Guerrero, J. (2018). Microgrids: A review of technologies, key drivers, and outstanding issues. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 90, 402-411. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2018.03.040Clean Energy for All Europeans Packagehttps://ec.europa.eu/energy/topics/energy-strategy/clean-energy-all-europeans_enVISION 2050 Integrating Smart Networks for the Energy Transition: Serving Society and Protecting the Environmenthttps://www.etip-snet.eu/etip_publ/etip-snet-vision-2050/Staying on Course: Renewable Energy in the Time of COVID-19https://www.irena.org/newsroom/pressreleases/2020/Apr/Staying-on-Course-Renewable-Energy-in-the-time-of-COVID19ElNozahy, M. S., Abdel-Galil, T. K., & Salama, M. M. A. (2015). Probabilistic ESS sizing and scheduling for improved integration of PHEVs and PV systems in residential distribution systems. Electric Power Systems Research, 125, 55-66. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2015.03.029Li, Y., Yang, Z., Li, G., Zhao, D., & Tian, W. (2019). Optimal Scheduling of an Isolated Microgrid With Battery Storage Considering Load and Renewable Generation Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(2), 1565-1575. doi:10.1109/tie.2018.2840498Ciupăgeanu, D.-A., Lăzăroiu, G., & Barelli, L. (2019). Wind energy integration: Variability analysis and power system impact assessment. Energy, 185, 1183-1196. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2019.07.136Hemmati, R., Saboori, H., & Jirdehi, M. A. (2017). Stochastic planning and scheduling of energy storage systems for congestion management in electric power systems including renewable energy resources. Energy, 133, 380-387. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2017.05.167Xie, S., Hu, Z., & Wang, J. (2020). Two-stage robust optimization for expansion planning of active distribution systems coupled with urban transportation networks. Applied Energy, 261, 114412. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.114412Saboori, H., & Jadid, S. (2020). Optimal scheduling of mobile utility-scale battery energy storage systems in electric power distribution networks. Journal of Energy Storage, 31, 101615. doi:10.1016/j.est.2020.101615Kassai, M. (2017). Prediction of the HVAC Energy Demand and Consumption of a Single Family House with Different Calculation Methods. Energy Procedia, 112, 585-594. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1121Zheng, Y., Zhao, J., Song, Y., Luo, F., Meng, K., Qiu, J., & Hill, D. J. (2018). Optimal Operation of Battery Energy Storage System Considering Distribution System Uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(3), 1051-1060. doi:10.1109/tste.2017.2762364Jayasekara, N., Masoum, M. A. S., & Wolfs, P. J. (2016). Optimal Operation of Distributed Energy Storage Systems to Improve Distribution Network Load and Generation Hosting Capability. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 7(1), 250-261. doi:10.1109/tste.2015.2487360Mehrjerdi, H., & Hemmati, R. (2019). Modeling and optimal scheduling of battery energy storage systems in electric power distribution networks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 234, 810-821. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.06.195Macedo, L. H., Franco, J. F., Rider, M. J., & Romero, R. (2015). Optimal Operation of Distribution Networks Considering Energy Storage Devices. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 6(6), 2825-2836. doi:10.1109/tsg.2015.2419134Lunci Hua, Jia Wang, & Chi Zhou. (2014). Adaptive Electric Vehicle Charging Coordination on Distribution Network. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 5(6), 2666-2675. doi:10.1109/tsg.2014.2336623Guo, X., Guo, X., & Su, J. (2013). Improved Support Vector Machine Short-term Power Load Forecast Model Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Parameters. Journal of Applied Sciences, 13(9), 1467-1472. doi:10.3923/jas.2013.1467.1472Bordin, C., Anuta, H. O., Crossland, A., Gutierrez, I. L., Dent, C. J., & Vigo, D. (2017). A linear programming approach for battery degradation analysis and optimization in offgrid power systems with solar energy integration. Renewable Energy, 101, 417-430. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.08.066IEEE PES AMPS DSAS Test Feeder Working Grouphttps://site.ieee.org/pes-testfeeders/resources/Lotero, R. C., & Contreras, J. (2011). Distribution System Planning With Reliability. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 26(4), 2552-2562. doi:10.1109/tpwrd.2011.2167990Munoz-Delgado, G., Contreras, J., & Arroyo, J. M. (2015). Joint Expansion Planning of Distributed Generation and Distribution Networks. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 30(5), 2579-2590. doi:10.1109/tpwrs.2014.236496

    A new Risk-Managed planning of electric distribution network incorporating customer engagement and temporary solutions

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    The connection of renewable-based distributed generation (DG) in distribution networks has been increasing over the last few decades, which would result in increased network capacity to handle their uncertainties along with uncertainties associated with demand forecast. Temporary non-network solutions (NNSs) such as demand response (DR) and temporary energy storage system/DG are considered as promising options for handling these uncertainties at a lower cost than network alternatives. In order to manage and treat the risk associated with these uncertainties using NNSs, this paper presents a new risk-managed approach for multi-stage distribution expansion planning (MSDEP) at a lower cost. In this approach, the uncertainty of available DR is also taken into account. The philosophy of the proposed approach is to find the “optimal level of demand” for each year at which the network should be upgraded using network solutions while procuring temporary NNSs to supply the excess demand above this level. A recently developed forward-backward approach is fitted to solve the risk-managed MSDEP model presented here for real sized networks with a manageable computational cost. Simulation results of two case studies, IEEE 13-bus and a realistic 747-bus distribution network, illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Linear Optimal Power Flow Using Cycle Flows

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    Linear optimal power flow (LOPF) algorithms use a linearization of the alternating current (AC) load flow equations to optimize generator dispatch in a network subject to the loading constraints of the network branches. Common algorithms use the voltage angles at the buses as optimization variables, but alternatives can be computationally advantageous. In this article we provide a review of existing methods and describe a new formulation that expresses the loading constraints directly in terms of the flows themselves, using a decomposition of the network graph into a spanning tree and closed cycles. We provide a comprehensive study of the computational performance of the various formulations, in settings that include computationally challenging applications such as multi-period LOPF with storage dispatch and generation capacity expansion. We show that the new formulation of the LOPF solves up to 7 times faster than the angle formulation using a commercial linear programming solver, while another existing cycle-based formulation solves up to 20 times faster, with an average speed-up of factor 3 for the standard networks considered here. If generation capacities are also optimized, the average speed-up rises to a factor of 12, reaching up to factor 213 in a particular instance. The speed-up is largest for networks with many buses and decentral generators throughout the network, which is highly relevant given the rise of distributed renewable generation and the computational challenge of operation and planning in such networks.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; version 2 includes results for generation capacity optimization; version 3 is the final accepted journal versio