1,753 research outputs found

    Experimental characterization of a supercapacitor-based electrical torque-boost system for downsized ICE vehicles

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    The need to improve fuel economy and reduce the emission of CO2 and other harmful pollution from internal-combustion-engine vehicles has led to engine downsizing. However, downsized turbocharged engines exhibit a relatively low torque capability at low engine speeds. To overcome this problem, an electrical torque boost may be employed while accelerating and changing gear and to facilitate energy recovery during regenerative braking. This paper describes the operational requirements of a supercapacitor-based torque-boost system, outlines the design and sizing of the electrical drive-train components, and presents experimental characterization of a demonstrator system

    Targets and Inflation Dynamics

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    Brazil has experienced crucial changes in its inflation process since the adoption of inflation targeting in mid 1999. This article addresses changes in the analytical framework employed to track the inflation dynamics, specifically the relevance of an explicit target for inflation. A New-Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC) is derived incorporating indexation not only to past inflation but also to inflation targets, generalizing the Woodford (2003) hybrid curve. In our modeling, firms that do not optimally set their prices in a given period adjust them only by indexing their previous prices to a weighted average of the inflation target and lagged inflation. In such a framework, the impact of inflation targets on agents' decisions regarding the supply side can be analytically measured by the parameter associated to the inflation target. It is shown that inflation target affects the welfare-based monetary policy objective function by penalizing deviations of actual inflation from target instead of from zero. This result establishes the micro foundation basis for ad-hoc loss functions as indicated in traditional literature. Therefore, the inflation target also affects the optimal target criterion. We also present a microfounded specification to model inflation expectations, and conclude that when firms attribute a high weight to the government's inflation target when setting their own prices, exchange rate and demand shocks are unable to alter significantly inflation expectations. Such a result gives some light to empirical ad hoc assessment conducted in traditional literature. Our empirical evidence shows that even after major shocks, the target ability of anchoring inflation has been restored. Although not formally tested, such a fact followed the monetary authorities' firm commitment to meet the inflation targets, reinforced by the government's necessary support through a consistent fiscal policy.

    Advanced decision support through real-time optimization in the process industry

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    En la industria de procesos se puede obtener un aumento de la eficiencia de las plantas de producción, bien mediante la sustitución de procesos o equipos antiguos por otros más modernos y eficientes, o bien operando de forma más eficiente las instalaciones actuales en lugar de realizar grandes inversiones con tiempos de amortización inciertos. Si nos centramos en esta segunda línea de acción, hoy en día la toma de decisiones es conceptualmente más compleja que en el pasado, debido al rápido crecimiento que ha tenido la tecnología últimamente y a que los sistemas de comunicación han generado un gran número de alternativas entre las que se ha de elegir. Además, una decisión incorrecta o subóptima, con la complejidad estructural de los problemas actuales, a menudo resulta en un aumento de los costes a lo largo de la cadena de producción. A pesar de ello, el uso de sistemas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones (DSS) sigue siendo atípico en las industrias de procesos debido a los esfuerzos que se requieren en términos de desarrollo y mantenimiento de modelos matemáticos y al desafío de formulaciones matemáticas complejas, los exigentes requisitos computacionales y/o la difícil integración con la infraestructura de control o planificación existente. Esta tesis contribuye en la reducción de estas barreras desarrollando formulaciones eficientes para la optimización en tiempo real (RTO) en una planta industrial. En particular, esta tesis busca mejorar la operación de tres secciones interconectadas de una fábrica de producción de fibra de viscosa: una red de evaporación, una de sistema de enfriamiento y una red de recuperación de calor.Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y AutomáticaDoctorado en Ingeniería Industria

    Probabilistic performance assessment of complex energy process systems - The case of a self-sustained sanitation system

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    A probabilistic modelling approach was developed and applied to investigate the energy and environmental performance of an innovative sanitation system, the “Nano-membrane Toilet” (NMT). The system treats human excreta via an advanced energy and water recovery island with the aim of addressing current and future sanitation demands. Due to the complex design and inherent characteristics of the system’s input material, there are a number of stochastic variables which may significantly affect the system’s performance. The non-intrusive probabilistic approach adopted in this study combines a finite number of deterministic thermodynamic process simulations with an artificial neural network (ANN) approximation model and Monte Carlo simulations (MCS) to assess the effect of system uncertainties on the predicted performance of the NMT system. The joint probability distributions of the process performance indicators suggest a Stirling Engine (SE) power output in the range of 61.5–73 W with a high confidence interval (CI) of 95%. In addition, there is high probability (with 95% CI) that the NMT system can achieve positive net power output between 15.8 and 35 W. A sensitivity study reveals the system power performance is mostly affected by SE heater temperature. Investigation into the environmental performance of the NMT design, including water recovery and CO2/NOx emissions, suggests significant environmental benefits compared to conventional systems. Results of the probabilistic analysis can better inform future improvements on the system design and operational strategy and this probabilistic assessment framework can also be applied to similar complex engineering systems


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    While many technologies such as electrically assisted turbocharging, exhaust energy recovery and mild hybridization have already proven to significantly increase heavy-duty engine efficiency, the key challenge to their widespread adoption has been their cost effectiveness and packaging. This research specifically addresses these challenges through evaluation and development of a novel technology concept termed as the Integrated Turbogeneration, Electrification and Supercharging (ITES) system. The concept integrates a secondary compressor, a turbocompound/expander turbine and an electric motor through a planetary gearset into the engine cranktrain. The approach enables a reduced system cost and space-claim, while maximizing the efficiency benefits of independent technologies. First, an assessment of design alternatives for integration of the identified key engine technologies on a heavy-duty engine was conducted. Once the ITES concept was down selected, the research then focused on model-based optimization and evaluation of the ITES system for a downsized medium heavy-duty diesel engine applied in Class 6-7 urban vocational application. As an outcome of the evaluation, a 1D simulation based sizing methodology of ITES system components was proposed. Furthermore, a novel control strategy for the ITES system was developed that combines equivalent consumption based steady-state offline optimization with functional controls for transient operation and smooth mode switching. The offline optimization method was also extended to evaluate the potential of ITES system in increasing aftertreatment temperature, which is critical for meeting future ultra-low NOx emission standards. Lastly, using 1D simulation of validated models, the efficiency benefit of ITES system on engine certification and vehicle drive cycles was predicted for the Class 6-7 urban vocational application. In comparison to baseline engine, the downsized engine with ITES system predicted an 8.5% reduction in engine fuel consumption on HDFTP cycle, 19.3% increase in fuel economy on ARB Transient cycle and 23.7% increase in fuel economy on a real-world drive cycle

    Publicly funded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in vehicles in Europe - update

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    The previous report on the publicly funded research and development and demonstration projects included ongoing and recently concluded projects with the information available in 2011-2012. The aim of the current work was to update the collection of the on-going or recently concluded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, which received EU and national public funding with the total budget of more than 500000 Euro, in order to update the EV-Radar tool with new projects. Altogether 158 R&D and demonstration projects have been found and analysed in this report from EU member states and EFTA countries.JRC.F.6-Energy Technology Policy Outloo

    Brazil's Financial System: Resilience to Shocks, no Currency Substitution, but Struggling to Promote Growth

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    Brazil has evolved a financial system with a smaller presence of public banks and larger participation of foreign banks, less directed credit, and well capitalized banks. Over the years it has been resilient to shocks and was able to preserve the real value of savings in the system, thus avoiding both dollarization and desintermediation. However, reducing the cost and increasing the volume of credit in the economy remains a challenge. Notwithstanding these hurdles, recent advances in the regulation of the financial system should pave the way for better intermediation and higher growth.

    An examination of maximum legal application rates of dairy processing and associated STRUBIAS fertilising products in agriculture

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    peer-reviewedThe dairy industry produces vast quantities of dairy processing sludge (DPS), which can be processed further to develop second generation products such as struvite, biochars and ashes (collectively known as STRUBIAS). These bio-based fertilizers have heterogeneous nutrient and metal contents, resulting in a range of possible application rates. To avoid nutrient losses to water or bioaccumulation of metals in soil or crops, it is important that rates applied to land are safe and adhere to the maximum legal application rates similar to inorganic fertilizers. This study collected and analysed nutrient and metal content of all major DPS (n = 84) and DPS-derived STRUBIAS products (n = 10), and created an application calculator in MS Excel™ to provide guidance on maximum legal application rates for ryegrass and spring wheat across plant available phosphorus (P) deficient soil to P-excess soil. The sample analysis showed that raw DPS and DPS-derived STRUBIAS have high P contents ranging from 10.1 to 122 g kg− 1. Nitrogen (N) in DPS was high, whereas N concentration decreased in thermo-chemical STRUBIAS products (chars and ash) due to the high temperatures used in their formation. The heavy metal content of DPS and DPS-derived STRUBIAS was significantly lower than the EU imposed limits. Using the calculator, application rates of DPS and DPS-derived STRUBIAS materials (dry weight) ranged from 0 to 4.0 tonnes ha− 1 y− 1 for ryegrass and 0–4.5 tonnes ha− 1 y− 1 for spring wheat. The estimated heavy metal ingestion to soil annually by the application of the DPS and DPS-derived STRUBIAS products was lower than the EU guideline on soil metal accumulation. The calculator is adaptable for any bio-based fertilizer, soil and crop type, and future work should continue to characterise and incorporate new DPS and DPS-derived STRUBIAS products into the database presented in this paper. In addition, safe application rates pertaining to other regulated pollutants or emerging contaminants that may be identified in these products should be included. The fertilizer replacement value of these products, taken from long-term field studies, should be factored into application rates