297 research outputs found

    Analysis, Design and Implementation of a Resonant Solid State Transformer

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    This thesis discusses the design of a full-bridge resonant LLC Solid State Transformer. The proposed topology uses a high-frequency transformer which helps minimizing its cost and size, and enables operating at varying load conditions. By using a resonant circuit, soft switching is achieved. Commutation techniques are discussed, namely ZVS and ZCS. Both concepts are applied on different legs of the H-bridge. Pulse frequency modulation (PFM) and Phase Shifting Modulation (PSM) are utilized to control this resonant converter. One of the requirements of this work is to achieve a tightly regulated DC bus voltage. This was shown to be achieved using the proposed controller. An experimental setup was assembled and the controller was tested, the results match the simulation and calculation results. The SST setup was tested for two different power levels. The outputs confirm the validity of the controller in feeding the load and regulating the voltage within the desired switching frequency interval, while maintaining soft switching. A thermal analysis was conducted to calculate losses, and a conversion efficiency of 97.18% was achieved. Using a high frequency transformer, a reduction in size and cost is achieved as compared to conventional low frequency transformers that usually are large in size and require more material to be assembled (copper and iron). Design requirements and limitations, the proposed control scheme, modeling and implementation, and test results are provided in this thesis

    Energy-efficient and Power-dense DC-DC Converters in Data Center and Electric Vehicle Applications Using Wide Bandgap Devices

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    The ever increasing demands in the energy conversion market propel power converters towards high efficiency and high power density. With fast development of data processing capability in the data center, the server will include more processors, memories, chipsets and hard drives than ever, which requires more efficient and compact power converters. Meanwhile, the energy-efficient and power-dense converters for the electric vehicle also result in longer driving range as well as more passengers and cargo capacities. DC-DC converters are indispensable power stages for both applications. In order to address the efficiency and density requirements of the DC-DC converters in these applications, several related research topics are discussed in this dissertation. For the DC-DC converter in the data center application, a LLC resonant converter based on the newly emerged GaN devices is developed to improve the efficiency over the traditional Si-based converter. The relationship between the critical device parameters and converter loss is established. A new perspective of extra winding loss due to the asymmetrical primary and secondary side current in LLC resonant converter is proposed. The extra winding loss is related to the critical device parameters as well. The GaN device benefits on device loss and transformer winding loss is analyzed. An improved LLC resonant converter design method considering the device loss and transformer winding loss is proposed. For the DC-DC converter in the electric vehicle application, an integrated DC-DC converter that combines the on-board charger DC-DC converter and drivetrain DC-DC converter is developed. The integrated DC-DC converter is considered to operate in different modes. The existing dual active bridge (DAB) DC-DC converter originally designed for the charger is proposed to operate in the drivetrain mode to improve the efficiency at the light load and high voltage step-up ratio conditions of the traditional drivetrain DC-DC converter. Design method and loss model are proposed for the integrated converter in the drivetrain mode. A scaled-down integrated DC-DC converter prototype is developed to verify the design and loss model

    Study of a Symmetrical LLC Dual-Active Bridge Resonant Converter Topology for Battery Storage Systems

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    A symmetrical LLC resonant converter topology with a fixed-frequency quasi-triple phase-shift modulation method is proposed for battery-powered electric traction systems with extensions to other battery storage systems. Operation of the converter with these methods yields two unique transfer characteristics and is dependent on the switching frequency. The converter exhibits several desirable features: 1) load-independent buck-boost voltage conversion when operated at the low-impedance resonant frequency, allowing for dc-link voltage regulation, zero-voltage switching across a wide load range, and intrinsic load transient resilience; 2) power flow control when operated outside the low-impedance resonance for integrated battery charging; 3) and simple operational mode selection based on needed functionality with only a single control variable per mode. Derivation of the transfer characteristics for three operation cases using exponential Fourier series coefficients is presented. Pre-design evaluation of the S-LLC converter is presented using these analytical methods and corroborated through simulation. Furthermore, the construction of a rapid-prototyping magnetics design tool developed for high-frequency transformer designs inclusive of leakage inductance, which is leveraged to create the magnetic elements needed for this work. Two 2kW prototypes of the proposed topology are constructed to validate the analysis, with one prototype having a transformer incorporating the series resonant inductance and secondary clamp inductance into the transformer leakage and magnetizing inductance, respectively. A test bench is presented to validate the analysis methods and proposed multi-operational control scheme. Theoretical and experimental results are compared, thus demonstrating the feasibility of the new multi-mode operation scheme of the S-LLC converter topology

    Design Methodology for a Medium Voltage Single Stage LLC Resonant Solar PV Inverter

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    An inverter is generally employed with MV LFT to connect to the grid in a grid-tied PV system. However, in some single-stage topologies, the LFTs are replaced by HFT combined with an unfolder inverter. Generally, these topologies have limited use at high-power MV grids due to high switching losses on the primary side. This study proposes an LLC resonant converter-based single-stage inverter design procedure. Resonant converters make use of ZVS to reduce switching losses. The design includes both the resonant tank as well as output filter components. The design is verified by simulations in MATLAB/Simulink for various loads and input voltages at 13.8kV grid output voltage. THD simulations validate the filter design

    Advances in Bidirectional DC-DC Converters for Future Energy Systems

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    High power medium voltage DC/DC converter technology for DC wind turbines

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    A Reconfigurable Two-stage 11kW DC-DC Resonant Converter for EV Charging with a 150-1000V Output Voltage Range

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    In this paper, a reconfigurable two-stage DC/DC resonant topology with a wide output voltage range of 150-1000V is proposed for Electric Vehicle (EV) charging with high efficiency over the entire load range. The proposed topology consists of an LLC resonant converter with dual secondary sides; two interleaved triangular current mode buck converters, and three additional auxiliary switches for reconfiguration. Two possible arrangements of the proposed topology are considered and compared. The analytical model of the topology is developed, which is used for the efficiency estimation of different configurations and the design of the prototype converter. An 11kW hardware demonstrator is built and tested. The maximum measured efficiency of the converter is 97.66%, with a &gt;95% efficiency over the complete 150-1000V range at full power. The proposed two-stage converter achieves the widest output voltage range reported in literature for resonant power converters, thereby capable of charging existing and future EVs very efficiently over any charging cycle.</p

    High Power, Medium Frequency, and Medium Voltage Transformer Design and Implementation

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    Many industrial applications that require high-power and high-voltage DC-DC conversion are emerging. Space-borne and off-shore wind farms, fleet fast electric vehicle charging stations, large data centers, and smart distribution systems are among the applications. Solid State Transformer (SST) is a promising concept for addressing these emerging applications. It replaces the traditional Low Frequency Transformer (LFT) while offering many advanced features such as VAR compensation, voltage regulation, fault isolation, and DC connectivity. Many technical challenges related to high voltage stress, efficiency, reliability, protection, and insulation must be addressed before the technology is ready for commercial deployment. Among the major challenges in the construction of SSTs are the strategies for connecting to Medium Voltage (MV) level. This issue has primarily been addressed by synthesizing multicellular SST concepts based on modules rated for a fraction of the total MV side voltage and connecting these modules in series at the input side. Silicon Carbide (SiC) semiconductor development enables the fabrication of power semiconductor devices with high blocking voltage capabilities while achieving superior switching and conduction performances. When compared to modular lower voltage converters, these higher voltage semiconductors enable the construction of single-cell SSTs by avoiding the series connection of several modules, resulting in simple, reliable, lighter mass, more power dense, higher efficiency, and cost effective converter structures. This dissertation proposes a solution to this major issue. The proposed work focuses on the development of a dual active bridge with high power, medium voltage, and medium frequency control. This architecture addresses the shortcomings of existing modular systems by providing a more power dense, cost-effective, and efficient solution. For the first time, this topology is investigated on a 700kW system connected to a 13kVdc input to generate 7.2kVdc at the output. The use of 10kV SiC modules and gate drivers in an active neutral point clamped to two level dual active bridge converter is investigated. A special emphasis will be placed on a comprehensive transformer design that employs a multi-physics approach that addresses all magnetic, electrical, insulation, and thermal aspects. The transformer is designed and tested to ensure the system’s viability

    Control of distributed power in microgrids: PV field to the grid, islanding operation, and ultra-fast charging station.

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    Aquesta tesi explora el control de l'energia distribuïda en microxarxes (MG) i aborda diversos reptes relacionats amb el control, l'estabilitat, la compartició d'energia, el disseny del convertidor d'energia, la connexió a la xarxa, la càrrega ultraràpida i el subministrament d'energia renovable. El rendiment dels MG s'analitza tant en modes d'operació connectats a la xarxa com en illa, considerant diferents configuracions i escenaris de flux d'energia. La tesi se centra en diversos reptes clau, com ara maximitzar l'extracció d'energia de matrius fotovoltaiques (PV) en MG que utilitzen convertidors DC-DC, injectar potència MG excedent a la xarxa principal mitjançant inversors de font de tensió DC-AC (VSI) sota càrregues no lineals i desequilibrades, optimitzant el rendiment de MG i la compartició d'energia en mode illa mitjançant VSI, connectant-se a la xarxa principal en el punt d'acoblament comú (PCC) mitjançant transformadors de baixa freqüència (LFT) i transformadors d'estat sòlid (SST) i explorant topologies de convertidors de potència per ultra -càrrega ràpida de CC de vehicles elèctrics (EV). L'ús de SST en lloc de LFT pot millorar la capacitat de MG alhora que redueix el volum i el pes de l'arquitectura elèctrica MG. Aquesta tesi proporciona coneixements i solucions per abordar els reptes esmentats anteriorment, contribuint a l'avenç del control, l'estabilitat, la qualitat de l'energia i la integració eficient de les fonts d'energia renovables i la càrrega dels vehicles elèctrics.Esta tesis explora el control de la potencia distribuida en microrredes (MGs) y aborda diversos retos relacionados con el control, la estabilidad, el reparto de potencia, el diseño de convertidores de potencia, la conexión a la red, la carga ultrarrápida y el suministro de energías renovables. El rendimiento de las MG se analiza tanto en modo de funcionamiento conectado a la red como en modo aislado, considerando diferentes configuraciones y escenarios de flujo de potencia. La tesis se centra en varios retos clave, como la maximización de la extracción de energía de las matrices fotovoltaicas (FV) en las MG utilizando convertidores CC-CC, la inyección del excedente de energía de las MG en la red principal a través de inversores de fuente de tensión CC-CA (VSI) bajo cargas no lineales y desequilibradas, la optimización del rendimiento de las MG y del reparto de energía en modo aislado mediante VSI, la conexión a la red principal en el punto de acoplamiento común (PCC) mediante transformadores de baja frecuencia (LFT) y transformadores de estado sólido (SST), y la exploración de topologías de convertidores de potencia para la carga ultrarrápida en corriente continua de vehículos eléctricos (VE). El uso de SST en lugar de LFT puede mejorar la capacidad de la MG y, al mismo tiempo, reducir el volumen y el peso de la arquitectura eléctrica de la MG. Esta tesis aporta ideas y soluciones para abordar los retos mencionados, contribuyendo al avance del control de la MG, la estabilidad, la calidad de la energía y la integración eficiente de fuentes de energía renovables y la carga de vehículos eléctricos. Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/TranslatorThis thesis explores the control of distributed power in microgrids (MGs) and addresses various challenges related to control, stability, power sharing, power converter design, grid connection, ultra-fast charging, and renewable energy supply. The performance of MGs is analysed in both grid-connected and islanded modes of operation, considering different configurations and power flow scenarios. The thesis focuses on several key challenges, including maximising power extraction from photovoltaic (PV) arrays in MGs utilizing DC-DC converters, injecting surplus MG power into the main grid via DC-AC voltage source inverters (VSIs) under nonlinear and unbalanced loads, optimising MG performance and power sharing in islanded mode through VSIs, connecting to the main grid at the point of common coupling (PCC) using low-frequency transformers (LFTs) and solid-state transformers (SSTs), and exploring power converter topologies for ultra-fast DC charging of electric vehicles (EVs). The use of SSTs instead of LFTs can enhance MG capability while reducing the volume and weight of the MG electrical architecture. This thesis provides insights and solutions to address the aforementioned challenges, contributing to the advancement of MG control, stability, power quality, and efficient integration of renewable energy sources and EV charging