9 research outputs found

    Approximate Optimal Control of Volterra-Fredholm Integral Equations Based on Parametrization and Variational Iteration Method

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    This article presents appropriate hybrid methods to solve optimal control problems ruled by Volterra-Fredholm integral equations. The techniques are grounded on variational iteration together with a shooting method like procedure and parametrization methods to resolve optimal control problems ruled by Volterra - Fredholm integral equations. The resulting value shows that the proposed method is trustworthy and is able to provide analytic treatment that clarifies such equations and is usable for a large class of nonlinear optimal control problems governed by integral equations

    On the compactness of the set of L-2 trajectories of the control system

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    In this paper, the compactness of the set of L2 trajectories of the control system described by the Urysohn-type integral equation is studied. The control functions are chosen from the closed ball of the space L2 with radius r and centered at the origin. Existence of an optimal trajectory of the optimal control problem with lower semicontinuous payoff functional is discussed

    Convergence Analysis of Legendre Pseudospectral Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Systems of Volterra Integral Equations

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    We are concerned with the extension of a Legendre spectral method to the numerical solution of nonlinear systems of Volterra integral equations of the second kind. It is proved theoretically that the proposed method converges exponentially provided that the solution is sufficiently smooth. Also, three biological systems which are known as the systems of Lotka-Volterra equations are approximately solved by the presented method. Numerical results confirm the theoretical prediction of the exponential rate of convergence

    An efficient hybrid pseudo-spectral method for solving optimal control of Volterra integral systems

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    In this paper, a new pseudo-spectral (PS) method is developed for solving optimal controproblems governed by the non-linear Volterra integral equation(VIE). The novel method is based upon approximating the state and control variables by the hybrid of block pulse functions and Legendre polynomials. The properties of hybrid functions are presented. The numerical integration and collocation method is utilized to discretize the continuous optimal control problem and then the resulting large-scale finite-dimensional non-linear programming (NLP) is solved by the existing well-developed algorithm in Mathematica software. A set of sufficient conditions is presented under which optimal solutions of discrete optimal control problems converge to the optimal solution of the continuous problem. The error bound of approximation is also given. Numerical experiments confirm efficiency of the proposed method especially for problems with non-sufficiently smooth solutions belonging to class C1C^1 or C2C^2

    Approximation of the Sections of the Set of Trajectories of the Control System Described by a Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equation

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    Approximation of the sections of the set of trajectories of the control system described by a nonlinear Volterra integral equation is studied. The admissible control functions are chosen from the closed ball of the space Lp, p > 1, with radius Āµ and centered at the origin. The set of admissible control functions is replaced by the set of control functions, which includes a finite number of control functions and generates a finite number of trajectories. It is proved that the sections of the set of trajectories can be approximated by the sections of the set of trajectories, generated by a finite number of control functions

    A New Tau Method for Solving Nonlinear Lane-Emden Type Equations via Bernoulli Operational Matrix of Differentiation

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    A new and efficient numerical approach is developed for solving nonlinear Lane-Emden type equations via Bernoulli operational matrix of differentiation. The fundamental structure of the presented method is based on the Tau method together with the Bernoulli polynomial approximations in which a new operational matrix is introduced. After implementation of our scheme, the main problem would be transformed into a system of algebraic equations such that its solutions are the unknown Bernoulli coefficients. Also, under several mild conditions the error analysis of the proposed method is provided. Several examples are included to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed technique and also the results are compared with the different methods. All calculations are done in Maple 13

    Fourier operational matrices of differentiation . . .

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    This paper introduces Fourier operational matrices of differentiation and transmission for solving high-order linear differential and difference equations with constant coefficients. Moreover, we extend our methods for generalized Pantograph equations with variable coefficients by using Legendre Gauss collocation nodes. In the case of numerical solution of Pantograph equation, an error problem is constructed by means of the residual function and this error problem is solved by using the mentioned collocation scheme. When the exact solution of the problem is not known, the absolute errors can be computed approximately by the numerical solution of the error problem. The reliability and efficiency of the presented approaches are demonstrated by several numerical examples, and also the results are compared with different methods

    A collocation method based on the Bernoulli operational matrix for solving highorder linear complex differential equations in a rectangular domain,ā€

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    This paper contributes a new matrix method for the solution of high-order linear complex differential equations with variable coefficients in rectangular domains under the considered initial conditions. On the basis of the presented approach, the matrix forms of the Bernoulli polynomials and their derivatives are constructed, and then by substituting the collocation points into the matrix forms, the fundamental matrix equation is formed. This matrix equation corresponds to a system of linear algebraic equations. By solving this system, the unknown Bernoulli coefficients are determined and thus the approximate solutions are obtained. Also, an error analysis based on the use of the Bernoulli polynomials is provided under several mild conditions. To illustrate the efficiency of our method, some numerical examples are given

    Equations and systems of nonlinear equations: from high order numerical methods to fast Eigensolvers for structured matrices and applications

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    A parametrized multi-step Newton method is constructed for widening the region of convergence of classical multi-step Newton method. The second improvement is proposed in the context of multistep Newton methods, by introducing preconditioners to enhance their accuracy, without disturbing their original order of convergence and the related computational cost (in most of the cases). To find roots with unknown multiplicities preconditioners are also effective when they are applied to the Newton method for roots with unknown multiplicities. Frozen Jacobian higher order multistep iterative method for the solution of systems of nonlinear equations are developed and the related results better than those obtained when employing the classical frozen Jacobian multi-step Newton method. To get benefit from the past information that is produced by the iterative method, we constructed iterative methods with memory for solving systems of nonlinear equations. Iterative methods with memory have a greater rate of convergence, if compared with the iterative method without memory. In terms of computational cost, iterative methods with memory are marginally superior comparatively. Numerical methods are also introduced for approximating all the eigenvalues of banded symmetric Toeplitz and preconditioned Toeplitz matrices. Our proposed numerical methods work very efficiently, when the generating symbols of the considered Toeplitz matrices are bijective