155 research outputs found

    Optimal Contact Force Distribution for Compliant Humanoid Robots in Whole-Body Loco-Manipulation Tasks

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    The stiffness ellipsoid, i.e. the locus of task-space forces obtained corresponding to a deformation of unit norm in different directions, has been extensively used as a powerful representation of robot interaction capabilities. The size and shape of the stiffness ellipsoid at a given end-effector posture are influenced by both joint control parameters and - for redundant manipulators - by the chosen redundancy resolution configuration. As is well known, impedance control techniques ideally provide control parameters which realize any desired shape of the Cartesian stiffness ellipsoid at the end-effector in an arbitrary non-singular configuration, so that arm geometry selection could appear secondary. This definitely contrasts with observations on how humans control their arm stiffness, who in fact appear to predominantly use arm configurations to shape the stiffness ellipsoid. To understand this discrepancy, we provide a more complete analysis of the task-space force/deformation behavior of redundant arms, which explains why arm geometry also plays a fundamental role in interaction capabilities of a torque controlled robot. We show that stiffness control of realistic robot models with bounds on joint torques can't indeed achieve arbitrary stiffness ellipsoids at any given arm configuration. We first introduce the notion of maximum allowable Cartesian force/displacement (“stiffness feasibility”) regions for a compliant robot. We show that different robot configurations modify such regions, and explore the role of different configurations in defining the performance limits of Cartesian stiffness controllers. On these bases, we design a stiffness control method that suitably exploits both joint control parameters and redundancy resolution to achieve desired task-space interaction behavior

    Offline and Online Planning and Control Strategies for the Multi-Contact and Biped Locomotion of Humanoid Robots

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    In the past decades, the Research on humanoid robots made progress forward accomplishing exceptionally dynamic and agile motions. Starting from the DARPA Robotic Challenge in 2015, humanoid platforms have been successfully employed to perform more and more challenging tasks with the eventual aim of assisting or replacing humans in hazardous and stressful working situations. However, the deployment of these complex machines in realistic domestic and working environments still represents a high-level challenge for robotics. Such environments are characterized by unstructured and cluttered settings with continuously varying conditions due to the dynamic presence of humans and other mobile entities, which cannot only compromise the operation of the robotic system but can also pose severe risks both to the people and the robot itself due to unexpected interactions and impacts. The ability to react to these unexpected interactions is therefore a paramount requirement for enabling the robot to adapt its behavior to the task needs and the characteristics of the environment. Further, the capability to move in a complex and varying environment is an essential skill for a humanoid robot for the execution of any task. Indeed, human instructions may often require the robot to move and reach a desired location, e.g., for bringing an object or for inspecting a specific place of an infrastructure. In this context, a flexible and autonomous walking behavior is an essential skill, study of which represents one of the main topics of this Thesis, considering disturbances and unfeasibilities coming both from the environment and dynamic obstacles that populate realistic scenarios.  Locomotion planning strategies are still an open theme in the humanoids and legged robots research and can be classified in sample-based and optimization-based planning algorithms. The first, explore the configuration space, finding a feasible path between the start and goal robot’s configuration with different logic depending on the algorithm. They suffer of a high computational cost that often makes difficult, if not impossible, their online implementations but, compared to their counterparts, they do not need any environment or robot simplification to find a solution and they are probabilistic complete, meaning that a feasible solution can be certainly found if at least one exists. The goal of this thesis is to merge the two algorithms in a coupled offline-online planning framework to generate an offline global trajectory with a sample-based approach to cope with any kind of cluttered and complex environment, and online locally refine it during the execution, using a faster optimization-based algorithm that more suits an online implementation. The offline planner performances are improved by planning in the robot contact space instead of the whole-body robot configuration space, requiring an algorithm that maps the two state spaces.   The framework proposes a methodology to generate whole-body trajectories for the motion of humanoid and legged robots in realistic and dynamically changing environments.  This thesis focuses on the design and test of each component of this planning framework, whose validation is carried out on the real robotic platforms CENTAURO and COMAN+ in various loco-manipulation tasks scenarios. &nbsp

    Learning Task Priorities from Demonstrations

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    Bimanual operations in humanoids offer the possibility to carry out more than one manipulation task at the same time, which in turn introduces the problem of task prioritization. We address this problem from a learning from demonstration perspective, by extending the Task-Parameterized Gaussian Mixture Model (TP-GMM) to Jacobian and null space structures. The proposed approach is tested on bimanual skills but can be applied in any scenario where the prioritization between potentially conflicting tasks needs to be learned. We evaluate the proposed framework in: two different tasks with humanoids requiring the learning of priorities and a loco-manipulation scenario, showing that the approach can be exploited to learn the prioritization of multiple tasks in parallel.Comment: Accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Robotic

    Balancing experiments on a torque-controlled humanoid with hierarchical inverse dynamics

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    Recently several hierarchical inverse dynamics controllers based on cascades of quadratic programs have been proposed for application on torque controlled robots. They have important theoretical benefits but have never been implemented on a torque controlled robot where model inaccuracies and real-time computation requirements can be problematic. In this contribution we present an experimental evaluation of these algorithms in the context of balance control for a humanoid robot. The presented experiments demonstrate the applicability of the approach under real robot conditions (i.e. model uncertainty, estimation errors, etc). We propose a simplification of the optimization problem that allows us to decrease computation time enough to implement it in a fast torque control loop. We implement a momentum-based balance controller which shows robust performance in face of unknown disturbances, even when the robot is standing on only one foot. In a second experiment, a tracking task is evaluated to demonstrate the performance of the controller with more complicated hierarchies. Our results show that hierarchical inverse dynamics controllers can be used for feedback control of humanoid robots and that momentum-based balance control can be efficiently implemented on a real robot.Comment: appears in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 201

    Multicontact Motion Retargeting Using Whole-Body Optimization of Full Kinematics and Sequential Force Equilibrium

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    This article presents a multicontact motion adaptation framework that enables teleoperation of high degree-of-freedom robots, such as quadrupeds and humanoids, for loco-manipulation tasks in multicontact settings. Our proposed algorithms optimize whole-body configurations and formulate the retargeting of multicontact motions as sequential quadratic programming, which is robust and stable near the edges of feasibility constraints. Our framework allows real-time operation of the robot and reduces cognitive load for the operator because infeasible commands are automatically adapted into physically stable and viable motions on the robot. The results in simulations with full dynamics demonstrated the effectiveness of teleoperating different legged robots interactively and generating rich multicontact movements. We evaluated the computational efficiency of the proposed algorithms, and further validated and analyzed multicontact loco-manipulation tasks on humanoid and quadruped robots by reaching, active pushing, and various traversal on uneven terrains

    Motion Control of the Hybrid Wheeled-Legged Quadruped Robot Centauro

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    Emerging applications will demand robots to deal with a complex environment, which lacks the structure and predictability of the industrial workspace. Complex scenarios will require robot complexity to increase as well, as compared to classical topologies such as fixed-base manipulators, wheeled mobile platforms, tracked vehicles, and their combinations. Legged robots, such as humanoids and quadrupeds, promise to provide platforms which are flexible enough to handle real world scenarios; however, the improved flexibility comes at the cost of way higher control complexity. As a trade-off, hybrid wheeled-legged robots have been proposed, resulting in the mitigation of control complexity whenever the ground surface is suitable for driving. Following this idea, a new hybrid robot called Centauro has been developed inside the Humanoid and Human Centered Mechatronics lab at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT). Centauro is a wheeled-legged quadruped with a humanoid bi-manual upper-body. Differently from other platform of similar concept, Centauro employs customized actuation units, which provide high torque outputs, moderately fast motions, and the possibility to control the exerted torque. Moreover, with more than forty motors moving its limbs, Centauro is a very redundant platform, with the potential to execute many different tasks at the same time. This thesis deals with the design and development of a software architecture, and a control system, tailored to such a robot; both wheeled and legged locomotion strategies have been studied, as well as prioritized, whole-body and interaction controllers exploiting the robot torque control capabilities, and capable to handle the system redundancy. A novel software architecture, made of (i) a real-time robotic middleware, and (ii) a framework for online, prioritized Cartesian controller, forms the basis of the entire work

    Automatic Gain Tuning of a Momentum Based Balancing Controller for Humanoid Robots

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    This paper proposes a technique for automatic gain tuning of a momentum based balancing controller for humanoid robots. The controller ensures the stabilization of the centroidal dynamics and the associated zero dynamics. Then, the closed-loop, constrained joint space dynamics is linearized and the controller's gains are chosen so as to obtain desired properties of the linearized system. Symmetry and positive definiteness constraints of gain matrices are enforced by proposing a tracker for symmetric positive definite matrices. Simulation results are carried out on the humanoid robot iCub.Comment: Accepted at IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS). 201

    Kontextsensitive Körperregulierung für redundante Roboter

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    In the past few decades the classical 6 degrees of freedom manipulators' dominance has been challenged by the rise of 7 degrees of freedom redundant robots. Similarly, with increased availability of humanoid robots in academic research, roboticists suddenly have access to highly dexterous platforms with multiple kinematic chains capable of undertaking multiple tasks simultaneously. The execution of lower-priority tasks, however, are often done in task/scenario specific fashion. Consequently, these systems are not scalable and slight changes in the application often implies re-engineering the entire control system and deployment which impedes the development process over time. This thesis introduces an alternative systematic method of addressing the secondary tasks and redundancy resolution called, context aware body regulation. Contexts consist of one or multiple tasks, however, unlike the conventional definitions, the tasks within a context are not rigidly defined and maintain some level of abstraction. For instance, following a particular trajectory constitutes a concrete task while performing a Cartesian motion with the end-effector represents an abstraction of the same task and is more appropriate for context formulation. Furthermore, contexts are often made up of multiple abstract tasks that collectively describe a reoccurring situation. Body regulation is an umbrella term for a collection of schemes for addressing the robots' redundancy when a particular context occurs. Context aware body regulation offers several advantages over traditional methods. Most notably among them are reusability, scalability and composability of contexts and body regulation schemes. These three fundamental concerns are realized theoretically by in-depth study and through mathematical analysis of contexts and regulation strategies; and are practically implemented by a component based software architecture that complements the theoretical aspects. The findings of the thesis are applicable to any redundant manipulator and humanoids, and allow them to be used in real world applications. Proposed methodology presents an alternative approach for the control of robots and offers a new perspective for future deployment of robotic solutions.Im Verlauf der letzten Jahrzehnte wich der Einfluss klassischer Roboterarme mit 6 Freiheitsgraden zunehmend denen neuer und vielfältigerer Manipulatoren mit 7 Gelenken. Ebenso stehen der Forschung mit den neuartigen Humanoiden inzwischen auch hoch-redundante Roboterplattformen mit mehreren kinematischen Ketten zur Verfügung. Diese überaus flexiblen und komplexen Roboter-Kinematiken ermöglichen generell das gleichzeitige Verfolgen mehrerer priorisierter Bewegungsaufgaben. Die Steuerung der weniger wichtigen Aufgaben erfolgt jedoch oft in anwendungsspezifischer Art und Weise, welche die Skalierung der Regelung zu generellen Kontexten verhindert. Selbst kleine Änderungen in der Anwendung bewirken oft schon, dass große Teile der Robotersteuerung überarbeitet werden müssen, was wiederum den gesamten Entwicklungsprozess behindert. Diese Dissertation stellt eine alternative, systematische Methode vor um die Redundanz neuer komplexer Robotersysteme zu bewältigen und vielfältige, priorisierte Bewegungsaufgaben parallel zu steuern: Die so genannte kontextsensitive Körperregulierung. Darin bestehen Kontexte aus einer oder mehreren Bewegungsaufgaben. Anders als in konventionellen Anwendungen sind die Aufgaben nicht fest definiert und beinhalten eine gewisse Abstraktion. Beispielsweise stellt das Folgen einer bestimmten Trajektorie eine sehr konkrete Bewegungsaufgabe dar, während die Ausführung einer Kartesischen Bewegung mit dem Endeffektor eine Abstraktion darstellt, die für die Kontextformulierung besser geeignet ist. Kontexte setzen sich oft aus mehreren solcher abstrakten Aufgaben zusammen und beschreiben kollektiv eine sich wiederholende Situation. Durch die Verwendung der kontextsensitiven Körperregulierung ergeben sich vielfältige Vorteile gegenüber traditionellen Methoden: Wiederverwendbarkeit, Skalierbarkeit, sowie Komponierbarkeit von Konzepten. Diese drei fundamentalen Eigenschaften werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit theoretisch mittels gründlicher mathematischer Analyse aufgezeigt und praktisch mittels einer auf Komponenten basierenden Softwarearchitektur realisiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation lassen sich auf beliebige redundante Manipulatoren oder humanoide Roboter anwenden und befähigen diese damit zur realen Anwendung außerhalb des Labors. Die hier vorgestellte Methode zur Regelung von Robotern stellt damit eine neue Perspektive für die zukünftige Entwicklung von robotischen Lösungen dar