219 research outputs found

    A Survey on Mobile Charging Techniques in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks

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    The recent breakthrough in wireless power transfer (WPT) technology has empowered wireless rechargeable sensor networks (WRSNs) by facilitating stable and continuous energy supply to sensors through mobile chargers (MCs). A plethora of studies have been carried out over the last decade in this regard. However, no comprehensive survey exists to compile the state-of-the-art literature and provide insight into future research directions. To fill this gap, we put forward a detailed survey on mobile charging techniques (MCTs) in WRSNs. In particular, we first describe the network model, various WPT techniques with empirical models, system design issues and performance metrics concerning the MCTs. Next, we introduce an exhaustive taxonomy of the MCTs based on various design attributes and then review the literature by categorizing it into periodic and on-demand charging techniques. In addition, we compare the state-of-the-art MCTs in terms of objectives, constraints, solution approaches, charging options, design issues, performance metrics, evaluation methods, and limitations. Finally, we highlight some potential directions for future research

    Extending Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Network Life without Full Knowledge

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    When extending the life of Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks (WRSN), one challenge is charging networks as they grow larger. Overcoming this limitation will render a WRSN more practical and highly adaptable to growth in the real world. Most charging algorithms require a priori full knowledge of sensor nodes’ power levels in order to determine the nodes that require charging. In this work, we present a probabilistic algorithm that extends the life of scalable WRSN without a priori power knowledge and without full network exploration. We develop a probability bound on the power level of the sensor nodes and utilize this bound to make decisions while exploring a WRSN.We verify the algorithm by simulating a wireless power transfer unmanned aerial vehicle, and charging a WRSN to extend its life. Our results show that, without knowledge, our proposed algorithm extends the life of a WRSN on average 90% of what an optimal full knowledge algorithm can achieve. This means that the charging robot does not need to explore the whole network, which enables the scaling of WRSN. We analyze the impact of network parameters on our algorithm and show that it is insensitive to a large range of parameter values

    A Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for Stop Point Selection in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Network

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    A wireless rechargeable sensor network (WRSN) enables charging of rechargeable sensor nodes (RSN) wirelessly through a mobile charging vehicle (MCV). Most existing works choose the MCV’s stop point (SP) at random, the cluster’s center, or the cluster head position, all without exploring the demand from RSNs. It results in a long charging delay, a low charging throughput, frequent MCV trips, and more dead nodes. To overcome these issues, this paper proposes a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for stop point selection (HMA-SPS) that combines the techniques of the dragonfly algorithm (DA), firefly algorithm (FA), and gray wolf optimization (GWO) algorithms. Using FA and GWO techniques, DA predicts an ideal SP using the run-time metrics of RSNs, such as energy, delay, distance, and trust factors. The simulated results demonstrate faster convergence with low delay and highlight that more RSNs can be recharged with fewer MCV visits, further enhancing energy utilization, throughput, network lifetime, and trust factor

    Delay-Constrained Mobile Energy Charging in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    为了延长无线传感网的生存期,基于可充电的移动设备,研究设计了一种无线传感网中移动式能量补充的方法,移动节点可以在为传感器节点补充能量的同时收集数; 据.首先,通过将无线传感器网络监测区域分割为大小相同的子区域,该子区域内的节点组成一个簇;其次,以一个簇内的总能量为计算依据,设计移动节点的路径; 生成算法以确定能量高效的移动路线;最后,使用10种不同的随机网络拓扑图进行了仿真实验,以节点移动速度和时延为限制条件分别得到了对比数据.结果表明; ,本文提出的算法与NJNP( nearest-job-next with preemption)算法相比在时延相同的条件下( 800; s),生存期提升了6 000 s左右,在节点速度5 m/s条件下生存期提升了将近14 000; s.证明本文所提方法有效地提高了充电效率,延长了网络的生存期,可用于大规模的无线传感器网络.In order to prolong the lifetime of wireless sensor networks by using; energy-rechargeable mobile devices,this paper designs a mobile energy; replenishment method wherein a mobile element gathers data and recharges; sensors simultaneously. Firstly,the whole sensor network is divided into; several sub-regions equally and the sensors in each sub-region are; formed into a cluster. Secondly, considering the energy in a whole; cluster,the mobility path is designed to find the energy-efficient; mobile trace of the mobile element. Finally,in the simulation; experiment,we used ten different random network topologies to show the; comparisons with extensive simulation experiments under different; velocities and deadlines. The results indicate that the proposed; algorithm increases lifetime by approximately 6 000 s compared with; Nearest-Job-Next with Pre-emption( NJNP) under the deadline of 800 s.; Moreover,the proposed algorithm increases lifetime by approximately 14; 000 s compared with NJNP at velocity of 5 m/s. Thus,the proposed; algorithm can improve recharging efficiency and prolong the lifetime of; wireless sensor networks,which can be used in large-scale sensor; networks.国家自然科学基金资助项目; 福建省高等学校杰出青年科研人才培育计划资助项

    Energy Management in RFID-Sensor Networks: Taxonomy and Challenges

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    Ubiquitous Computing is foreseen to play an important role for data production and network connectivity in the coming decades. The Internet of Things (IoT) research which has the capability to encapsulate identification potential and sensing capabilities, strives towards the objective of developing seamless, interoperable and securely integrated systems which can be achieved by connecting the Internet with computing devices. This gives way for the evolution of wireless energy harvesting and power transmission using computing devices. Radio Frequency (RF) based Energy Management (EM) has become the backbone for providing energy to wireless integrated systems. The two main techniques for EM in RFID Sensor Networks (RSN) are Energy Harvesting (EH) and Energy Transfer (ET). These techniques enable the dynamic energy level maintenance and optimisation as well as ensuring reliable communication which adheres to the goal of increased network performance and lifetime. In this paper, we present an overview of RSN, its types of integration and relative applications. We then provide the state-of-the-art EM techniques and strategies for RSN from August 2009 till date, thereby reviewing the existing EH and ET mechanisms designed for RSN. The taxonomy on various challenges for EM in RSN has also been articulated for open research directives

    Dual-battery empowered green cellular networks

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    With awareness of the potential harmful effects to the environment and climate change, on-grid brown energy consumption of information and communications technology (ICT) has drawn much attention. Cellular base stations (BSs) are among the major energy guzzlers in ICT, and their contributions to the global carbon emissions increase sustainedly. It is essential to leverage green energy to power BSs to reduce their on-grid brown energy consumption. However, in order to furthest save on-grid brown energy and decrease the on-grid brown energy electricity expenses, most existing green energy related works only pursue to maximize the green energy utilization while compromising the services received by the mobile users. In reality, dissatisfaction of services may eventually lead to loss of market shares and profits of the network providers. In this research, a dual-battery enabled profit driven user association scheme is introduced to jointly consider the traffic delivery latency and green energy utilization to maximize the profits for the network providers in heterogeneous cellular networks. Since this profit driven user association optimization problem is NP-hard, some heuristics are presented to solve the problem with low computational complexity. Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithm is validated through extensive simulations. In addition, the Internet of Things (IoT) heralds a vision of future Internet where all physical things/devices are connected via a network to promote a heightened level of awareness about our world and dramatically improve our daily lives. Nonetheless, most wireless technologies utilizing unlicensed bands cannot provision ubiquitous and quality IoT services. In contrast, cellular networks support large-scale, quality of service guaranteed, and secured communications. However, tremendous proximal communications via local BSs will lead to severe traffic congestion and huge energy consumption in conventional cellular networks. Device-to-device (D2D) communications can potentially offload traffic from and reduce energy consumption of BSs. In order to realize the vision of a truly global IoT, a novel architecture, i.e., overlay-based green relay assisted D2D communications with dual batteries in heterogeneous cellular networks, is introduced. By optimally allocating the network resource, the introduced resource allocation method provisions the IoT services and minimizes the overall energy consumption of the pico relay BSs. By balancing the residual green energy among the pico relay BSs, the green energy utilization is maximized; this furthest saves the on-grid energy. Finally, the performance of the proposed architecture is validated through extensive simulations. Furthermore, the mobile devices serve the important roles in cellular networks and IoT. With the ongoing worldwide development of IoT, an unprecedented number of edge devices imperatively consume a substantial amount of energy. The overall IoT mobile edge devices have been predicted to be the leading energy guzzler in ICT by 2020. Therefore, a three-step green IoT architecture is proposed, i.e., ambient energy harvesting, green energy wireless transfer and green energy balancing, in this research. The latter step reinforces the former one to ensure the availability of green energy. The basic design principles for these three steps are laid out and discussed. In summary, based on the dual-battery architecture, this dissertation research proposes solutions for the three aspects, i.e., green cellular BSs, green D2D communications and green devices, to hopefully and eventually actualize green cellular access networks, as part of the ongoing efforts in greening our society and environment

    Multihop Routing for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks

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