3,632 research outputs found

    A Scalable VLSI Architecture for Soft-Input Soft-Output Depth-First Sphere Decoding

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    Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless transmission imposes huge challenges on the design of efficient hardware architectures for iterative receivers. A major challenge is soft-input soft-output (SISO) MIMO demapping, often approached by sphere decoding (SD). In this paper, we introduce the - to our best knowledge - first VLSI architecture for SISO SD applying a single tree-search approach. Compared with a soft-output-only base architecture similar to the one proposed by Studer et al. in IEEE J-SAC 2008, the architectural modifications for soft input still allow a one-node-per-cycle execution. For a 4x4 16-QAM system, the area increases by 57% and the operating frequency degrades by 34% only.Comment: Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II Express Briefs, May 2010. This draft from April 2010 will not be updated any more. Please refer to IEEE Xplore for the final version. *) The final publication will appear with the modified title "A Scalable VLSI Architecture for Soft-Input Soft-Output Single Tree-Search Sphere Decoding

    Successive Cancellation List Polar Decoder using Log-likelihood Ratios

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    Successive cancellation list (SCL) decoding algorithm is a powerful method that can help polar codes achieve excellent error-correcting performance. However, the current SCL algorithm and decoders are based on likelihood or log-likelihood forms, which render high hardware complexity. In this paper, we propose a log-likelihood-ratio (LLR)-based SCL (LLR-SCL) decoding algorithm, which only needs half the computation and storage complexity than the conventional one. Then, based on the proposed algorithm, we develop low-complexity VLSI architectures for LLR-SCL decoders. Analysis results show that the proposed LLR-SCL decoder achieves 50% reduction in hardware and 98% improvement in hardware efficiency.Comment: accepted by 2014 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computer

    Fault Secure Encoder and Decoder for NanoMemory Applications

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    Memory cells have been protected from soft errors for more than a decade; due to the increase in soft error rate in logic circuits, the encoder and decoder circuitry around the memory blocks have become susceptible to soft errors as well and must also be protected. We introduce a new approach to design fault-secure encoder and decoder circuitry for memory designs. The key novel contribution of this paper is identifying and defining a new class of error-correcting codes whose redundancy makes the design of fault-secure detectors (FSD) particularly simple. We further quantify the importance of protecting encoder and decoder circuitry against transient errors, illustrating a scenario where the system failure rate (FIT) is dominated by the failure rate of the encoder and decoder. We prove that Euclidean geometry low-density parity-check (EG-LDPC) codes have the fault-secure detector capability. Using some of the smaller EG-LDPC codes, we can tolerate bit or nanowire defect rates of 10% and fault rates of 10^(-18) upsets/device/cycle, achieving a FIT rate at or below one for the entire memory system and a memory density of 10^(11) bit/cm^2 with nanowire pitch of 10 nm for memory blocks of 10 Mb or larger. Larger EG-LDPC codes can achieve even higher reliability and lower area overhead

    Exploiting Device Mismatch in Neuromorphic VLSI Systems to Implement Axonal Delays

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    Sheik S, Chicca E, Indiveri G. Exploiting Device Mismatch in Neuromorphic VLSI Systems to Implement Axonal Delays. Presented at the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Brisbane, Australia.Axonal delays are used in neural computation to implement faithful models of biological neural systems, and in spiking neural networks models to solve computationally demanding tasks. While there is an increasing number of software simulations of spiking neural networks that make use of axonal delays, only a small fraction of currently existing hardware neuromorphic systems supports them. In this paper we demonstrate a strategy to implement temporal delays in hardware spiking neural networks distributed across multiple Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) chips. This is achieved by exploiting the inherent device mismatch present in the analog circuits that implement silicon neurons and synapses inside the chips, and the digital communication infrastructure used to configure the network topology and transmit the spikes across chips. We present an example of a recurrent VLSI spiking neural network that employs axonal delays and demonstrate how the proposed strategy efficiently implements them in hardware