455 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Methodology for Algorithm Characterization, Regularization and Mapping Into Optimal VLSI Arrays.

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    This dissertation provides a fairly comprehensive treatment of a broad class of algorithms as it pertains to systolic implementation. We describe some formal algorithmic transformations that can be utilized to map regular and some irregular compute-bound algorithms into the best fit time-optimal systolic architectures. The resulted architectures can be one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional or nonplanar. The methodology detailed in the dissertation employs, like other methods, the concept of dependence vector to order, in space and time, the index points representing the algorithm. However, by differentiating between two types of dependence vectors, the ordering procedure is allowed to be flexible and time optimal. Furthermore, unlike other methodologies, the approach reported here does not put constraints on the topology or dimensionality of the target architecture. The ordered index points are represented by nodes in a diagram called Systolic Precedence Diagram (SPD). The SPD is a form of precedence graph that takes into account the systolic operation requirements of strictly local communications and regular data flow. Therefore, any algorithm with variable dependence vectors has to be transformed into a regular indexed set of computations with local dependencies. This can be done by replacing variable dependence vectors with sets of fixed dependence vectors. The SPD is transformed into an acyclic, labeled, directed graph called the Systolic Directed Graph (SDG). The SDG models the data flow as well as the timing for the execution of the given algorithm on a time-optimal array. The target architectures are obtained by projecting the SDG along defined directions. If more than one valid projection direction exists, different designs are obtained. The resulting architectures are then evaluated to determine if an improvement in the performance can be achieved by increasing PE fan-out. If so, the methodology provides the corresponding systolic implementation. By employing a new graph transformation, the SDG is manipulated so that it can be mapped into fixed-size and fixed-depth multi-linear arrays. The latter is a new concept of systolic arrays that is adaptable to changes in the state of technology. It promises a bonded clock skew, higher throughput and better performance than the linear implementation

    Dynamics, control and sensor issues pertinent to robotic hands for the EVA retriever system

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    Basic dynamics, sensor, control, and related artificial intelligence issues pertinent to smart robotic hands for the Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) Retriever system are summarized and discussed. These smart hands are to be used as end effectors on arms attached to manned maneuvering units (MMU). The Retriever robotic systems comprised of MMU, arm and smart hands, are being developed to aid crewmen in the performance of routine EVA tasks including tool and object retrieval. The ultimate goal is to enhance the effectiveness of EVA crewmen

    Codesign Tradeoffs for High-Performance, Low-Power Linear Algebra Architectures

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    On recursive least-squares filtering algorithms and implementations

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    In many real-time signal processing applications, fast and numerically stable algorithms for solving least-squares problems are necessary and important. In particular, under non-stationary conditions, these algorithms must be able to adapt themselves to reflect the changes in the system and take appropriate adjustments to achieve optimum performances. Among existing algorithms, the QR-decomposition (QRD)-based recursive least-squares (RLS) methods have been shown to be useful and effective for adaptive signal processing. In order to increase the speed of processing and achieve high throughput rate, many algorithms are being vectorized and/or pipelined to facilitate high degrees of parallelism. A time-recursive formulation of RLS filtering employing block QRD will be considered first. Several methods, including a new non-continuous windowing scheme based on selectively rejecting contaminated data, were investigated for adaptive processing. Based on systolic triarrays, many other forms of systolic arrays are shown to be capable of implementing different algorithms. Various updating and downdating systolic algorithms and architectures for RLS filtering are examined and compared in details, which include Householder reflector, Gram-Schmidt procedure, and Givens rotation. A unified approach encompassing existing square-root-free algorithms is also proposed. For the sinusoidal spectrum estimation problem, a judicious method of separating the noise from the signal is of great interest. Various truncated QR methods are proposed for this purpose and compared to the truncated SVD method. Computer simulations provided for detailed comparisons show the effectiveness of these methods. This thesis deals with fundamental issues of numerical stability, computational efficiency, adaptivity, and VLSI implementation for the RLS filtering problems. In all, various new and modified algorithms and architectures are proposed and analyzed; the significance of any of the new method depends crucially on specific application

    Design and implementation of an FPGA-based piecewise affine Kalman Filter for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    The Kalman Filter is a robust tool often employed as a process observer in Cyber-Physical Systems. However, in the general case the high computational cost, especially for large plant models or fast sample rates, makes it an impractical choice for typical low-power microcontrollers. Furthermore, although industry trends towards tighter integration are supported by powerful high-end System-on-Chip software processors, this consolidation complicates the ability for a controls engineer to verify correct behavior of the system under all conditions, which is important in safety-critical systems and systems demanding a high degree of reliability. Dedicated Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware can provide application speedup, design partitioning in mixed-criticality systems, and fully deterministic timing, which helps ensure a control system behaves identically to offline simulations. This dissertation presents a new design methodology which can be leveraged to yield such benefits. Although this dissertation focuses on the Kalman Filter, the method is general enough to be extended to other compute-intensive algorithms which rely on state-space modeling. For the first part, the core idea is that decomposing the Kalman Filter algorithm from a strictly linear perspective leads to a more generalized architecture with increased performance compared to approaches which focus on nonlinear filters (e.g. Extended Kalman Filter). Our contribution is a broadly-applicable hardware-software architecture for a linear Kalman Filter whose operating domain is extended through online model swapping. A supporting application-agnostic performance and resource analysis is provided. For the second part, we identify limitations of the mixed hardware-software method and demonstrate how to leverage hardware-based region identification in order to develop a strictly hardware-only Kalman Filter which maintains a large operating domain. The resulting hardware processor is partitioned from low criticality software tasks running on a supervising software processor and enables vastly simplified timing validation
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