525 research outputs found

    Control techniques for thermal-aware energy-efficient real time multiprocessor scheduling

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    La utilización de microprocesadores multinúcleo no sólo es atractiva para la industria sino que en muchos ámbitos es la única opción. La planificación tiempo real sobre estas plataformas es mucho más compleja que sobre monoprocesadores y en general empeoran el problema de sobre-diseño, llevando a la utilización de muchos más procesadores /núcleos de los necesarios. Se han propuesto algoritmos basados en planificación fluida que optimizan la utilización de los procesadores, pero hasta el momento presentan en general inconvenientes que los alejan de su aplicación práctica, no siendo el menor el elevado número de cambios de contexto y migraciones.Esta tesis parte de la hipótesis de que es posible diseñar algoritmos basados en planificación fluida, que optimizan la utilización de los procesadores, cumpliendo restricciones temporales, térmicas y energéticas, con un bajo número de cambios de contexto y migraciones, y compatibles tanto con la generación fuera de línea de ejecutivos cíclicos atractivos para la industria, como de planificadores que integran técnicas de control en tiempo de ejecución que permiten la gestión eficiente tanto de tareas aperiódicas como de desviaciones paramétricas o pequeñas perturbaciones.A este respecto, esta tesis contribuye con varias soluciones. En primer lugar, mejora una metodología de modelo que representa todas las dimensiones del problema bajo un único formalismo (Redes de Petri Continuas Temporizadas). En segundo lugar, propone un método de generación de un ejecutivo cíclico, calculado en ciclos de procesador, para un conjunto de tareas tiempo real duro sobre multiprocesadores que optimiza la utilización de los núcleos de procesamiento respetando también restricciones térmicas y de energía, sobre la base de una planificación fluida. Considerar la sobrecarga derivada del número de cambios de contexto y migraciones en un ejecutivo cíclico plantea un dilema de causalidad: el número de cambios de contexto (y en consecuencia su sobrecarga) no se conoce hasta generar el ejecutivo cíclico, pero dicho número no se puede minimizar hasta que se ha calculado. La tesis propone una solución a este dilema mediante un método iterativo de convergencia demostrada que logra minimizar la sobrecarga mencionada.En definitiva, la tesis consigue explotar la idea de planificación fluida para maximizar la utilización (donde maximizar la utilización es un gran problema en la industria) generando un sencillo ejecutivo cíclico de mínima sobrecarga (ya que la sobrecarga implica un gran problema de los planificadores basados en planificación fluida).Finalmente, se propone un método para utilizar las referencias de la planificación fuera de línea establecida en el ejecutivo cíclico para su seguimiento por parte de un controlador de frecuencia en línea, de modo que se pueden afrontar pequeñas perturbaciones y variaciones paramétricas, integrando la gestión de tareas aperiódicas (tiempo real blando) mientras se asegura la integridad de la ejecución del conjunto de tiempo real duro.Estas aportaciones constituyen una novedad en el campo, refrendada por las publicaciones derivadas de este trabajo de tesis.<br /

    Scheduling Storms and Streams in the Cloud

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    Motivated by emerging big streaming data processing paradigms (e.g., Twitter Storm, Streaming MapReduce), we investigate the problem of scheduling graphs over a large cluster of servers. Each graph is a job, where nodes represent compute tasks and edges indicate data-flows between these compute tasks. Jobs (graphs) arrive randomly over time, and upon completion, leave the system. When a job arrives, the scheduler needs to partition the graph and distribute it over the servers to satisfy load balancing and cost considerations. Specifically, neighboring compute tasks in the graph that are mapped to different servers incur load on the network; thus a mapping of the jobs among the servers incurs a cost that is proportional to the number of "broken edges". We propose a low complexity randomized scheduling algorithm that, without service preemptions, stabilizes the system with graph arrivals/departures; more importantly, it allows a smooth trade-off between minimizing average partitioning cost and average queue lengths. Interestingly, to avoid service preemptions, our approach does not rely on a Gibbs sampler; instead, we show that the corresponding limiting invariant measure has an interpretation stemming from a loss system.Comment: 14 page

    3E: Energy-Efficient Elastic Scheduling for Independent Tasks in Heterogeneous Computing Systems

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    Reducing energy consumption is a major design constraint for modern heterogeneous computing systems to minimize electricity cost, improve system reliability and protect environment. Conventional energy-efficient scheduling strategies developed on these systems do not sufficiently exploit the system elasticity and adaptability for maximum energy savings, and do not simultaneously take account of user expected finish time. In this paper, we develop a novel scheduling strategy named energy-efficient elastic (3E) scheduling for aperiodic, independent and non-real-time tasks with user expected finish times on DVFS-enabled heterogeneous computing systems. The 3E strategy adjusts processors’ supply voltages and frequencies according to the system workload, and makes trade-offs between energy consumption and user expected finish times. Compared with other energy-efficient strategies, 3E significantly improves the scheduling quality and effectively enhances the system elasticity

    Eventually-Consistent Federated Scheduling for Data Center Workloads

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    Data center schedulers operate at unprecedented scales today to accommodate the growing demand for computing and storage power. The challenge that schedulers face is meeting the requirements of scheduling speeds despite the scale. To do so, most scheduler architectures use parallelism. However, these architectures consist of multiple parallel scheduling entities that can only utilize partial knowledge of the data center's state, as maintaining consistent global knowledge or state would involve considerable communication overhead. The disadvantage of scheduling without global knowledge is sub-optimal placements-tasks may be made to wait in queues even though there are resources available in zones outside the scope of the scheduling entity's state. This leads to unnecessary queuing overheads and lower resource utilization of the data center. In this paper, extend our previous work on Megha, a federated decentralized data center scheduling architecture that uses eventual consistency. The architecture utilizes both parallelism and an eventually-consistent global state in each of its scheduling entities to make fast decisions in a scalable manner. In our work, we compare Megha with 3 scheduling architectures: Sparrow, Eagle, and Pigeon, using simulation. We also evaluate Megha's prototype on a 123-node cluster and compare its performance with Pigeon's prototype using cluster traces. The results of our experiments show that Megha consistently reduces delays in job completion time when compared to other architectures.Comment: 26 pages. Submitted to Elsevier's Ad Hoc Networks Journa

    Comparison of Batch Scheduling for Identical Multi-Tasks Jobs on Heterogeneous Platforms

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    International audienceIn this paper we consider the scheduling of a batch of the same job on a heterogeneous execution platform. A job is represented by a directed acyclic graph without forks (intree) but with typed tasks. The execution resources are distributed and each resource can carry out a set of task types. The objective function is to minimize the makespan of the batch execution. Three algorithms are studied in this context: an on-line algorithm, a genetic algorithm and a steady-state algorithm. The contribution of this paper is on the experimental analysis of these algorithms and on their adaptation to the context. We show that their performances depend on the size of the batch and on the characteristics of the execution platform

    Design and development of deadline based scheduling mechanisms for multiprocessor systems

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    Multiprocessor systems are nowadays de facto standard for both personal computers and server workstations. Benefits of multicore technology will be used in the next few years for embedded devices and cellular phones as well. Linux, as a General Purpose Operating System (GPOS), must support many different hardware platform, from workstations to mobile devices. Unfortu- nately, Linux has not been designed to be a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS). As a consequence, time-sensitive (e.g. audio/video players) or sim- ply real-time interactive applications, may suffer degradations in their QoS. In this thesis we extend the implementation of the “Earliest Deadline First” algorithm in the Linux kernel from single processor to multicore systems, allowing processes migration among the CPUs. We also discuss the design choices and present the experimental results that show the potential of our work

    Dynamic scheduling of parallel real-time jobs by modelling spare capabilities in heterogeneous clusters

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