12 research outputs found

    Optimal Rate Sampling in 802.11 Systems

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    In 802.11 systems, Rate Adaptation (RA) is a fundamental mechanism allowing transmitters to adapt the coding and modulation scheme as well as the MIMO transmission mode to the radio channel conditions, and in turn, to learn and track the (mode, rate) pair providing the highest throughput. So far, the design of RA mechanisms has been mainly driven by heuristics. In contrast, in this paper, we rigorously formulate such design as an online stochastic optimisation problem. We solve this problem and present ORS (Optimal Rate Sampling), a family of (mode, rate) pair adaptation algorithms that provably learn as fast as it is possible the best pair for transmission. We study the performance of ORS algorithms in both stationary radio environments where the successful packet transmission probabilities at the various (mode, rate) pairs do not vary over time, and in non-stationary environments where these probabilities evolve. We show that under ORS algorithms, the throughput loss due to the need to explore sub-optimal (mode, rate) pairs does not depend on the number of available pairs, which is a crucial advantage as evolving 802.11 standards offer an increasingly large number of (mode, rate) pairs. We illustrate the efficiency of ORS algorithms (compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms) using simulations and traces extracted from 802.11 test-beds.Comment: 52 page

    Experimental Evaluation of Large Scale WiFi Multicast Rate Control

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    WiFi multicast to very large groups has gained attention as a solution for multimedia delivery in crowded areas. Yet, most recently proposed schemes do not provide performance guarantees and none have been tested at scale. To address the issue of providing high multicast throughput with performance guarantees, we present the design and experimental evaluation of the Multicast Dynamic Rate Adaptation (MuDRA) algorithm. MuDRA balances fast adaptation to channel conditions and stability, which is essential for multimedia applications. MuDRA relies on feedback from some nodes collected via a light-weight protocol and dynamically adjusts the rate adaptation response time. Our experimental evaluation of MuDRA on the ORBIT testbed with over 150 nodes shows that MuDRA outperforms other schemes and supports high throughput multicast flows to hundreds of receivers while meeting quality requirements. MuDRA can support multiple high quality video streams, where 90% of the nodes report excellent or very good video quality

    Efficient Beam Alignment in Millimeter Wave Systems Using Contextual Bandits

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of beam alignment in millimeter wave (mmWave) systems, and design an optimal algorithm to reduce the overhead. Specifically, due to directional communications, the transmitter and receiver beams need to be aligned, which incurs high delay overhead since without a priori knowledge of the transmitter/receiver location, the search space spans the entire angular domain. This is further exacerbated under dynamic conditions (e.g., moving vehicles) where the access to the base station (access point) is highly dynamic with intermittent on-off periods, requiring more frequent beam alignment and signal training. To mitigate this issue, we consider an online stochastic optimization formulation where the goal is to maximize the directivity gain (i.e., received energy) of the beam alignment policy within a time period. We exploit the inherent correlation and unimodality properties of the model, and demonstrate that contextual information improves the performance. To this end, we propose an equivalent structured Multi-Armed Bandit model to optimally exploit the exploration-exploitation tradeoff. In contrast to the classical MAB models, the contextual information makes the lower bound on regret (i.e., performance loss compared with an oracle policy) independent of the number of beams. This is a crucial property since the number of all combinations of beam patterns can be large in transceiver antenna arrays, especially in massive MIMO systems. We further provide an asymptotically optimal beam alignment algorithm, and investigate its performance via simulations.Comment: To Appear in IEEE INFOCOM 2018. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1611.05724 by other author

    Learning Algorithms for Minimizing Queue Length Regret

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    We consider a system consisting of a single transmitter/receiver pair and NN channels over which they may communicate. Packets randomly arrive to the transmitter's queue and wait to be successfully sent to the receiver. The transmitter may attempt a frame transmission on one channel at a time, where each frame includes a packet if one is in the queue. For each channel, an attempted transmission is successful with an unknown probability. The transmitter's objective is to quickly identify the best channel to minimize the number of packets in the queue over TT time slots. To analyze system performance, we introduce queue length regret, which is the expected difference between the total queue length of a learning policy and a controller that knows the rates, a priori. One approach to designing a transmission policy would be to apply algorithms from the literature that solve the closely-related stochastic multi-armed bandit problem. These policies would focus on maximizing the number of successful frame transmissions over time. However, we show that these methods have Ω(logT)\Omega(\log{T}) queue length regret. On the other hand, we show that there exists a set of queue-length based policies that can obtain order optimal O(1)O(1) queue length regret. We use our theoretical analysis to devise heuristic methods that are shown to perform well in simulation.Comment: 28 Pages, 11 figure