20 research outputs found

    Panoramic Image Communication for Mobile Application using Content-Aware Image Resizing Method

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    This paper presents an image resizing application for mobile communication to evaluate content-aware image resizing method for panoramic image. In many applications, we can take account into aspect ratio changing, removal or pan and zoom in the image. However, the implemented application in this work is more focus on image downsizing due to mobile application that is limited for image capacity. The generated panoramic image will be distorted if simply scaling by factors and the image will lose information or generate artifacts if crop the area directly. It is meaningful to discuss how to keep the main object in the image and resize the image by cutting off the unnecessary part. The implemented approach has been successfully developed and it will be valuable to compare image resizing on mobile terminal

    Panoramic Image Communication for Mobile Application using Content-Aware Image Resizing Method

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    This paper presents an image resizing application for mobile communication to evaluate content-aware image resizing method for panoramic image. In many applications, we can take account into aspect ratio changing, removal or pan and zoom in the image. However, the implemented application in this work is more focus on image downsizing due to mobile application that is limited for image capacity. The generated panoramic image will be distorted if simply scaling by factors and the image will lose information or generate artifacts if crop the area directly. It is meaningful to discuss how to keep the main object in the image and resize the image by cutting off the unnecessary part. The implemented approach has been successfully developed and it will be valuable to compare image resizing on mobile terminal

    Image mosaicing of panoramic images

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    Image mosaicing is combining or stitching several images of a scene or object taken from different angles into a single image with a greater angle of view. This is practised a developing field. Recent years have seen quite a lot of advancement in the field. Many algorithms have been developed over the years. Our work is based on feature based approach of image mosaicing. The steps in image mosaic consist of feature point detection, feature point descriptor extraction and feature point matching. RANSAC algorithm is applied to eliminate variety of mismatches and acquire transformation matrix between the images. The input image is transformed with the right mapping model for image stitching. Therefore, this paper proposes an algorithm for mosaicing two images efficiently using Harris-corner feature detection method, RANSAC feature matching method and then image transformation, warping and by blending methods

    Алгоритмы автоматической идентификации объектов на разнородных изображениях и совмещения изображений

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    Совмещение реальных видеоизображений и изображений, синтезированных по цифровой карте местности, является одной из важнейших задач в многоспектральной системе технического зрения на борту воздушного судна. Эта задача вместе с комплексом вспомогательных задач должна решаться автоматически в реальном времени при достаточно жестких ограничениях на точность совмещения. В работе «Программно-алгоритмический комплекс совмещения изображений в авиационных системах технического зрения», помещенной в настоящем сборнике, задача совмещения решается с помощью аффинных преобразований. В настоящей работе приведены алгоритмы совмещения на основе дробно-линейных преобразований синтезированного изображения к плоскости реального видеоизображения, учитывающие и проективные искажения, но более чувствительные, в отличие от аффинных преобразований, к точности формирования пар ключевых точек

    Программно-алгоритмический комплекс совмещения изображений в авиационных системах технического зрения

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    Одной из важнейших задач, решаемых на борту воздушного судна, является задача совмещения реальных изображений и изображений, синтезированных по цифровой карте местности. Комплекс вспомогательных задач и собственно задача совмещения должны решаться в реальном времени (с частотой 25 кадров в секунду) и с жесткими требованиями к точности совмещения разнородных изображений. Традиционные корреляционно-экстремальные методы совмещения обеспечивают требуемую точность, но требуют недопустимо больших затрат машинного времени. В работе приводится описание алгоритма совмещения, основанного на аффинных преобразованиях синтезированного изображения к плоскости реального видеоизображения, а также алгоритмов решения вспомогательных задач

    Sector based linear regression, a new robust method for the multiple linear regression

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    This paper describes a new robust multiple linear regression method, which based on the segmentation of the N dimensional space to N+1 sector. An N dimensional regression plane is located so that the half (or other) part of the points are under this plane in each sector. This article also presents a simple algorithm to calculate the parameters of this regression plane. This algorithm is scalable well by the dimension and the count of the points, and capable to calculation with other (not 0.5) quantiles. This paper also contains some studies about the described method, which analyze the result with different datasets and compares to the linear least squares regression. Sector Based Linear Regression (SBLR) is the multidimensional generalization of the mathematical background of a point cloud processing algorithm called Fitting Disc method, which has been already used in practice to process LiDAR data. A robust regression method can be used also in many other fields

    Monitorización de una excavación arqueológica usando fotogrametría y modelos digitales del terreno (MDT). El caso de estudio de Barranco León, Orce (Granada, España)

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    In this paper, we describe and discuss emergent digital technologies employed for monitoring the excavations at the archaeological site of Barranco León (Granada, Spain) between 2017 and 2020. The method entails the following material requirements: a total station, a conventional camera, a computer and a software that integrates photogrammetry algorithms; in terms of human resources, the presence of an engineer for the first day of the excavation to set up the methodological process and trained excavation staff to perform said method on a daily basis is necessary. Here we present the daily workflow for monitoring archaeological excavations introduced at the site, followed by an estimation of the costs and a summary of the results obtained. The method introduced here is based on the height difference of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) computed on successive days using photogrammetric techniques. It is a non-invasive method, which requires less than 8% of the economic resources of the excavation and can be carried out in less than 15 minutes. This allows the excavation director to have an accurate and visual idea of the excavation process in order to make appropriate decisions. In addition, from the results obtained in the method (differences in DEM of every two days), other derived results can be obtained such as the exact location of the archaeological remains extracted based on their size. These features highlight the relevance and applicability of this approach to a wide range of archaeological sites.En este artículo, describimos y discutimos las tecnologías digitales emergentes utilizadas para la monitorización de las excavaciones del yacimiento arqueológico de Barranco León (Granada, España) entre las campañas de 2017 y 2020. El método implica el uso de los siguientes recursos materiales: una estación total, una cámara de fotos convencional, un ordenador y un programa que integre algoritmos de fotogrametría; referente a los recursos humanos, es necesaria la presencia de un ingeniero durante el primer día de la excavación para establecer el proceso metodológico y un excavador entrenado para llevar a cabo dicho método diariamente. Aquí, presentamos un flujo de trabajo diario para la monitorización de la excavación de un yacimiento arqueológico, seguido de una estimación de los costos y un resumen de los resultados obtenidos. El método presentado se basa en la diferencia de altura de los modelos digitales del terreno (MDT) calculados en sucesivos días utilizando técnicas fotogramétricas. Es un método no invasivo, que requiere menos del 8% del coste total de la excavación y se puede llevar a cabo en menos de 15 minutos. Esto permite que el director de la excavación tenga una visión precisa y una idea visual del proceso de excavación para tomar las decisiones adecuadas. Además, a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el método (diferencias en MDT de cada dos días), se pueden obtener otros resultados derivados como la ubicación exacta de los restos arqueológicos extraídos en función de su tamaño.Junta de Andalucia BC.03.032/17FEDER 2020 Operative Program Research Project A-HUM-016-UGR1

    Monitoring an archaeotogical excavation using photogrammetry and digital elevation models (DEMS) : the case study of Barranco Leon in Orce (Granada, Spain)

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    In this paper, we describe and discuss emergent digital technologies employed for monitoring the excavations at the archaeological site of Barranco Leon (Granada, Spain) between 2017 and 2020. The method entails the following material requirements: a total station, a conventional camera, a computer and a software that integrates photogrammetry algorithms; in terms of human resources, the presence of an engineer for the first day of the excavation to set up the methodological process and trained excavation staff to perform said method on a daily basis is necessary. Here we present the daily workflow for monitoring archaeological excavations introduced at the site, followed by an estimation of the costs and a summary of the results obtained. The method introduced here is based on the height difference of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) computed on successive days using photogrammetric techniques. It is a non-invasive method, which requires less than 8% of the economic resources of the excavation and can be carried out in less than 15 minutes. This allows the excavation director to have an accurate and visual idea of the excavation process in order to make appropriate decisions. In addition, from the results obtained in the method (differences in DEM of every two days), other derived results can be obtained such as the exact location of the archaeological remains extracted based on their size. These features highlight the relevance and applicability of this approach to a wide range of archaeological sites.Peer reviewe

    A Novel Improved Probability-Guided RANSAC Algorithm for Robot 3D Map Building

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    This paper presents a novel improved RANSAC algorithm based on probability and DS evidence theory to deal with the robust pose estimation in robot 3D map building. In this proposed RANSAC algorithm, a parameter model is estimated by using a random sampling test set. Based on this estimated model, all points are tested to evaluate the fitness of current parameter model and their probabilities are updated by using a total probability formula during the iterations. The maximum size of inlier set containing the test point is taken into account to get a more reliable evaluation for test points by using DS evidence theory. Furthermore, the theories of forgetting are utilized to filter out the unstable inliers and improve the stability of the proposed algorithm. In order to boost a high performance, an inverse mapping sampling strategy is adopted based on the updated probabilities of points. Both the simulations and real experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm