13 research outputs found

    A Note on Plus-Contacts, Rectangular Duals, and Box-Orthogonal Drawings

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    A plus-contact representation of a planar graph GG is called cc-balanced if for every plus shape +v+_v, the number of other plus shapes incident to each arm of +v+_v is at most cΔ+O(1) c \Delta +O(1), where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of GG. Although small values of cc have been achieved for a few subclasses of planar graphs (e.g., 22- and 33-trees), it is unknown whether cc-balanced representations with c<1c<1 exist for arbitrary planar graphs. In this paper we compute (1/2)(1/2)-balanced plus-contact representations for all planar graphs that admit a rectangular dual. Our result implies that any graph with a rectangular dual has a 1-bend box-orthogonal drawings such that for each vertex vv, the box representing vv is a square of side length deg(v)2+O(1)\frac{deg(v)}{2}+ O(1).Comment: A poster related to this research appeared at the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing & Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Pixel and Voxel Representations of Graphs

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    We study contact representations for graphs, which we call pixel representations in 2D and voxel representations in 3D. Our representations are based on the unit square grid whose cells we call pixels in 2D and voxels in 3D. Two pixels are adjacent if they share an edge, two voxels if they share a face. We call a connected set of pixels or voxels a blob. Given a graph, we represent its vertices by disjoint blobs such that two blobs contain adjacent pixels or voxels if and only if the corresponding vertices are adjacent. We are interested in the size of a representation, which is the number of pixels or voxels it consists of. We first show that finding minimum-size representations is NP-complete. Then, we bound representation sizes needed for certain graph classes. In 2D, we show that, for kk-outerplanar graphs with nn vertices, Θ(kn)\Theta(kn) pixels are always sufficient and sometimes necessary. In particular, outerplanar graphs can be represented with a linear number of pixels, whereas general planar graphs sometimes need a quadratic number. In 3D, Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) voxels are always sufficient and sometimes necessary for any nn-vertex graph. We improve this bound to Θ(nτ)\Theta(n\cdot \tau) for graphs of treewidth τ\tau and to O((g+1)2nlog2n)O((g+1)^2n\log^2n) for graphs of genus gg. In particular, planar graphs admit representations with O(nlog2n)O(n\log^2n) voxels

    Adjacency Graphs of Polyhedral Surfaces

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    We study whether a given graph can be realized as an adjacency graph of the polygonal cells of a polyhedral surface in R3\mathbb{R}^3. We show that every graph is realizable as a polyhedral surface with arbitrary polygonal cells, and that this is not true if we require the cells to be convex. In particular, if the given graph contains K5K_5, K5,81K_{5,81}, or any nonplanar 33-tree as a subgraph, no such realization exists. On the other hand, all planar graphs, K4,4K_{4,4}, and K3,5K_{3,5} can be realized with convex cells. The same holds for any subdivision of any graph where each edge is subdivided at least once, and, by a result from McMullen et al. (1983), for any hypercube. Our results have implications on the maximum density of graphs describing polyhedral surfaces with convex cells: The realizability of hypercubes shows that the maximum number of edges over all realizable nn-vertex graphs is in Ω(nlogn)\Omega(n \log n). From the non-realizability of K5,81K_{5,81}, we obtain that any realizable nn-vertex graph has O(n9/5)O(n^{9/5}) edges. As such, these graphs can be considerably denser than planar graphs, but not arbitrarily dense.Comment: To appear in Proc. SoCG 202

    How to Visualize the K-root Name Server

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