1,650 research outputs found

    Enhanced adaptive RTCP-based inter-destination multimedia synchronization approach for distributed applications

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    [EN] Newer social multimedia applications, such as Social TV or networked multi-player games, enable independent groups (or clusters) of users to interact among themselves and share services within the context of simultaneous media content consumption. In such scenarios, concurrently synchronized playout points must be ensured so as not to degrade the user experience on such interaction. We refer to this process as Inter-Destination Multimedia Synchronization (IDMS). This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of an evolved version of an RTCP-based IDMS approach, including an Adaptive Media Playout (AMP) scheme that aims to dynamically and smoothly adjust the playout timing of each one of the geographically distributed consumers in a specific cluster if an allowable asynchrony threshold between their playout states is exceeded. For that purpose, we previously had also to develop a full implementation of RTP/RTCP protocols for NS-2, in which we included the IDMS approach as an optional functionality. Simulation results prove the feasibility of such IDMS and AMP proposals, by adopting several dynamic master reference selection policies, to maintain an overall synchronization status (within allowable limits) in each cluster of participants, while minimizing the occurrence of long-term playout discontinuities (such as skips/pauses) which are subjectively more annoying and less tolerable to users than small variations in the media playout rate.This work has been financed, partially, by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), under its R&D Support Program in PAID-05-11-002-331 Project and in PAID-01-10. Authors also would like to thank the anonymous reviewers that helped to significantly improve the quality of the paper with their constructive comments.Montagud, M.; Boronat, F. (2012). Enhanced adaptive RTCP-based inter-destination multimedia synchronization approach for distributed applications. Computer Networks. 56(12):2912-2933. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2012.05.00329122933561

    GreedyDual-Join: Locality-Aware Buffer Management for Approximate Join Processing Over Data Streams

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    We investigate adaptive buffer management techniques for approximate evaluation of sliding window joins over multiple data streams. In many applications, data stream processing systems have limited memory or have to deal with very high speed data streams. In both cases, computing the exact results of joins between these streams may not be feasible, mainly because the buffers used to compute the joins contain much smaller number of tuples than the tuples contained in the sliding windows. Therefore, a stream buffer management policy is needed in that case. We show that the buffer replacement policy is an important determinant of the quality of the produced results. To that end, we propose GreedyDual-Join (GDJ) an adaptive and locality-aware buffering technique for managing these buffers. GDJ exploits the temporal correlations (at both long and short time scales), which we found to be prevalent in many real data streams. We note that our algorithm is readily applicable to multiple data streams and multiple joins and requires almost no additional system resources. We report results of an experimental study using both synthetic and real-world data sets. Our results demonstrate the superiority and flexibility of our approach when contrasted to other recently proposed techniques

    On the use of adaptive media playout for inter-destination synchronization

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    [EN] Inter-Destination Multimedia Synchronization (IDMS) is essential in most of the emerging social multimedia applications. In this paper we present a novel Adaptive Media Playout (AMP) scheme that aims to acquire an overall synchronization status between distributed receivers by means of smoothly adjusting their playout timing. Simulation results show that the proposed solution minimizes long-term playout discontinuities (skips and/or pauses) which are subjectively more annoying to users than small variations in the media playout rate.This work was supported by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), under its R&D Support Program in the PAID-01-10 Project, and by Generalitat Valenciana, under its R&D Support Program in the GV 2010/009 Project.Montagud, M.; Boronat, F. (2011). On the use of adaptive media playout for inter-destination synchronization. IEEE Communications Letters. 15(9):863-865. https://doi.org/10.1109/LCOMM.2011.061611.110072S86386515

    Enhancing Patching Performance Through Double Patching

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    Patching is an efficient bandwidth-sharing technique for video-on-demand systems. Its performance, however, has limitation: as the time distance to the last regular multicast enlarges, the patching cost for new requests increases and eventually, a new regular multicast must be scheduled to balance the cost. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a new technique called Double Patching. Our research is based on the observation that a patching stream can be shared by the video requests arriving in the next wp time units if it delivers an additional 2 · wp time units of video data. With these additional data, the patching cost for these requests can be significantly reduced. Our performance study shows that the new technique can dramatically improve, in many workloads double, the performance of the original Patching. While the performance gain is significant, the new technique inherits the same simplicity from the original Patching. In particular, it does not impose any additional requirement on client download bandwidth - the same as the original Patching, the new scheme allows a client to receive data from no more than two video streams at any one time

    A continuous media transport protocol

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    A protocol for the transmission of digitized audio and video data must schedule data transmission such that each audio or video sample is available in the receiver\u27s buffer by its play-out deadline without overflowing the allotted buffer space at the receiver. While traditional data communication protocols provide error-free data transmission through the use of time-outs and retransmissions, the unbounded number of retransmissions that a packet may suffer results in an unboundable network transmission delay. Thus, such protocols are not appropriate for the real-time transmission of digitized audio and video data;This dissertation examines the network environments likely to be used for digitized audio and video data transmission and develops an audio/video transport-layer communication protocol which for such network environments. A unique feature of this protocol is the calculation of a transmission schedule which can minimize the buffer requirements at the receiver while still meeting the real-time play-out deadlines of the individual audio and video streams

    Adaptive buffer power save mechanism for mobile multimedia streaming

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    With the proliferation of wireless networks, the use of mobile devices to stream multimedia is growing in popularity. Although the devices are improving in that they are becoming smaller, more complex and capable of running more applications than ever before, there is one aspect of them that is lagging behind. Batteries have seen little development, even though they are one of the most important parts of the devices. Multimedia streaming puts extra pressure on batteries, causing them to discharge faster. This often means that streaming tasks can not be completed, resulting in significant user dissatisfaction. Consequently, effort is required to devise mechanisms to enable and increase in battery life while streaming multimedia. In this context, this thesis presents a novel algorithm to save power in mobile devices during the streaming of multimedia content. The proposed Adaptive-Buffer Power Save Mechanism (AB-PSM) controls how the data is sent over wireless networks, achieving significant power savings. There is little or no effect on the user and the algorithm is very simple to implement. The thesis describes tests which show the effectiveness of AB-PSM in comparison with the legacy power save mechanism present in IEEE 802.11. The thesis also presents a detailed overview of the IEEE 802.11 protocols and an in-depth literature review in the area of power saving during multimedia streaming. A novel analysis of how the battery of a mobile device is affected by multimedia streaming in its different stages is given. A total-power-save algorithm is then described as a possible extension to the Adaptive-Buffer Power Save Mechanism

    A Scalable Solution For Interactive Video Streaming

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    This dissertation presents an overall solution for interactive Near Video On Demand (NVOD) systems, where limited server and network resources prevent the system from servicing all customers’ requests. The interactive nature of recent workloads complicates matters further. Interactive requests require additional resources to be handled. This dissertation analyzes the system performance under a realistic workload using different stream merging techniques and scheduling policies. It considers a wide range of system parameters and studies their impact on the waiting and blocking metrics. In order to improve waiting customers experience, we propose a new scheduling policy for waiting customers that is fairer and delivers a descent performance. Blocking is a major issue in interactive NVOD systems and we propose a few techniques to minimize it. In particular, we study the maximum Interactive Stream (I-Stream) length (Threshold) that should be allowed in order to prevent a few requests from using the expensive I-Streams for a prolonged period of time, which starves other requests from a chance of using this valuable resource. Using a reasonable I-Stream threshold proves very effective in improving blocking metrics. Moreover, we introduce an I-Stream provisioning policy to dynamically shift resources based on the system requirements at the time. The proposed policy proves to be highly effective in improving the overall system performance. To account for both average waiting time and average blocking time, we introduce a new metric (Aggregate Delay) . We study the client-side cache management policy. We utilize the customer’s cache to service most interactive requests, which reduces the load on the server. We propose three purging algorithms to clear data when the cache gets full. Purge Oldest removes the oldest data in the cache, whereas Purge Furthest clears the furthest data from the client’s playback point. In contrast, Adaptive Purge tries to avoid purging any data that includes the customer’s playback point or the playback point of any stream that is being listened to by the client. Additionally, we study the impact of the purge block, which is the least amount of data to be cleared, on the system performance. Finally, we study the effect of bookmarking on the system performance. A video segment that is searched and watched repeatedly is called a hotspot and is pointed to by a bookmark. We introduce three enhancements to effectively support bookmarking. Specifically, we propose a new purging algorithm to avoid purging hotspot data if it is already cached. On top of that, we fetch hotspot data for customers not listening to any stream. Furthermore, we reserve multicast channels to fetch hotspot data

    A Semantic-Based Middleware for Multimedia Collaborative Applications

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    The Internet growth and the performance increase of desktop computers have enabled large-scale distributed multimedia applications. They are expected to grow in demand and services and their traffic volume will dominate. Real-time delivery, scalability, heterogeneity are some requirements of these applications that have motivated a revision of the traditional Internet services, the operating systems structures, and the software systems for supporting application development. This work proposes a Java-based lightweight middleware for the development of large-scale multimedia applications. The middleware offers four services for multimedia applications. First, it provides two scalable lightweight protocols for floor control. One follows a centralized model that easily integrates with centralized resources such as a shared too], and the other is a distributed protocol targeted to distributed resources such as audio. Scalability is achieved by periodically multicasting a heartbeat that conveys state information used by clients to request the resource via temporary TCP connections. Second, it supports intra- and inter-stream synchronization algorithms and policies. We introduce the concept of virtual observer, which perceives the session as being in the same room with a sender. We avoid the need for globally synchronized clocks by introducing the concept of user\u27s multimedia presence, which defines a new manner for combining streams coming from multiple sites. It includes a novel algorithm for estimation and removal of clock skew. In addition, it supports event-driven asynchronous message reception, quality of service measures, and traffic rate control. Finally, the middleware provides support for data sharing via a resilient and scalable protocol for transmission of images that can dynamically change in content and size. The effectiveness of the middleware components is shown with the implementation of Odust, a prototypical sharing tool application built on top of the middleware

    Data compression and transmission aspects of panoramic videos

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    Panoramic videos are effective means for representing static or dynamic scenes along predefined paths. They allow users to change their viewpoints interactively at points in time or space defined by the paths. High-resolution panoramic videos, while desirable, consume a significant amount of storage and bandwidth for transmission. They also make real-time decoding computationally very intensive. This paper proposes efficient data compression and transmission techniques for panoramic videos. A high-performance MPEG-2-like compression algorithm, which takes into account the random access requirements and the redundancies of panoramic videos, is proposed. The transmission aspects of panoramic videos over cable networks, local area networks (LANs), and the Internet are also discussed. In particular, an efficient advanced delivery sharing scheme (ADSS) for reducing repeated transmission and retrieval of frequently requested video segments is introduced. This protocol was verified by constructing an experimental VOD system consisting of a video server and eight Pentium 4 computers. Using the synthetic panoramic video Village at a rate of 197 kb/s and 7 f/s, nearly two-thirds of the memory access and transmission bandwidth of the video server were saved under normal network traffic.published_or_final_versio