10 research outputs found

    Automatic goal allocation for a planetary rover with DSmT

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    In this chapter, we propose an approach for assigning aninterest level to the goals of a planetary rover. Assigning an interest level to goals, allows the rover to autonomously transform and reallocate the goals. The interest level is defined by data-fusing payload and navigation information. The fusion yields an 'interest map',that quantifies the level of interest of each area around the rover. In this way the planner can choose the most interesting scientific objectives to be analysed, with limited human intervention, and reallocates its goals autonomously. The Dezert-Smarandache Theory of Plausible and Paradoxical Reasoning was used for information fusion: this theory allows dealing with vague and conflicting data. In particular, it allows us to directly model the behaviour of the scientists that have to evaluate the relevance of a particular set of goals. This chaptershows an application of the proposed approach to the generation of a reliable interest map

    Answer Set Planning Under Action Costs

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    Recently, planning based on answer set programming has been proposed as an approach towards realizing declarative planning systems. In this paper, we present the language Kc, which extends the declarative planning language K by action costs. Kc provides the notion of admissible and optimal plans, which are plans whose overall action costs are within a given limit resp. minimum over all plans (i.e., cheapest plans). As we demonstrate, this novel language allows for expressing some nontrivial planning tasks in a declarative way. Furthermore, it can be utilized for representing planning problems under other optimality criteria, such as computing ``shortest'' plans (with the least number of steps), and refinement combinations of cheapest and fastest plans. We study complexity aspects of the language Kc and provide a transformation to logic programs, such that planning problems are solved via answer set programming. Furthermore, we report experimental results on selected problems. Our experience is encouraging that answer set planning may be a valuable approach to expressive planning systems in which intricate planning problems can be naturally specified and solved

    Planning graph heuristics for selecting objectives in over-subscription planning problems

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    Partial Satisfaction or Over-subscription Planning problems arise in many real world applications. Applications in which the planning agent does not have enough resources to accomplish all of their given goals, requiring plans that satisfy only a subset of them. Solving such partial satisfaction planning (PSP) problems poses several challenges, from new models for handling plan quality to efficient heuristics for selecting the most beneficial goals. In this paper, we extend planning graph-based reachability heuristics with mutex analysis to overcome complex goal interactions in PSP problems. We start by describing one of the most general PSP problems, the PSP NET BENEFIT problem, where actions have execution costs and goals have utilities. Then, we present AltWlt, 1 our heuristic approach augmented with a multiple goal set selection process and mutex analysis. Our empirical studies show that AltWlt is able to generate the most beneficial solutions, while incurring only a small fraction of the cost of other PSP approaches

    Using a goal-driven approach to generate test cases for GUIs

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    The widespread use of GUIs for interacting with soft-ware is leading to the construction of more and more complex GUIs. With the growing complexity comes challenges in testing the correctness of a GUI and the underlying software. We present a new technique to au-tomatically generate test cases for GUIs that exploits planning, a well developed and used technique in ar-tificial intelligence. Given a set of operators, an initial state and a goal state, a planner produces a sequence of the operators that will change the initial state to the goal state. Our test case generation technique first ana-lyzes a GUI and derives hierarchical planning operators from the actions in the GUI. The test designer deter-mines the preconditions and effects of the hierarchical operators, which are then input into a planning system. With the knowledge of the GUI and the way in which the user will interact with the GUI, the test designer creates sets of initial and goal states. Given these ini-tial and final states of the GUI, a hierarchical planner produces plans, or a set of test cases, that enable the goal state to be reached. Our technique has the ad-ditional benefit of putting verification commands into the test cases automatically. We implemented our tech-nique by developing the GUI analyzer and extending a planner. We generated test cases for Microsoftā€™s Word-Pad to demonstrate the viability and practicality of the approach

    Bridging the gap between planning and scheduling

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    Goal Reasoning: Papers from the ACS Workshop

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    This technical report contains the 14 accepted papers presented at the Workshop on Goal Reasoning, which was held as part of the 2015 Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems (ACS-15) in Atlanta, Georgia on 28 May 2015. This is the fourth in a series of workshops related to this topic, the first of which was the AAAI-10 Workshop on Goal-Directed Autonomy; the second was the Self-Motivated Agents (SeMoA) Workshop, held at Lehigh University in November 2012; and the third was the Goal Reasoning Workshop at ACS-13 in Baltimore, Maryland in December 2013

    Supporting software evolution in agent systems

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    Software maintenance and evolution is arguably a lengthy and expensive phase in the life cycle of a software system. A critical issue at this phase is change propagation: given a set of primary changes that have been made to software, what additional secondary changes are needed to maintain consistency between software artefacts? Although many approaches have been proposed, automated change propagation is still a significant technical challenge in software maintenance and evolution. Our objective is to provide tool support for assisting designers in propagating changes during the process of maintaining and evolving models. We propose a novel, agent-oriented, approach that works by repairing violations of desired consistency rules in a design model. Such consistency constraints are specified using the Object Constraint Language (OCL) and the Unified Modelling Language (UML) metamodel, which form the key inputs to our change propagation framework. The underlying change propagation mechanism of our framework is based on the well-known Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) agent architecture. Our approach represents change options for repairing inconsistencies using event-triggered plans, as is done in BDI agent platforms. This naturally reflects the cascading nature of change propagation, where each change (primary or secondary) can require further changes to be made. We also propose a new method for generating repair plans from OCL consistency constraints. Furthermore, a given inconsistency will typically have a number of repair plans that could be used to restore consistency, and we propose a mechanism for semi-automatically selecting between alternative repair plans. This mechanism, which is based on a notion of cost, takes into account cascades (where fixing the violation of a constraint breaks another constraint), and synergies between constraints (where fixing the violation of a constraint also fixes another violated constraint). Finally, we report on an evaluation of the approach, covering both effectiveness and efficiency

    The exploration of unknown environments by affective agents

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia InformĆ”tica apresentada Ć  Fac. de CiĆŖncias e Tecnologia de CoimbraIn this thesis, we study the problem of the exploration of unknown environments populated with entities by affective autonomous agents. The goal of these agents is twofold: (i) the acquisition of maps of the environment ā€“ metric maps ā€“ to be stored in memory, where the cells occupied by the entities that populate that environment are represented; (ii) the construction of models of those entities. We examine this problem through simulations because of the various advantages this approach offers, mainly efficiency, more control, and easy focus of the research. Furthermore, the simulation approach can be used because the simplifications that we made do not influence the value of the results. With this end, we have developed a framework to build multi-agent systems comprising affective agents and then, based on this platform, we developed an application for the exploration of unknown environments. This application is a simulated multi-agent environment in which, in addition to inanimate agents (objects), there are agents interacting in a simple way, whose goal is to explore the environment. By relying on an affective component plus ideas from the Belief-Desire-Intention model, our approach to building artificial agents is that of assigning agents mentalistic qualities such as feelings, basic desires, memory/beliefs, desires/goals, and intentions. The inclusion of affect in the agent architecture is supported by the psychological and neuroscience research over the past decades which suggests that emotions and, in general, motivations play a critical role in decision-making, action, and reasoning, by influencing a variety of cognitive processes (e.g., attention, perception, planning, etc.). Reflecting the primacy of those mentalistic qualities, the architecture of an agent includes the following modules: sensors, memory/beliefs (for entities - which comprises both analogical and propositional knowledge representations -, plans, and maps of the environment), desires/goals, intentions, basic desires (basic motivations/motives), feelings, and reasoning. The key components that determine the exhibition of the exploratory behaviour in an agent are the kind of basic desires, feelings, goals and plans with which the agent is equipped. Based on solid, psychological experimental evidence, an agent is equipped in advance with the basic desires for minimal hunger, maximal information gain (maximal reduction of curiosity), and maximal surprise, as well as with the correspondent feelings of hunger, curiosity and surprise. Each one of those basic desires drives the agent to reduce or to maximize a particular feeling. The desire for minimal hunger, maximal information gain and maximal surprise directs the agent, respectively, to reduce the feeling of hunger, to reduce the feeling of curiosity (by maximizing information gain) and to maximize the feeling of surprise. The desire to reduce curiosity does not mean that the agent dislike curiosity. Instead, it means the agent desires selecting actions whose execution maximizes the reduction of curiosity, i.e., actions that are preceded by maximal levels of curiosity and followed by minimal levels of curiosity, which corresponds to maximize information gain. The intensity of these feelings is, therefore, important to compute the degree of satisfaction of the basic desires. For the basic desires of minimal hunger and maximal surprise it is given by the expected intensities of the feelings of hunger and surprise, respectively, after performing an action, while for the desire of maximal information gain it is given by the intensity of the feeling of curiosity before performing the action (this is the expected information gain). The memory of an agent is setup with goals and decision-theoretic, hierarchical task-network plans for visiting entities that populate the environment, regions of the environment, and for going to places where the agent can recharge its battery. New goals are generated for each unvisited entity of the environment, for each place in the frontier of the explored area, and for recharging battery, by adapting past goals and plans to the current world state computed based on sensorial information and on the generation of expectations and assumptions for the gaps in the environment information provided by the sensors. These new goals and respective plans are then ranked according to their Expected Utility which reflects the positive and negative relevance for the basic desires of their accomplishment. The first one, i.e., the one with highest Expected Utility is taken as an intention. Besides evaluating the computational model of surprise, we experimentally investigated through simulations the following issues: the role of the exploration strategy (role of surprise, curiosity, and hunger), environment complexity, and amplitude of the visual field on the performance of the exploration of environments populated with entities; the role of the size or, to some extent, of the diversity of the memory of entities, and environment complexity on map-building by exploitation. The main results show that: the computational model of surprise is a satisfactory model of human surprise; the exploration of unknown environments populated with entities can be robustly and efficiently performed by affective agents (the strategies that rely on hunger combined or not with curiosity or surprise outperform significantly the others, being strong contenders to the classical strategy based on entropy and cost)

    Optimal planning with a goal-directed utility model

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    Abstract ClassicM AI planning adopts L very narrow notion of plan quality, namely that a plan is good just in case it achieves a specified goal. Despite the fact that planning is intractable in the worst case, goal-satisfying planning algorithms can effectively solve classes of problems by using the goal to focus the search for a solution (by using backward-chaining techniques), and by exploiting domain-specific heuristic knowledge to control search. Our work extends the definition of plan quality to take into account partial satisfaction of the goal and the cost of resources used by the plan, while at the same time building an effective planning algorithm by exploiting classical plamning techniques like backward chaining aatd knowledge-based search control rules. This paper presents PYRRHUS, a~ extension to the ucPoe planning system (Barrett et ai. 1993) that finds optimal plans for a class of goal-directed utility models suggested by Hadd~wy and Hanks (Haddawy & Hanks 1993). Our empirical results suggest that optimal plans can be generated effectively by a planner using domain-specific heuristic knowledge, and furthermore that the planner can use the same knowledge as a goal-satisfying planner to solve corresponding optimization problems