10 research outputs found

    Optimal linear estimation under unknown nonlinear transform

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    Linear regression studies the problem of estimating a model parameter β∗∈Rp\beta^* \in \mathbb{R}^p, from nn observations {(yi,xi)}i=1n\{(y_i,\mathbf{x}_i)\}_{i=1}^n from linear model yi=⟨xi,β∗⟩+ϵiy_i = \langle \mathbf{x}_i,\beta^* \rangle + \epsilon_i. We consider a significant generalization in which the relationship between ⟨xi,β∗⟩\langle \mathbf{x}_i,\beta^* \rangle and yiy_i is noisy, quantized to a single bit, potentially nonlinear, noninvertible, as well as unknown. This model is known as the single-index model in statistics, and, among other things, it represents a significant generalization of one-bit compressed sensing. We propose a novel spectral-based estimation procedure and show that we can recover β∗\beta^* in settings (i.e., classes of link function ff) where previous algorithms fail. In general, our algorithm requires only very mild restrictions on the (unknown) functional relationship between yiy_i and ⟨xi,β∗⟩\langle \mathbf{x}_i,\beta^* \rangle. We also consider the high dimensional setting where β∗\beta^* is sparse ,and introduce a two-stage nonconvex framework that addresses estimation challenges in high dimensional regimes where p≫np \gg n. For a broad class of link functions between ⟨xi,β∗⟩\langle \mathbf{x}_i,\beta^* \rangle and yiy_i, we establish minimax lower bounds that demonstrate the optimality of our estimators in both the classical and high dimensional regimes.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Stable Recovery Of Sparse Vectors From Random Sinusoidal Feature Maps

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    Random sinusoidal features are a popular approach for speeding up kernel-based inference in large datasets. Prior to the inference stage, the approach suggests performing dimensionality reduction by first multiplying each data vector by a random Gaussian matrix, and then computing an element-wise sinusoid. Theoretical analysis shows that collecting a sufficient number of such features can be reliably used for subsequent inference in kernel classification and regression. In this work, we demonstrate that with a mild increase in the dimension of the embedding, it is also possible to reconstruct the data vector from such random sinusoidal features, provided that the underlying data is sparse enough. In particular, we propose a numerically stable algorithm for reconstructing the data vector given the nonlinear features, and analyze its sample complexity. Our algorithm can be extended to other types of structured inverse problems, such as demixing a pair of sparse (but incoherent) vectors. We support the efficacy of our approach via numerical experiments

    A Provable Smoothing Approach for High Dimensional Generalized Regression with Applications in Genomics

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    In many applications, linear models fit the data poorly. This article studies an appealing alternative, the generalized regression model. This model only assumes that there exists an unknown monotonically increasing link function connecting the response YY to a single index XTβ∗X^T\beta^* of explanatory variables X∈RdX\in\mathbb{R}^d. The generalized regression model is flexible and covers many widely used statistical models. It fits the data generating mechanisms well in many real problems, which makes it useful in a variety of applications where regression models are regularly employed. In low dimensions, rank-based M-estimators are recommended to deal with the generalized regression model, giving root-nn consistent estimators of β∗\beta^*. Applications of these estimators to high dimensional data, however, are questionable. This article studies, both theoretically and practically, a simple yet powerful smoothing approach to handle the high dimensional generalized regression model. Theoretically, a family of smoothing functions is provided, and the amount of smoothing necessary for efficient inference is carefully calculated. Practically, our study is motivated by an important and challenging scientific problem: decoding gene regulation by predicting transcription factors that bind to cis-regulatory elements. Applying our proposed method to this problem shows substantial improvement over the state-of-the-art alternative in real data.Comment: 53 page

    Unsupervised Learning of Latent Structure from Linear and Nonlinear Measurements

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. June 2019. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Nicholas Sidiropoulos. 1 computer file (PDF); xii, 118 pages.The past few decades have seen a rapid expansion of our digital world. While early dwellers of the Internet exchanged simple text messages via email, modern citizens of the digital world conduct a much richer set of activities online: entertainment, banking, booking for restaurants and hotels, just to name a few. In our digitally enriched lives, we not only enjoy great convenience and efficiency, but also leave behind massive amounts of data that offer ample opportunities for improving these digital services, and creating new ones. Meanwhile, technical advancements have facilitated the emergence of new sensors and networks, that can measure, exchange and log data about real world events. These technologies have been applied to many different scenarios, including environmental monitoring, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, and scientific research in physics, chemistry, bio-technology and social science, to name a few. Leveraging the abundant data, learning-based and data-driven methods have become a dominating paradigm across different areas, with data analytics driving many of the recent developments. However, the massive amount of data also bring considerable challenges for analytics. Among them, the collected data are often high-dimensional, with the true knowledge and signal of interest hidden underneath. It is of great importance to reduce data dimension, and transform the data into the right space. In some cases, the data are generated from certain generative models that are identifiable, making it possible to reduce the data back to the original space. In addition, we are often interested in performing some analysis on the data after dimensionality reduction (DR), and it would be helpful to be mindful about these subsequent analysis steps when performing DR, as latent structures can serve as a valuable prior. Based on this reasoning, we develop two methods, one for the linear generative model case, and the other one for the nonlinear case. In a related setting, we study parameter estimation under unknown nonlinear distortion. In this case, the unknown nonlinearity in measurements poses a severe challenge. In practice, various mechanisms can introduce nonlinearity in the measured data. To combat this challenge, we put forth a nonlinear mixture model, which is well-grounded in real world applications. We show that this model is in fact identifiable up to some trivial indeterminancy. We develop an efficient algorithm to recover latent parameters of this model, and confirm the effectiveness of our theory and algorithm via numerical experiments

    Computational and Statistical Aspects of High-Dimensional Structured Estimation

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2018. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: Arindam Banerjee. 1 computer file (PDF); xiii, 256 pages.Modern statistical learning often faces high-dimensional data, for which the number of features that should be considered is very large. In consideration of various constraints encountered in data collection, such as cost and time, however, the available samples for applications in certain domains are of small size compared with the feature sets. In this scenario, statistical estimation becomes much more challenging than in the large-sample regime. Since the information revealed by small samples is inadequate for finding the optimal model parameters, the estimator may end up with incorrect models that appear to fit the observed data but fail to generalize to unseen ones. Owning to the prior knowledge about the underlying parameters, additional structures can be imposed to effectively reduce the parameter space, in which it is easier to identify the true one with limited data. This simple idea has inspired the study of high-dimensional statistics since its inception. Over the last two decades, sparsity has been one of the most popular structures to exploit when we estimate a high-dimensional parameter, which assumes that the number of nonzero elements in parameter vector/matrix is much smaller than its ambient dimension. For simple scenarios such as linear models, L1-norm based convex estimators like Lasso and Dantzig selector, have been widely used to find the true parameter with reasonable amount of computation and provably small error. Recent years have also seen a variety of structures proposed beyond sparsity, e.g., group sparsity and low-rankness of matrix, which are demonstrated to be useful in many applications. On the other hand, the aforementioned estimators can be extended to leverage new types of structures by finding appropriate convex surrogates like the L1 norm for sparsity. Despite their success on individual structures, current developments towards a unified understanding of various structures are still incomplete in both computational and statistical aspects. Moreover, due to the nature of the model or the parameter structure, the associated estimator can be inherently non-convex, which may need additional care when we consider such unification of different structures. In this thesis, we aim to make progress towards a unified framework for the estimation with general structures, by studying the high-dimensional structured linear model and other semi-parametric and non-convex extensions. In particular, we introduce the generalized Dantzig selector (GDS), which extends the original Dantzig selector for sparse linear models. For the computational aspect, we develop an efficient optimization algorithm to compute the GDS. On statistical side, we establish the recovery guarantees of GDS using certain geometric measures. Then we demonstrate that those geometric measures can be bounded by utilizing simple information of the structures. These results on GDS have been extended to the matrix setting as well. Apart from the linear model, we also investigate one of its semi-parametric extension -- the single-index model (SIM). To estimate the true parameter, we incorporate its structure into two types of simple estimators, whose estimation error can be established using similar geometric measures. Besides we also design a new semi-parametric model called sparse linear isotonic model (SLIM), for which we provide an efficient estimation algorithm along with its statistical guarantees. Lastly, we consider the non-convex estimation for structured multi-response linear models. We propose an alternating estimation procedure to estimate the parameters. In spite of dealing with non-convexity, we show that the statistical guarantees for general structures can be also summarized by the geometric measures

    Provable algorithms for nonlinear models in machine learning and signal processing

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    In numerous signal processing and machine learning applications, the problem of signal recovery from a limited number of nonlinear observations is of special interest. These problems also called inverse problem have recently received attention in signal processing, machine learning, and high-dimensional statistics. In high-dimensional setting, the inverse problems are inherently ill-posed as the number of measurements is typically less than the number of dimensions. As a result, one needs to assume some structures on the underlying signal such as sparsity, structured sparsity, low-rank and so on. In addition, having a nonlinear map from the signal space to the measurement space may add more challenges to the problem. For instance, the assumption on the nonlinear function such as known/unknown, invertibility, smoothness, even/odd, and so on can change the tractability of the problem dramatically. The nonlinear inverse problems are also a special interest in the context of neural network and deep learning as each layer can be cast as an instance of the inverse problem. As a result, understanding of an inverse problem can serve as a building block for more general and complex networks. In this thesis, we study various aspects of such inverse problems with focusing on the underlying signal structure, the compression modes, the nonlinear map from signal space to measurement space, and the connection of the inverse problems to the analysis of some class of neural networks. In this regard, we try to answer statistical properties and computational limits of the proposed methods, and compare them to the state-of-the-art approaches. First, we start with the superposition signal model in which the underlying signal is assumed to be the superposition of two components with sparse representation (i.e., their support is arbitrary sparse) in some specific domains. Initially, we assume that the nonlinear function also called link function is not known. Then, the goal is defined as recovering the components of the superposition signal from the nonlinear observation model. This problem which is called signal demixing is of special importance in several applications ranging from astronomy to computer vision. Our first contribution is a simple, fast algorithm that recovers the component signals from the nonlinear measurements. We support our algorithm with rigorous theoretical analysis and provide upper bounds on the estimation error as well as the sample complexity of demixing the components (up to a scalar ambiguity). Next, we remove the assumption on the link function and studied the same problem when the link function is known and monotonic, but the observation is corrupted by some additive noise. We proposed an algorithm under this setup for recovery of the components of the superposition signal, and derive nearly-tight upper bounds on the sample complexity of the algorithm to achieve stable recovery of the components. Moreover, we showed that the algorithm enjoys a linear convergence rate. Chapter 1 includes this part. In chapter 2, we target two assumptions made in the first chapter: the first assumption which is concerned about the underlying signal model considers the case that the constituent components have arbitrary sparse representations in some incoherent domains. While having arbitrary sparse support can be a good way of modeling of many natural signals, it is just a simple and not realistic assumption. Many real signals such as natural images show some specific structure on their support. That is, when they are represented in a specific domain, their support comprises non-zero coefficients which are grouped or classified in a specific pattern. For instance, it is well-known that many natural images show so-called tree sparsity structure when they are represented in the wavelet domains. This motivates us to study other signal models in the context of our demixing problem introduced in chapter 1. In particular, we study certain families of structured sparsity models in the constituent components and propose a method which provably recovers the components given (nearly) O(s) samples where s denotes the sparsity level of the underlying components. This strictly improves upon previous nonlinear demixing techniques and asymptotically matches the best possible sample complexity. The second assumption we made in the first chapter is about having a smooth monotonic nonlinear map for the case of known link function. In chapter 2, we go beyond this assumption, and we study the bigger class of nonlinear link functions and consider the demixing problem from a limited number of nonlinear observations where this nonlinearity is due to either periodic function or aperiodic one. For both of these considerations, we propose new robust algorithms and equip them with statistical analysis. In chapter 3, we continue our investigation about choosing a proper underlying signal model in the demixing framework. In the first two chapters, our methods for modeling the underlying signals were based on a \emph{hard-coded} approach. That is, we assume some prior knowledge in the signal domain and exploit the structure of this prior in designing efficient algorithms. However, many real signals including natural images have a more complicated structure than just simple sparsity (arbitrary or structured). Towards choosing a proper structure, some research directions try to automate the process of choosing prior knowledge on the underlying signal by learning them through a lot of training samples. Given the success of deep learning for approximating the distribution of complex signals, in chapter 3, we apply deep learning techniques to model the low-dimension structure of the constituent components and consequently, estimating these components from their superposition. As illustrated through extensive numerical experiments, we show that this approach is able to learn the structure of the constituent components in our demixing problem. Our approach in this chapter is empirical, and we defer more theoretical investigation of the proposed method as our future work. In chapter 4, we study another low-dimension signal model. In particular, we focus on the common low-rank matrix model as our underlying structure. In this case, our interest quantity to estimate (recover) is a low-rank matrix. In this regard, we focus on studying of optimizing a convex function over the set of matrices, subject to rank constraints. Recently, different algorithms have been proposed for the low-rank matrix estimation problem. However, existing first-order methods for solving such problems either are too slow to converge, or require multiple invocations of singular value decompositions. On the other hand, factorization-based non-convex algorithms, while being much faster, and has a provable guarantee, require stringent assumptions on the condition number of the optimum. Here, we provide a novel algorithmic framework that achieves the best of both worlds: as fast as factorization methods, while requiring no dependency on the condition number. We instantiate our general framework for three important and practical applications; nonlinear affine rank minimization (NLARM), Logistic PCA, and precision matrix estimation (PME) in the probabilistic graphical model. We then derive explicit bounds on the sample complexity as well as the running time of our approach and show that it achieves the best possible bounds for both cases. We also provide an extensive range of experimental results for all of these applications. Finally, we extend our understanding of nonlinear models to the problem of learning neural network in chapter 5. In particular, we shift gear to study the problem of (provably) learning the weights of a two-layer neural network with quadratic activations (sometimes called shallow networks). Our shallow network comprises of the input layer, one hidden layer, and the output layer with a single neuron. We focus on the under-parametrized regime where the number of neurons in the hidden layer is (much) smaller than the dimension of the input. Our approach uses a lifting trick, which enables us to borrow algorithmic ideas from low-rank matrix estimation (fourth chapter). In this context, we propose three novel, non-convex training algorithms which do not need any extra tuning parameters other than the number of hidden neurons. We support our algorithms with rigorous theoretical analysis and show that the proposed algorithms enjoy linear convergence, fast running time per iteration, and near-optimal sample complexity. We complement our theoretical results with several numerical experiments. While we have tried to be consistent in the mathematical notations throughout this thesis, each chapter should be treated independently regarding some mathematical notation. Hence, we have provided the notations being used in each chapter to prevent any possible confusion