45 research outputs found

    Hungarian Mechanism based Sectored FFR for Irregular Geometry Multicellular Networks

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    The growing demands for mobile broadband application services along with the scarcity of the spectrum have triggered the dense utilization of frequency resources in cellular networks. The capacity demands are coped accordingly, however at the detriment of added inter-cell interference (ICI). Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) is an effective ICI mitigation approach when adopted in realistic irregular geometry cellular networks. However, in the literature optimized spectrum resources for the individual users are not considered. In this paper Hungarian Mechanism based Sectored Fractional Frequency Reuse (HMS-FFR) scheme is proposed, where the sub-carriers present in the dynamically partitioned spectrum are optimally allocated to each user. Simulation results revealed that the proposed HMS-FFR scheme enhances the system performance in terms of achievable throughput, average sum rate, and achievable throughput with respect to load while considering full traffic

    Fractional frequency reused based interference mitigation in irregular geometry multicellular networks

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    Recent drastic growth in the mobile broadband services specifically with the proliferation of smart phones demands for higher spectrum capacity of wireless cellular systems. Due to the scarcity of the frequency spectrum, cellular systems are seeking aggressive frequency reuse, which improve the network capacity, however, at the expense of increased Inter Cell Interference (ICI). Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) scheme has been acknowledged as an effective ICI mitigation scheme, however, in literature FFR has been used mostly in perfect geometry network. In realistic deployment, the cellular geometry is irregular and each cell experiences varying ICI. The main objective of this thesis is to develop ICI mitigation scheme that improves spectrum efficiency and throughput for irregular geometry multicellular network. Irregular Geometry Sectored-Fractional Frequency Reuse (IGS-FFR) scheme is developed that comprises of cell partitioning and sectoring, and dynamic spectrum partitioning. The cell-partitioning and sectoring allows full frequency reuse within an irregular geometry cell. Nevertheless, the sub-regions in an irregular cell have varying coverage areas and thus demands diverse spectrum requirements. The IGSFFR scheme is designed to dynamically allocate the spectrum resources according to the traffic demands of each sub-region. An enhanced IGS-FFR has been developed to optimally allocate the spectrum resources to individual users of each sub-region. Enhanced IGS-FFR has been realized using two different approaches, Auction based Optimized IGS-FFR (AO-IGS-FFR) and Hungarian based Optimized IGS-FFR (HO-IGS-FFR). The results show that IGS-FFR has significantly improved the cell throughput by 89%, 45% and 18% and users’ satisfaction by 112%, 65.8% and 38% compared to Reuse-1, Strict-FFR and FFR-3 schemes, respectively. The findings show that the ICI mitigation in IGS-FFR is reinforced by users’ satisfaction. As the number of sectors in IGS-FFR increases from 3 to 4 and 6, the cell throughput increase by 21% and 33% because of spatial diversity exploitation along with orthogonal sub-band allocation. AO-IGS-FFR and HO-IGS-FFR have further improved the cell throughput of the basic FFR-3 by 65% and 72.2%, respectively. HO-IGS-FFR performs 7% better than the AO-IGS-FFR at the expense of 26.7% decrease in the users’ satisfaction and excessive complexity. Although, AO-IGS-FFR compromises sub-optimal bandwidth allocation, it is a low complexity scheme and can mitigate ICI with high users’ satisfaction. The enhanced IGS-FFR can be deployed in future heterogeneous irregular geometry multicellular OFDMA networks

    Distributed resource allocation for inter cell interference mitigation in irregular geometry multicell networks

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    Extensive increase in mobile broadband applications and proliferation of smart phones and gadgets require higher data rates of wireless cellular networks. However, limited frequency spectrum has led to aggressive frequency reuse to improve network capacity at the expense of increased Inter Cell Interference (ICI). Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) has been acknowledged as an effective ICI mitigation scheme but in irregular geometric multicellular network, ICI mitigation poses a very challenging issue. The thesis developed a decentralized ICI mitigation scheme to improve both spectral and energy efficiency in irregular geometric multicellular networks. ICI mitigation was realized through Distributed Resource Allocation (DRA) deployed at the cell level and region level of an irregular geometric cell. The irregular geometric cell consists of a minimum of four regions comprising three sectors and a central region. DRA at the cell level is defined as Multi Sector DRA (MSDRA), and at the region level is defined as Distributed Channel Selection and Power Allocation (DCSPA). MSDRA allocates discrete power to every region in a cell based on Game Theory and Regret Learning Process with correlated equilibrium as the optimum decision level. The DCSPA allocates power to every channel in a region based on non-coalesce liquid droplet phenomena by selecting optimum channels in a region and reserving appropriate power for the selected channels. The performance was evaluated through simulation in terms of data rate, spectral efficiency and energy efficiency. The results showed that MSDRA significantly improved cell data rate by 58.64% and 37.92% in comparision to Generalized FFR and Fractional Frequency Reuse-3 (FFR-3) schemes, respectively. The performance of MSDRA at the cell level showed that its spectral and energy efficiency improved 32% and 22%, respectively in comparison to FFR-3. When the number of sectors increased from three to four, data rate was improved by 30.26% and for three to six sectors, it was improved by 56.32%. The DCSPA further improved data rate by 41.07% when compared with Geometric Water Filling, and 86.46% in comparison to Asynchronous Iterative Water Filling. The DCSPA enhanced data rate achieved in MSDRA by 15.6%. Overall, DRA has shown to have significant improvement in data rate by 53.6%, and spectral efficiency by 38.10% as compared to FFR-3. As a conclusion, the DRA scheme is a potential candidate for Long Term Evaluation – Advanced, Fifth Generation networks and can be deployed in future heterogeneous irregular geometric multicellular Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access networks

    Efficient Resource Allocation and Sectorization for Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) in LTE Femtocell Systems

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    The Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) is a resource allocation technique that can effectively mitigate inter-cell interference (ICI) in LTE based HetNets and it is a promising solution. Various FFR schemes have been suggested to address the challenge of interference in femtocell systems. In this paper, we study the scopes of interference mitigation and capacity improvement. We propose a resource allocation scheme that gradually varies frequency resource share with distance from the eNodeB for both macrocells and femtocells in order to attain better utilization of the resources. This is performed effectively using three layers in the cell. The proposal also employs high number sectors in a cell, low interference and good frequency reuse. Monte-Carlo simulations are performed, which show that the proposed scheme achieves significantly better throughput compared to the existing FFR schemes

    Next Generation Dynamic Inter-Cellular Scheduler

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    Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) in Long Term Evolution (LTE) can effectively eliminate intra-cell interferences between the subcarriers in a single serving cell. But, there is more critical issue that, OFDMA cannot accomplish to decrease the inter-cell interference. In our proposed method, we aimed to increase signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) by dividing the cells as cell center and cell edge. While decreasing the interference between cells, we also aimed to increase overall system throughput. For this reason, we proposed a dynamic resource allocation technique that is called Experience-Based Dynamic Soft Frequency Reuse (EBDSFR). We compared our proposed scheme with different resource allocation schemes that are Dynamic Inter-cellular Bandwidth Fair Sharing FFR (FFRDIBFS) and Dynamic Inter-cellular Bandwidth Fair Sharing Reuse-3 (Reuse3DIBFS). Simulation results indicate that, proposed EBDSFR benefits from overall cell throughput and obtains higher user fairness than the reference schemes

    Network capacity optimisation in millimetre wave band using fractional frequency reuse

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    Inter Cell Interference (ICI) is a major challenge that degrades the performance of mobile systems, particularly for cell-edge users. This problem arises significantly in the next generation system, as the trend of deployment is with high densification, which yields an ultra-dense network (UDN). One of the challenges in UDN is the dramatic increase of ICI from surrounding cells. A common technique to minimise ICI is interference coordination techniques. In this context, the most efficient ICI coordination is fractional frequency reuse (FFR). This paper investigates the FFR in UDN millimetre wave network at 26GHz band. The focus is on dense network with short inter site distance (ISD), and higher order sectorisation (HOS). The metrics used in frequency reuse is the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) rather than the distance, as the line of sight in millimetre wave can be easily blocked by obstacles even if they are in close proximity to the serving base station. The work shows that FFR can improve the network performance in terms of per user cell-edge data throughput and average cell throughput, and maintain the peak data throughput at a certain threshold. Furthermore, HOS has a potential gain over default sectored cells when the interference is carefully coordinated. The results show optimal values for bandwidth split per each scenario in FFR scheme to give the best trade-off between inner and outer zone users performance