8 research outputs found

    Evaluating current authentication methods: Prediction of a more suitable authentication approach for public interaction

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    The trend in information technology is towards achieving ubiquitous service rendering where barriers (geographical, time) in getting information related services will be eliminated. A good example of this is the ATM machines used by banks for public banking services, the likes in other sectors are currently on the way.This paper explores the user’s perception on the current identity authentication (Token-based and Knowledgebased) with a view to predict a more secured authentication for authentication in public places.A survey study is conducted so as to justify the claims of the previous authors on the need to migrate from the conventional knowledge-based and tokenbased authentication methods to a more secured biometric authentication approach which makes impossible user’s impersonation, and thus minimizing fraud, particularly in business transactions.Also, biometrical identification was also reviewed with respect to the all known biometric identifiers where human iris data was revealed to be the best human trait that can be used for identification/authentication purposes in public zone

    Evaluating the impact of image preprocessing on iris segmentation

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    La segmentación del iris es una de las etapas más importantes en los sistemas de reconocimiento del iris. En este trabajo se aplican algoritmos de preprocesamiento de la imagen con el objetivo de evaluar su impacto en los porcentajes de segmentación exitosa del iris. Los algoritmos utilizados se basan en el ajuste del histograma, filtros Gaussianos y en la eliminación del reflejo especular en imágenes del ojo humano. Se aplica el método de segmentación introducido por Masek a 199 imágenes tomadas bajo condiciones no controladas, pertenecientes a la base de datos CASIA-irisV3, antes y después de aplicar los algoritmos de preprocesamiento. Posteriormente se evalúa el impacto de los algoritmos de preprocesamiento en el porcentaje de segmentación exitosa del iris por medio de una inspección visual de las imágenes, para determinar si las circunferencias detectadas del iris y de la pupila corresponden adecuadamente con el iris y la pupila de la imagen real. El algoritmo que generó uno de los mayores incrementos de los porcentajes de segmentación exitosa (pasa de 59% a 73%) es aquel que combina la eliminación de reflejos especulares, seguido por la aplicación de un filtro Gaussiano con máscara 5x5. Los resultados obtenidos señalan la importancia de una etapa previa de preprocesamiento de la imagen como paso previo para garantizar una mayor efectividad en el proceso de detección de bordes y segmentación del iris.Segmentation is one of the most important stages in iris recognition systems. In this paper, image preprocessing algorithms are applied in order to evaluate their impact on successful iris segmentation. The preprocessing algorithms are based on histogram adjustment, Gaussian filters and suppression of specular reflections in human eye images. The segmentation method introduced by Masek is applied on 199 images acquired under unconstrained conditions, belonging to the CASIA-irisV3 database, before and after applying the preprocessing algorithms. Then, the impact of image preprocessing algorithms on the percentage of successful iris segmentation is evaluated by means of a visual inspection of images in order to determine if circumferences of iris and pupil were detected correctly. An increase from 59% to 73% in percentage of successful iris segmentation is obtained with an algorithm that combine elimination of specular reflections, followed by the implementation of a Gaussian filter having a 5x5 kernel. The results highlight the importance of a preprocessing stage as a previous step in order to improve the performance during the edge detection and iris segmentation processes

    Efficient Iris Recognition Based on Optimal Subfeature Selection and Weighted Subregion Fusion

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    In this paper, we propose three discriminative feature selection strategies and weighted subregion matching method to improve the performance of iris recognition system. Firstly, we introduce the process of feature extraction and representation based on scale invariant feature transformation (SIFT) in detail. Secondly, three strategies are described, which are orientation probability distribution function (OPDF) based strategy to delete some redundant feature keypoints, magnitude probability distribution function (MPDF) based strategy to reduce dimensionality of feature element, and compounded strategy combined OPDF and MPDF to further select optimal subfeature. Thirdly, to make matching more effective, this paper proposes a novel matching method based on weighted sub-region matching fusion. Particle swarm optimization is utilized to accelerate achieve different sub-region’s weights and then weighted different subregions’ matching scores to generate the final decision. The experimental results, on three public and renowned iris databases (CASIA-V3 Interval, Lamp, andMMU-V1), demonstrate that our proposed methods outperform some of the existing methods in terms of correct recognition rate, equal error rate, and computation complexity

    Optimal Features Subset Selection and Classification for Iris Recognition

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    Abstract The selection of the optimal features subset and the classification have become an important issue in the field of iris recognition. We propose a feature selection scheme based on the multiobjectives genetic algorithm (MOGA) to improve the recognition accuracy and asymmetrical support vector machine for the classification of iris patterns. We also suggest a segmentation scheme based on the collarette area localization. The deterministic feature sequence is extracted from the iris images using the 1D log-Gabor wavelet technique, and the extracted feature sequence is used to train the support vector machine (SVM). The MOGA is applied to optimize the features sequence and to increase the overall performance based on the matching accuracy of the SVM. The parameters of SVM are optimized to improve the overall generalization performance, and the traditional SVM is modified to an asymmetrical SVM to treat the false accept and false reject cases differently and to handle the unbalanced data of a specific class with respect to the other classes. Our experimental results indicate that the performance of SVM as a classifier is better than the performance of the classifiers based on the feedforward neural network, the k-nearest neighbor, and the Hamming and the Mahalanobis distances. The proposed technique is computationally effective with recognition rates of 99.81% and 96.43% on CASIA and ICE datasets, respectively.</p

    Optimal Features Subset Selection and Classification for Iris Recognition

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    The selection of the optimal features subset and the classification have become an important issue in the field of iris recognition. We propose a feature selection scheme based on the multiobjectives genetic algorithm (MOGA) to improve the recognition accuracy and asymmetrical support vector machine for the classification of iris patterns. We also suggest a segmentation scheme based on the collarette area localization. The deterministic feature sequence is extracted from the iris images using the 1D log-Gabor wavelet technique, and the extracted feature sequence is used to train the support vector machine (SVM). The MOGA is applied to optimize the features sequence and to increase the overall performance based on the matching accuracy of the SVM. The parameters of SVM are optimized to improve the overall generalization performance, and the traditional SVM is modified to an asymmetrical SVM to treat the false accept and false reject cases differently and to handle the unbalanced data of a specific class with respect to the other classes. Our experimental results indicate that the performance of SVM as a classifier is better than the performance of the classifiers based on the feedforward neural network, the k-nearest neighbor, and the Hamming and the Mahalanobis distances. The proposed technique is computationally effective with recognition rates of 99.81% and 96.43% on CASIA and ICE datasets, respectively

    Identification de personnes par fusion de différentes modalités biométriques

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    This thesis contributes to the resolution of the problems which are related to the analysis of the biometric data outcome from the iris, the fingerprint and the fusion of these two modalities, for person identification. Thus, after the evaluation of those proposed biometric systems, we have shown that the multimodal biometric system based on iris and fingerprint outperforms both monomodal biometric systems based whatsoever on the iris or on the fingerprint.Cette thèse contribue essentiellement à la résolution des problèmes liés à l'analyse des données biométriques issues de l'iris, de l'empreinte digitale et de la fusion de ces deux modalités pour l'identification de personne. Ainsi, après l'évaluation des trois systèmes biométriques proposés, nous avons prouvé que le système biométrique multimodal basé sur l'iris et l'empreinte digitale est plus performant que les deux systèmes biométriques monomodaux basés que se soit sur l'iris ou sur l'empreinte digitale