4 research outputs found

    Décoder la localisation de l'attention visuelle spatiale grâce au signal EEG

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    L’attention visuo-spatiale peut être déployée à différentes localisations dans l’espace indépendamment de la direction du regard, et des études ont montré que les composantes des potentiels reliés aux évènements (PRE) peuvent être un index fiable pour déterminer si celle-ci est déployée dans le champ visuel droit ou gauche. Cependant, la littérature ne permet pas d’affirmer qu’il soit possible d’obtenir une localisation spatiale plus précise du faisceau attentionnel en se basant sur le signal EEG lors d’une fixation centrale. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé une tâche d’indiçage de Posner modifiée pour déterminer la précision avec laquelle l’information contenue dans le signal EEG peut nous permettre de suivre l’attention visuelle spatiale endogène lors de séquences de stimulation d’une durée de 200 ms. Nous avons utilisé une machine à vecteur de support (MVS) et une validation croisée pour évaluer la précision du décodage, soit le pourcentage de prédictions correctes sur la localisation spatiale connue de l’attention. Nous verrons que les attributs basés sur les PREs montrent une précision de décodage de la localisation du focus attentionnel significative (57%, p<0.001, niveau de chance à 25%). Les réponses PREs ont également prédit avec succès si l’attention était présente ou non à une localisation particulière, avec une précision de décodage de 79% (p<0.001). Ces résultats seront discutés en termes de leurs implications pour le décodage de l’attention visuelle spatiale, et des directions futures pour la recherche seront proposées.Visuospatial attention can be deployed to different locations in space independently of ocular fixation, and studies have shown that event-related potential (ERP) components can effectively index whether such covert visuospatial attention is deployed to the left or right visual field. However, it is not clear whether we may obtain a more precise spatial localization of the focus of attention based on the EEG signals during central fixation. In this study, we used a modified Posner cueing task with an endogenous cue to determine the degree to which information in the EEG signal can be used to track visual spatial attention in presentation sequences lasting 200 ms. We used a machine learning classification method to evaluate how well EEG signals discriminate between four different locations of the focus of attention. We then used a multi-class support vector machine (SVM) and a leave-one-out cross-validation framework to evaluate the decoding accuracy (DA). We found that ERP-based features from occipital and parietal regions showed a statistically significant valid prediction of the location of the focus of visuospatial attention (DA = 57%, p < .001, chance-level 25%). The mean distance between the predicted and the true focus of attention was 0.62 letter positions, which represented a mean error of 0.55 degrees of visual angle. In addition, ERP responses also successfully predicted whether spatial attention was allocated or not to a given location with an accuracy of 79% (p < .001). These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for visuospatial attention decoding and future paths for research are proposed

    Sleep Stage Classification: A Deep Learning Approach

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    Sleep occupies significant part of human life. The diagnoses of sleep related disorders are of great importance. To record specific physical and electrical activities of the brain and body, a multi-parameter test, called polysomnography (PSG), is normally used. The visual process of sleep stage classification is time consuming, subjective and costly. To improve the accuracy and efficiency of the sleep stage classification, automatic classification algorithms were developed. In this research work, we focused on pre-processing (filtering boundaries and de-noising algorithms) and classification steps of automatic sleep stage classification. The main motivation for this work was to develop a pre-processing and classification framework to clean the input EEG signal without manipulating the original data thus enhancing the learning stage of deep learning classifiers. For pre-processing EEG signals, a lossless adaptive artefact removal method was proposed. Rather than other works that used artificial noise, we used real EEG data contaminated with EOG and EMG for evaluating the proposed method. The proposed adaptive algorithm led to a significant enhancement in the overall classification accuracy. In the classification area, we evaluated the performance of the most common sleep stage classifiers using a comprehensive set of features extracted from PSG signals. Considering the challenges and limitations of conventional methods, we proposed two deep learning-based methods for classification of sleep stages based on Stacked Sparse AutoEncoder (SSAE) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The proposed methods performed more efficiently by eliminating the need for conventional feature selection and feature extraction steps respectively. Moreover, although our systems were trained with lower number of samples compared to the similar studies, they were able to achieve state of art accuracy and higher overall sensitivity

    Feature Extraction and Selection in Automatic Sleep Stage Classification

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    Sleep stage classification is vital for diagnosing many sleep related disorders and Polysomnography (PSG) is an important tool in this regard. The visual process of sleep stage classification is time consuming, subjective and costly. To improve the accuracy and efficiency of the sleep stage classification, researchers have been trying to develop automatic classification algorithms. The automatic sleep stage classification mainly consists of three steps: pre-processing, feature extraction and classification. In this research work, we focused on feature extraction and selection steps. The main goal of this thesis was identifying a robust and reliable feature set that can lead to efficient classification of sleep stages. For achieving this goal, three types of contributions were introduced in feature selection, feature extraction and feature vector quality enhancement. Several feature ranking and rank aggregation methods were evaluated and compared for finding the best feature set. Evaluation results indicated that the decision on the precise feature selection method depends on the system design requirements such as low computational complexity, high stability or high classification accuracy. In addition to conventional feature ranking methods, in this thesis, novel methods such as Stacked Sparse AutoEncoder (SSAE) was used for dimensionality reduction. In feature extration area, new and effective features such as distancebased features were utilized for the first time in sleep stage classification. The results showed that these features contribute positively to the classification performance. For signal quality enhancement, a loss-less EEG artefact removal algorithm was proposed. The proposed adaptive algorithm led to a significant enhancement in the overall classification accuracy