5 research outputs found


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    International audienceThis booklet contains the proceedings of the second European Conference in Queueing Theory (ECQT) that was held from the 18th to the 20th of July 2016 at the engineering school ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. ECQT is a biannual event where scientists and technicians in queueing theory and related areas get together to promote research, encourage interaction and exchange ideas. The spirit of the conference is to be a queueing event organized from within Europe, but open to participants from all over the world. The technical program of the 2016 edition consisted of 112 presentations organized in 29 sessions covering all trends in queueing theory, including the development of the theory, methodology advances, computational aspects and applications. Another exciting feature of ECQT2016 was the institution of the TakĂĄcs Award for outstanding PhD thesis on "Queueing Theory and its Applications"

    Pooling and polling : creation of pooling in inventory and queueing models

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    The subject of the present monograph is the ‘Creation of Pooling in Inventory and Queueing Models’. This research consists of the study of sharing a scarce resource (such as inventory, server capacity, or production capacity) between multiple customer classes. This is called pooling, where the goal is to achieve cost or waiting time reductions. For the queueing and inventory models studied, both theoretical, scientific insights, are generated, as well as strategies which are applicable in practice. This monograph consists of two parts: pooling and polling. In both research streams, a scarce resource (inventory or server capacity, respectively production capacity) has to be shared between multiple users. In the first part of the thesis, pooling is applied to multi-location inventory models. It is studied how cost reduction can be achieved by the use of stock transfers between local warehouses, so-called lateral transshipments. In this way, stock is pooled between the warehouses. The setting is motivated by a spare parts inventory network, where critical components of technically advanced machines are kept on stock, to reduce down time durations. We create insights into the question when lateral transshipments lead to cost reductions, by studying several models. Firstly, a system with two stock points is studied, for which we completely characterize the structure of the optimal policy, using dynamic programming. For this, we formulate the model as a Markov decision process. We also derived conditions under which simple, easy to implement, policies are always optimal, such as a hold back policy and a complete pooling policy. Furthermore, we identified the parameter settings under which cost savings can be achieved. Secondly, we characterize the optimal policy structure for a multi-location model where only one stock point issues lateral transshipments, a so-called quick response warehouse. Thirdly, we apply the insights generated to the general multi-location model with lateral transshipments. We propose the use of a hold back policy, and construct a new approximation algorithm for deriving the performance characteristics. It is based on the use of interrupted Poisson processes. The algorithm is shown to be very accurate, and can be used for the optimization of the hold back levels, the parameters of this class of policies. Also, we study related inventory models, where a single stock point servers multiple customers classes. Furthermore, the pooling of server capacity is studied. For a two queue model where the head-of-line processor sharing discipline is applied, we derive the optimal control policy for dividing the servers attention, as well as for accepting customers. Also, a server farm with an infinite number of servers is studied, where servers can be turned off after a service completion in order to save costs. We characterize the optimal policy for this model. In the second part of the thesis polling models are studied, which are queueing systems where multiple queues are served by a single server. An application is the production of multiple types of products on a single machine. In this way, the production capacity is pooled between the product types. For the classical polling model, we derive a closedform approximation for the mean waiting time at each of the queues. The approximation is based on the interpolation of light and heavy traffic results. Also, we study a system with so-called smart customers, where the arrival rate at a queue depends on the position of the server. Finally, we invent two new service disciplines (the gated/exhaustive and the ??-gated discipline) for polling models, designed to yield ’fairness and efficiency’ in the mean waiting times. That is, they result in almost equal mean waiting times at each of the queues, without increasing the weighted sum of the mean waiting times too much


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    We develop stochastic models to devise optimal or near-optimal policies in three different areas: resource allocation in virtual compute labs (VCL), appointment scheduling in healthcare facilities with series patients, and capacity management for competitive investment. A VCL consists of a large number of computers (servers), users arrive and are given access to severs with user-specified applications loaded onto them. The main challenge is to decide how many servers to keep “on”, how many of them to preload with specific applications (so users needing these applications get immediate access), and how many to be left flexible so that they can be loaded with any application on demand, thus providing delayed access. We propose dynamic policies that minimize costs subject to service performance constraints and validate them using simulations with real data from the VCL at NC State. In the second application, we focus on healthcare facilities such as physical therapy (PT) clinics, where patients are scheduled for a series of appointments. We use Markov Decision Processes to develop the optimal policies that minimize staffing, overtime, overbooking and delay costs, and develop heuristic secluding policies using the policy improvement algorithm. We use the data from a local PT center to test the effectiveness of our proposed policies and compare their performance with other benchmark policies. In the third application, we study a strategic capacity investment problem in a duopoly model with an unknown market size. A leader chooses its capacity to enter a new market. In a continuous-time Bayesian setting, a competitive follower dynamically learns about the favorableness of the new market by observing the performance of the leader, and chooses its capacity and timing of investment. We show that an increase in the probability of a favorable market can strictly decrease the leaders expected discounted profit due to non-trivial interplay between leaders investment capacity and timing of the dynamically-learning follower.Doctor of Philosoph

    Optimal control of a server farm

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    We consider a server farm consisting of ample exponential servers, that serve a Poisson stream of arriving customers. Each server can be either busy, idle or off. An arriving customer will immediately occupy an idle server, if there is one, and otherwise, an off server will be turned on and start servicing this customer. Upon service completion, it can be decided to keep the server idle or to turn it off. It costs per unit time to keep servers idle, and it costs to turn an off server on. We derive structural properties of the dynamic control policy minimizing the expected total discounted cost. The structural results are extended to the average cost criterion. We also propose and analyze a simple control policy, and numerically investigate its performance. Keywords: Infinite server queue, successive approximation, switching curv