159 research outputs found

    Beyond Single-Deletion Correcting Codes: Substitutions and Transpositions

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    We consider the problem of designing low-redundancy codes in settings where one must correct deletions in conjunction with substitutions or adjacent transpositions; a combination of errors that is usually observed in DNA-based data storage. One of the most basic versions of this problem was settled more than 50 years ago by Levenshtein, who proved that binary Varshamov-Tenengolts codes correct one arbitrary edit error, i.e., one deletion or one substitution, with nearly optimal redundancy. However, this approach fails to extend to many simple and natural variations of the binary single-edit error setting. In this work, we make progress on the code design problem above in three such variations: - We construct linear-time encodable and decodable length-n non-binary codes correcting a single edit error with nearly optimal redundancy log n+O(log log n), providing an alternative simpler proof of a result by Cai, Chee, Gabrys, Kiah, and Nguyen (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 2021). This is achieved by employing what we call weighted VT sketches, a new notion that may be of independent interest. - We show the existence of a binary code correcting one deletion or one adjacent transposition with nearly optimal redundancy log n+O(log log n). - We construct linear-time encodable and list-decodable binary codes with list-size 2 for one deletion and one substitution with redundancy 4log n+O(log log n). This matches the existential bound up to an O(log log n) additive term

    DoDo-Code: a Deep Levenshtein Distance Embedding-based Code for IDS Channel and DNA Storage

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    Recently, DNA storage has emerged as a promising data storage solution, offering significant advantages in storage density, maintenance cost efficiency, and parallel replication capability. Mathematically, the DNA storage pipeline can be viewed as an insertion, deletion, and substitution (IDS) channel. Because of the mathematical terra incognita of the Levenshtein distance, designing an IDS-correcting code is still a challenge. In this paper, we propose an innovative approach that utilizes deep Levenshtein distance embedding to bypass these mathematical challenges. By representing the Levenshtein distance between two sequences as a conventional distance between their corresponding embedding vectors, the inherent structural property of Levenshtein distance is revealed in the friendly embedding space. Leveraging this embedding space, we introduce the DoDo-Code, an IDS-correcting code that incorporates deep embedding of Levenshtein distance, deep embedding-based codeword search, and deep embedding-based segment correcting. To address the requirements of DNA storage, we also present a preliminary algorithm for long sequence decoding. As far as we know, the DoDo-Code is the first IDS-correcting code designed using plausible deep learning methodologies, potentially paving the way for a new direction in error-correcting code research. It is also the first IDS code that exhibits characteristics of being `optimal' in terms of redundancy, significantly outperforming the mainstream IDS-correcting codes of the Varshamov-Tenengolts code family in code rate

    Low-redundancy codes for correcting multiple short-duplication and edit errors

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    Due to its higher data density, longevity, energy efficiency, and ease of generating copies, DNA is considered a promising storage technology for satisfying future needs. However, a diverse set of errors including deletions, insertions, duplications, and substitutions may arise in DNA at different stages of data storage and retrieval. The current paper constructs error-correcting codes for simultaneously correcting short (tandem) duplications and at most pp edits, where a short duplication generates a copy of a substring with length 3\leq 3 and inserts the copy following the original substring, and an edit is a substitution, deletion, or insertion. Compared to the state-of-the-art codes for duplications only, the proposed codes correct up to pp edits (in addition to duplications) at the additional cost of roughly 8p(logqn)(1+o(1))8p(\log_q n)(1+o(1)) symbols of redundancy, thus achieving the same asymptotic rate, where q4q\ge 4 is the alphabet size and pp is a constant. Furthermore, the time complexities of both the encoding and decoding processes are polynomial when pp is a constant with respect to the code length.Comment: 21 pages. The paper has been submitted to IEEE Transaction on Information Theory. Furthermore, the paper was presented in part at the ISIT2021 and ISIT202

    Codes for Correcting Asymmetric Adjacent Transpositions and Deletions

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    Codes in the Damerau--Levenshtein metric have been extensively studied recently owing to their applications in DNA-based data storage. In particular, Gabrys, Yaakobi, and Milenkovic (2017) designed a length-nn code correcting a single deletion and ss adjacent transpositions with at most (1+2s)logn(1+2s)\log n bits of redundancy. In this work, we consider a new setting where both asymmetric adjacent transpositions (also known as right-shifts or left-shifts) and deletions may occur. We present several constructions of the codes correcting these errors in various cases. In particular, we design a code correcting a single deletion, s+s^+ right-shift, and ss^- left-shift errors with at most (1+s)log(n+s+1)+1(1+s)\log (n+s+1)+1 bits of redundancy where s=s++ss=s^{+}+s^{-}. In addition, we investigate codes correcting tt 00-deletions, s+s^+ right-shift, and ss^- left-shift errors with both uniquely-decoding and list-decoding algorithms. Our main contribution here is the construction of a list-decodable code with list size O(nmin{s+1,t})O(n^{\min\{s+1,t\}}) and with at most (max{t,s+1})logn+O(1)(\max \{t,s+1\}) \log n+O(1) bits of redundancy, where s=s++ss=s^{+}+s^{-}. Finally, we construct both non-systematic and systematic codes for correcting blocks of 00-deletions with \ell-limited-magnitude and ss adjacent transpositions