192 research outputs found

    Vega: A Ten-Core SoC for IoT Endnodes with DNN Acceleration and Cognitive Wake-Up from MRAM-Based State-Retentive Sleep Mode

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) requires endnodes with ultra-low-power always-on capability for a long battery lifetime, as well as high performance, energy efficiency, and extreme flexibility to deal with complex and fast-evolving near-sensor analytics algorithms (NSAAs). We present Vega, an IoT endnode system on chip (SoC) capable of scaling from a 1.7- μW fully retentive cognitive sleep mode up to 32.2-GOPS (at 49.4 mW) peak performance on NSAAs, including mobile deep neural network (DNN) inference, exploiting 1.6 MB of state-retentive SRAM, and 4 MB of non-volatile magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM). To meet the performance and flexibility requirements of NSAAs, the SoC features ten RISC-V cores: one core for SoC and IO management and a nine-core cluster supporting multi-precision single instruction multiple data (SIMD) integer and floating-point (FP) computation. Vega achieves the state-of-the-art (SoA)-leading efficiency of 615 GOPS/W on 8-bit INT computation (boosted to 1.3 TOPS/W for 8-bit DNN inference with hardware acceleration). On FP computation, it achieves the SoA-leading efficiency of 79 and 129 GFLOPS/W on 32- and 16-bit FP, respectively. Two programmable machine learning (ML) accelerators boost energy efficiency in cognitive sleep and active states

    Towards Complete Emulation of Quantum Algorithms using High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing

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    Quantum computing is a promising technology that can potentially demonstrate supremacy over classical computing in solving specific classically-intractable problems. However, in its current nascent stage, quantum computing faces major challenges. Two of the main challenges are quantum state decoherence and low scalability of current quantum devices. Decoherence is a process in which the state of the quantum computer is destroyed by interaction with the environment. Decoherence places constraints on the realistic applicability of quantum algorithms as real-life applications usually require complex equivalent quantum circuits to be realized. For example, encoding classical data on quantum computers for solving I/O and data-intensive applications generally requires complex quantum circuits that violate decoherence constraints. In addition, current quantum devices are of intermediate scale, having low quantum bit (qubit) counts and often producing inaccurate or noisy measurements. Consequently, benchmarking of existing quantum algorithms and the investigation of new applications are heavily dependent on classical simulations that use costly, resource-intensive computing platforms. Hardware-based emulation has been alternatively proposed as a more cost-effective and power-efficient approach. Hardware-based emulation methods can take advantage of hardware parallelism and acceleration to produce results at a higher throughput and lower power requirements.This work proposes a hardware-based emulation methodology for quantum algorithms, using cost-effective Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. The proposed methodology consists of three components that are required for complete emulation of quantum algorithms; the first component models classical-to-quantum (C2Q) data encoding, the second emulates the behavior of quantum algorithms, and the third models the process of measuring the quantum state and extracting classical information, i.e., quantum-to-classical (Q2C) data decoding. The proposed emulation methodology is used to investigate and optimize methods for C2Q/Q2C data encoding/decoding, as well as several important quantum algorithms such as Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT), Quantum Haar Transform (QHT), and Quantum Grover’s Search (QGS). This work delivers contributions in terms of reducing complexities of quantum circuits, extending and optimizing quantum algorithms, and developing new quantum applications. For example, decoherence-optimized circuits for C2Q/Q2C data encoding/decoding are proposed and evaluated using the proposed emulation methodology. Multi-level decomposable forms of optimized QHT circuits are presented and used to demonstrate dimension reduction of high-resolution data. Additionally, a novel extension to the QGS algorithm is proposed to enable search for dynamically changing multi-patterns of unordered data. Finally, a novel quantum application is presented that combines QHT and dynamic multi-pattern QGS to perform pattern recognition using dimension reduction on high-resolution spatio-spectral data. For higher emulation performance and scalability of the framework, hardware design techniques and hardware architectural optimizations are investigated and proposed. The emulation architectures are designed and implemented on a high-performance reconfigurable computer (HPRC). For reference and comparison, implementations of the proposed quantum circuits are also performed on a state-of-the-art quantum computer. Experimental results show that the proposed hardware architectures enable emulation of quantum algorithms with higher scalability, higher accuracy, and higher throughput, compared to existing hardware-based emulators. As a case study, quantum image processing using multi-spectral images is considered for the experimental evaluations. The analysis and results of this work demonstrate that quantum computers and methodologies based on quantum algorithms will be highly useful in realistic data-intensive domains such as remote-sensing hyperspectral imagery and high-energy physics (HEP)

    Time domain based image generation for synthetic aperture radar on field programmable gate arrays

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    Aerial images are important in different scenarios including surface cartography, surveillance, disaster control, height map generation, etc. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is one way to generate these images even through clouds and in the absence of daylight. For a wide and easy usage of this technology, SAR systems should be small, mounted to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and process images in real-time. Since UAVs are small and lightweight, more robust (but also more complex) time-domain algorithms are required for good image quality in case of heavy turbulence. Typically the SAR data set size does not allow for ground transmission and processing, while the UAV size does not allow for huge systems and high power consumption to process the data. A small and energy-efficient signal processing system is therefore required. To fill the gap between existing systems that are capable of either high-speed processing or low power consumption, the focus of this thesis is the analysis, design, and implementation of such a system. A survey shows that most architectures either have to high power budgets or too few processing capabilities to match real-time requirements for time-domain-based processing. Therefore, a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based system is designed, as it allows for high performance and low-power consumption. The Global Backprojection (GBP) is implemented, as it is the standard time-domain-based algorithm which allows for highest image quality at arbitrary trajectories at the complexity of O(N3). To satisfy real-time requirements under all circumstances, the accelerated Fast Factorized Backprojection (FFBP) algorithm with a complexity of O(N2logN) is implemented as well, to allow for a trade-off between image quality and processing time. Additionally, algorithm and design are enhanced to correct the failing assumptions for Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) Radio Detection And Ranging (Radar) data at high velocities. Such sensors offer high-resolution data at considerably low transmit power which is especially interesting for UAVs. A full analysis of all algorithms is carried out, to design a highly utilized architecture for maximum throughput. The process covers the analysis of mathematical steps and approximations for hardware speedup, the analysis of code dependencies for instruction parallelism and the analysis of streaming capabilities, including memory access and caching strategies, as well as parallelization considerations and pipeline analysis. Each architecture is described in all details with its surrounding control structure. As proof of concepts, the architectures are mapped on a Virtex 6 FPGA and results on resource utilization, runtime and image quality are presented and discussed. A special framework allows to scale and port the design to other FPGAs easily and to enable for maximum resource utilization and speedup. The result is streaming architectures that are capable of massive parallelization with a minimum in system stalls. It is shown that real-time processing on FPGAs with strict power budgets in time-domain is possible with the GBP (mid-sized images) and the FFBP (any image size with a trade-off in quality), allowing for a UAV scenario

    Hardware Acceleration of the Prime-Factor and Rader NTT for BGV Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) enables computation on encrypted data, holding immense potential for enhancing data privacy and security in various applications. Presently, FHE adoption is hindered by slow computation times, caused by data being encrypted into large polynomials. Optimized FHE libraries and hardware acceleration are emerging to tackle this performance bottleneck. Often, these libraries implement the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) algorithm for efficient polynomial multiplication. Existing implementations mostly focus on the case where the polynomials are defined over a power-of-two cyclotomic ring, allowing to make use of the simpler Cooley-Tukey NTT. However, generalized cyclotomics have several benefits in the BGV FHE scheme, including more SIMD plaintext slots and a simpler bootstrapping algorithm. We present a hardware architecture for the NTT targeting generalized cyclotomics within the context of the BGV FHE scheme. We explore different non-power-of-two NTT algorithms, including the Prime-Factor, Rader, and Bluestein NTTs. Our most efficient architecture targets the 21845-th cyclotomic polynomial --- a practical parameter for BGV --- with ideal properties for use with a combination of the Prime-Factor and Rader algorithms. The design achieves high throughput with optimized resource utilization, by leveraging parallel processing, pipelining, and reusing processing elements. Compared to Wu et al.\u27s VLSI architecture of the Bluestein NTT, our approach showcases 2×\times to 5×\times improved throughput and area efficiency. Simulation and implementation results on an AMD Alveo U250 FPGA demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed hardware design for FHE

    High Performance Reconfigurable Computing for Linear Algebra: Design and Performance Analysis

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) enable powerful performance acceleration for scientific computations because of their intrinsic parallelism, pipeline ability, and flexible architecture. This dissertation explores the computational power of FPGAs for an important scientific application: linear algebra. First of all, optimized linear algebra subroutines are presented based on enhancements to both algorithms and hardware architectures. Compared to microprocessors, these routines achieve significant speedup. Second, computing with mixed-precision data on FPGAs is proposed for higher performance. Experimental analysis shows that mixed-precision algorithms on FPGAs can achieve the high performance of using lower-precision data while keeping higher-precision accuracy for finding solutions of linear equations. Third, an execution time model is built for reconfigurable computers (RC), which plays an important role in performance analysis and optimal resource utilization of FPGAs. The accuracy and efficiency of parallel computing performance models often depend on mean maximum computations. Despite significant prior work, there have been no sufficient mathematical tools for this important calculation. This work presents an Effective Mean Maximum Approximation method, which is more general, accurate, and efficient than previous methods. Together, these research results help address how to make linear algebra applications perform better on high performance reconfigurable computing architectures


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    長崎大学学位論文 学位記番号:博(工)甲第53号 学位授与年月日:平成30年3月20日Nagasaki University (長崎大学)課程博


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