894 research outputs found

    Optimal Adversary Behavior for the Serial Model of Financial Attack Trees

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    Attack tree analysis is used to estimate different parameters of general security threats based on information available for atomic subthreats. We focus on estimating the expected gains of an adversary based on both the cost and likelihood of the subthreats. Such a multi-parameter analysis is considerably more complicated than separate probability or skill level estimation, requiring exponential time in general. However, this paper shows that under reasonable assumptions a completely different type of optimal substructure exists which can be harnessed into a linear-time algorithm for optimal gains estimation. More concretely, we use a decision-theoretic framework in which a rational adversary sequentially considers and performs the available attacks. The assumption of rationality serves as an upper bound as any irrational behavior will just hurt the end result of the adversary himself. We show that if the attacker considers the attacks in a goal-oriented way, his optimal expected gains can be computed in linear time. Our model places the least restrictions on adversarial behavior of all known attack tree models that analyze economic viability of an attack and, as such, provides for the best efficiently computable estimate for the potential reward

    PKI Safety Net (PKISN): Addressing the Too-Big-to-Be-Revoked Problem of the TLS Ecosystem

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    In a public-key infrastructure (PKI), clients must have an efficient and secure way to determine whether a certificate was revoked (by an entity considered as legitimate to do so), while preserving user privacy. A few certification authorities (CAs) are currently responsible for the issuance of the large majority of TLS certificates. These certificates are considered valid only if the certificate of the issuing CA is also valid. The certificates of these important CAs are effectively too big to be revoked, as revoking them would result in massive collateral damage. To solve this problem, we redesign the current revocation system with a novel approach that we call PKI Safety Net (PKISN), which uses publicly accessible logs to store certificates (in the spirit of Certificate Transparency) and revocations. The proposed system extends existing mechanisms, which enables simple deployment. Moreover, we present a complete implementation and evaluation of our scheme.Comment: IEEE EuroS&P 201

    DAG-Based Attack and Defense Modeling: Don't Miss the Forest for the Attack Trees

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    This paper presents the current state of the art on attack and defense modeling approaches that are based on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). DAGs allow for a hierarchical decomposition of complex scenarios into simple, easily understandable and quantifiable actions. Methods based on threat trees and Bayesian networks are two well-known approaches to security modeling. However there exist more than 30 DAG-based methodologies, each having different features and goals. The objective of this survey is to present a complete overview of graphical attack and defense modeling techniques based on DAGs. This consists of summarizing the existing methodologies, comparing their features and proposing a taxonomy of the described formalisms. This article also supports the selection of an adequate modeling technique depending on user requirements

    DNN model extraction attacks using prediction interfaces

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    Machine learning (ML) and deep learning methods have become common and publicly available, while ML security to date struggles to cope with rising threats. One rising threat is model extraction attacks where adversaries are able to reproduce a target model close to perfection. The attack is widely deployable since the attacker needs only to have access to predictions to perform this attack. Stolen ML models could either be used for personal advantage to abuse paid prediction services or to create transferable adversarial examples that can be used to undermine the integrity of prediction services, i.e. prediction quality. This is a significant threat in several application areas, such as in autonomous driving, which rely heavily of computer vision via deep neural networks. In this thesis, we reproduce existing model extraction attacks and evaluate novel techniques to extract deep neural network (DNN) classifiers. We introduce new synthetic query generation strategies, and demonstrate their efficiency at extracting models for creating transferable targeted adversarial examples from stolen DNNs

    Privacy, Space and Time: a Survey on Privacy-Preserving Continuous Data Publishing

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    Sensors, portable devices, and location-based services, generate massive amounts of geo-tagged, and/or location- and user-related data on a daily basis. The manipulation of such data is useful in numerous application domains, e.g., healthcare, intelligent buildings, and traffic monitoring, to name a few. A high percentage of these data carry information of users\u27 activities and other personal details, and thus their manipulation and sharing arise concerns about the privacy of the individuals involved. To enable the secure—from the users\u27 privacy perspective—data sharing, researchers have already proposed various seminal techniques for the protection of users\u27 privacy. However, the continuous fashion in which data are generated nowadays, and the high availability of external sources of information, pose more threats and add extra challenges to the problem. In this survey, we visit the works done on data privacy for continuous data publishing, and report on the proposed solutions, with a special focus on solutions concerning location or geo-referenced data

    Evaluating Information Assurance Control Effectiveness on an Air Force Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System

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    Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are increasingly being connected to corporate networks which has dramatically expanded their attack surface to remote cyber attack. Adversaries are targeting these systems with increasing frequency and sophistication. This thesis seeks to answer the research question addressing which Information Assurance (IA) controls are most significant for network defenders and SCADA system managers/operators to focus on in order to increase the security of critical infrastructure systems against a Stuxnet-like cyber attack. This research applies the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) IA controls to an attack tree modeled on a remote Stuxnet-like cyber attack against the WPAFB fuels operation. The probability of adversary success of specific attack scenarios is developed via the attack tree. Then an impact assessment is obtained via a survey of WPAFB fuels operation subject matter experts (SMEs). The probabilities of adversary success and impact analysis are used to create a Risk Level matrix, which is analyzed to identify recommended IA controls. The culmination of this research identified 14 IA controls associated with mitigating an adversary from gaining remote access and deploying an exploit as the most influential for SCADA managers, operators and network defenders to focus on in order to maximize system security against a Stuxnet-like remote cyber attack

    Integrated Attack Tree in Residual Risk Management Framework

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    Safety-critical cyber-physical systems (CPSs), such as high-tech cars having cyber capabilities, are highly interconnected. Automotive manufacturers are concerned about cyber attacks on vehicles that can lead to catastrophic consequences. There is a need for a new risk management approach to address and investigate cybersecurity risks. Risk management in the automotive domain is challenging due to technological improvements and advances every year. The current standard for automotive security is ISO/SAE 21434, which discusses a framework that includes threats, associated risks, and risk treatment options such as risk reduction by applying appropriate defences. This paper presents a residual cybersecurity risk management framework aligned with the framework presented in ISO/SAE 21434. A methodology is proposed to develop an integrated attack tree that considers multiple sub-systems within the CPS. Integrating attack trees in this way will help the analyst to take a broad perspective of system security. Our previous approach utilises a flow graph to calculate the residual risk to a system before and after applying defences. This paper is an extension of our initial work. It defines the steps for applying the proposed framework and using adaptive cruise control (ACC) and adaptive light control (ALC) to illustrate the applicability of our work. This work is evaluated by comparing it with the requirements of the risk management framework discussed in the literature. Currently, our methodology satisfies more than 75% of their requirements

    Improved Internet Security Protocols Using Cryptographic One-Way Hash Chains

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    In this dissertation, new approaches that utilize the one-way cryptographic hash functions in designing improved network security protocols are investigated. The proposed approaches are designed to be scalable and easy to implement in modern technology. The first contribution explores session cookies with emphasis on the threat of session hijacking attacks resulting from session cookie theft or sniffing. In the proposed scheme, these cookies are replaced by easily computed authentication credentials using Lamport\u27s well-known one-time passwords. The basic idea in this scheme revolves around utilizing sparse caching units, where authentication credentials pertaining to cookies are stored and fetched once needed, thereby, mitigating computational overhead generally associated with one-way hash constructions. The second and third proposed schemes rely on dividing the one-way hash construction into a hierarchical two-tier construction. Each tier component is responsible for some aspect of authentication generated by using two different hash functions. By utilizing different cryptographic hash functions arranged in two tiers, the hierarchical two-tier protocol (our second contribution) gives significant performance improvement over previously proposed solutions for securing Internet cookies. Through indexing authentication credentials by their position within the hash chain in a multi-dimensional chain, the third contribution achieves improved performance. In the fourth proposed scheme, an attempt is made to apply the one-way hash construction to achieve user and broadcast authentication in wireless sensor networks. Due to known energy and memory constraints, the one-way hash scheme is modified to mitigate computational overhead so it can be easily applied in this particular setting. The fifth scheme tries to reap the benefits of the sparse cache-supported scheme and the hierarchical scheme. The resulting hybrid approach achieves efficient performance at the lowest cost of caching possible. In the sixth proposal, an authentication scheme tailored for the multi-server single sign-on (SSO) environment is presented. The scheme utilizes the one-way hash construction in a Merkle Hash Tree and a hash calendar to avoid impersonation and session hijacking attacks. The scheme also explores the optimal configuration of the one-way hash chain in this particular environment. All the proposed protocols are validated by extensive experimental analyses. These analyses are obtained by running simulations depicting the many scenarios envisioned. Additionally, these simulations are supported by relevant analytical models derived by mathematical formulas taking into consideration the environment under investigation


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    Cyber-manufacturing systems (CMS) are interconnected production environments comprised of complex and networked cyber-physical systems (CPS) that can be instantiated across one or many locations. However, this vision of manufacturing environments ushers in the challenge of addressing new security threats to production systems that still contain traditional closed legacy elements. The widespread adoption of CMS has come with a dramatic increase in successful cyber-attacks. With a myriad of new targets and vulnerabilities, hackers have been able to cause significant economic losses by disrupting manufacturing operations, reducing outgoing product quality, and altering product designs. This research aims to contribute to the design of more resilient cyber-manufacturing systems. Traditional cybersecurity mechanisms focus on preventing the occurrence of cyber-attacks, improving the accuracy of detection, and increasing the speed of recovery. More often neglected is addressing how to respond to a successful attack during the time from the attack onset until the system recovery. We propose a novel approach that correlates the state of production and the timing of the attack to predict the effect on the manufacturing key performance indicators. Then a real-time decision strategy is deployed to select the appropriate response to maintain availability, utilization efficiency, and a quality ratio above degradation thresholds until recovery. Our goal is to demonstrate that the operational resilience of CMS can be enhanced such that the system will be able to withstand the advent of cyber-attacks while remaining operationally resilient. This research presents a novel framework to enhance the operational resilience of cyber-manufacturing systems against cyber-attacks. In contrast to other CPS where the general goal of operational resilience is to maintain a certain target level of availability, we propose a manufacturing-centric approach in which we utilize production key performance indicators as targets. This way we adopt a decision-making process for security in a way that is aligned with the operational strategy and bound to the socio-economic constraints inherent to manufacturing. Our proposed framework consists of four steps: 1) Identify: map CMS production goals, vulnerabilities, and resilience-enhancing mechanisms; 2) Establish: set targets of performance in production output, scrap rate, and downtime at different states; 3) Select: determine which mechanisms are needed and their triggering strategy, and 4) Deploy: integrate into the operation of the CMS the selected mechanisms, threat severity evaluation, and activation strategy. Lastly, we demonstrate via experimentation on a CMS testbed that this framework can effectively enhance the operational resilience of a CMS against a known cyber-attack