170 research outputs found

    Optimal Interleaving on Tori

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    We study t-interleaving on two-dimensional tori, which is defined by the property that any connected subgraph with t or fewer vertices in the torus is labelled by all distinct integers. It has applications in distributed data storage and burst error correction, and is closely related to Lee metric codes. We say that a torus can be perfectly t-interleaved if its t-interleaving number – the minimum number of distinct integers needed to t-interleave the torus – meets the spherepacking lower bound. We prove the necessary and sufficient conditions for tori that can be perfectly t-interleaved, and present efficient perfect t-interleaving constructions. The most important contribution of this paper is to prove that the t-interleaving numbers of tori large enough in both dimensions, which constitute by far the majority of all existing cases, is at most one more than the sphere-packing lower bound, and to present an optimal and efficient t-interleaving scheme for them. Then we prove some bounds on the t-interleaving numbers for other cases, completing a general picture for the t-interleaving problem on 2-dimensional tori

    Optimal Interleaving on Tori

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    This paper studies tt-interleaving on two-dimensional tori. Interleaving has applications in distributed data storage and burst error correction, and is closely related to Lee metric codes. A tt-interleaving of a graph is defined as a vertex coloring in which any connected subgraph of tt or fewer vertices has a distinct color at every vertex. We say that a torus can be perfectly t-interleaved if its t-interleaving number (the minimum number of colors needed for a t-interleaving) meets the sphere-packing lower bound, t2/2\lceil t^2/2 \rceil. We show that a torus is perfectly t-interleavable if and only if its dimensions are both multiples of t2+12\frac{t^2+1}{2} (if t is odd) or t (if t is even). The next natural question is how much bigger the t-interleaving number is for those tori that are not perfectly t-interleavable, and the most important contribution of this paper is to find an optimal interleaving for all sufficiently large tori, proving that when a torus is large enough in both dimensions, its t-interleaving number is at most just one more than the sphere-packing lower bound. We also obtain bounds on t-interleaving numbers for the cases where one or both dimensions are not large, thus completing a general characterization of t-interleaving numbers for two-dimensional tori. Each of our upper bounds is accompanied by an efficient t-interleaving scheme that constructively achieves the bound

    Multicluster interleaving on paths and cycles

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    Interleaving codewords is an important method not only for combatting burst errors, but also for distributed data retrieval. This paper introduces the concept of multicluster interleaving (MCI), a generalization of traditional interleaving problems. MCI problems for paths and cycles are studied. The following problem is solved: how to interleave integers on a path or cycle such that any m (m/spl ges/2) nonoverlapping clusters of order 2 in the path or cycle have at least three distinct integers. We then present a scheme using a "hierarchical-chain structure" to solve the following more general problem for paths: how to interleave integers on a path such that any m (m/spl ges/2) nonoverlapping clusters of order L (L/spl ges/2) in the path have at least L+1 distinct integers. It is shown that the scheme solves the second interleaving problem for paths that are asymptotically as long as the longest path on which an MCI exists, and clearly, for shorter paths as well

    Network File Storage With Graceful Performance Degradation

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    A file storage scheme is proposed for networks containing heterogeneous clients. In the scheme, the performance measured by file-retrieval delays degrades gracefully under increasingly serious faulty circumstances. The scheme combines coding with storage for better performance. The problem is NP-hard for general networks; and this paper focuses on tree networks with asymmetric edges between adjacent nodes. A polynomial-time memory-allocation algorithm is presented, which determines how much data to store on each node, with the objective of minimizing the total amount of data stored in the network. Then a polynomial-time data-interleaving algorithm is used to determine which data to store on each node for satisfying the quality-of-service requirements in the scheme. By combining the memory-allocation algorithm with the data-interleaving algorithm, an optimal solution to realize the file storage scheme in tree networks is established

    Efficient bypass mechanisms for low latency networks on-chip

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    RESUMEN: La importancia de las redes en-chip en los procesadores multi-núcleo es cada vez mayor. Los routers con baipás son una solución eficiente para reducir la latencia de estas redes. Existen dos tipos de redes con baipás: single-hop y multi-hop. Las redes con baipás single-hop minimizan la latencia individual de cada router al asignar los recursos del router con antelación a la recepción de los paquetes. Las redes con baipás multi-hop, conocidas como SMART, permiten que los paquetes atraviesen múltiples routers en un único ciclo. La primera propuesta de esta tesis es Non-Empty Buffer Bypass (NEBB), un mecanismo que incrementa la utilización del baipás de tipo single-hop, eliminando la necesidad de usar canales virtuales. Para redes con baipás multi-hop propone SMART++ y S-SMART++. SMART++ elimina la necesidad de SMART de usar una gran cantidad de canales virtuales para aprovechar el ancho de banda de la red, permitiendo el diseño de configuraciones de bajo coste. S-SMART++ hace uso de la asignación de recursos de forma especulativa para preparar el baipás de tipo multi-hop. Este mecanismo reduce la latencia y su dependencia con la longitud máxima de los saltos de tipo multi-hop, aspecto clave para su viabilidad en diseños reales. La contribución final es un conjunto de herramientas de código abierto llamada Bypass Simulation Toolset (BST) compuesto por versiones extendidas de BookSim y OpenSMART, una API para integrar BookSim en otros simuladores y una serie de scripts para facilitar el diseño y evaluación de este tipo de redes.ABSTRACT: Networks on-Chip (NoCs) are becoming more important in many-core processors as the number of cores grows. Bypass routers are an efficient solution that skips pipeline stages. There are two types of bypass mechanisms: single-hop and multi-hop bypass. Single-hop bypass minimizes the router delay by skipping allocation stages in each hop. Multi-hop bypass, called SMART, minimizes the effective number of hops by traversing multiple routers in a single cycle. The first proposal of this dissertation is Non-Empty Buffer Bypass (NEBB) for single-hop bypass, which increases the bypass utilization without requiring VCs to match traditional bypass routers. It proposes SMART++ and S-SMART++ for multi-hop bypass. SMART++ removes the requirement of using multiple VCs of SMART to exploit the bandwidth of the network, enabling low-cost configurations. S-SMART++ relies on speculative allocation to set up multi-hop bypass paths. Thus, it reduces latency and its dependency with the maximum length of multi-hops, relaxing the requirements to integrate multi-hop bypass in real designs. The final contribution is an open-source set of tools to simulate bypass NoCs called Bypass Simulation Toolset (BST) conformed by extended versions of BookSim and OpenSMART, an API to integrate BookSim in other simulators, and scripts to simplify the designing and evaluation of such NoCs.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, FPI grant BES-2017-079971, and contracts TIN2010-21291-C02-02, TIN2013- 46957-C2-2-P, TIN2015-65316-P, TIN2016-76635-C2-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and TIC PID2019-105660RB-C22; the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence; the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013), under the Mont-Blanc 1 and 2 projects (grant agreements n 288777 and 610402); the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Mont-Blanc 3 project (grant agreement nº 671697). Bluespec Inc. provided access to Bluespec tools

    Nonlinear Analysis and Control of Interleaved Boost Converter Using Real-Time Cycle to Cycle Variable Slope Compensation

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    Switched-mode power converters are inherently nonlinear and piecewise smooth systems that may exhibit a series of undesirable operations that can greatly reduce the converter's efficiency and lifetime. This paper presents a nonlinear analysis technique to investigate the influence of system parameters on the stability of interleaved boost converters. In this approach, Monodromy matrix that contains all the comprehensive information of converter parameters and control loop can be employed to fully reveal and understand the inherent nonlinear dynamics of interleaved boost converters, including the interaction effect of switching operation. Thereby not only the boundary conditions but also the relationship between stability margin and the parameters given can be intuitively studied by the eigenvalues of this matrix. Furthermore, by employing the knowledge gained from this analysis, a real-Time cycle to cycle variable slope compensation method is proposed to guarantee a satisfactory performance of the converter with an extended range of stable operation. Outcomes show that systems can regain stability by applying the proposed method within a few time periods of switching cycles. The numerical and analytical results validate the theoretical analysis, and experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Concurrent Online Testing for Many Core Systems-on-Chips

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    Shrinking transistor sizes have introduced new challenges and opportunities for system-on-chip (SoC) design and reliability. Smaller transistors are more susceptible to early lifetime failure and electronic wear-out, greatly reducing their reliable lifetimes. However, smaller transistors will also allow SoC to contain hundreds of processing cores and other infrastructure components with the potential for increased reliability through massive structural redundancy. Concurrent online testing (COLT) can provide sufficient reliability and availability to systems with this redundancy. COLT manages the process of testing a subset of processing cores while the rest of the system remains operational. This can be considered a temporary, graceful degradation of system performance that increases reliability while maintaining availability. In this dissertation, techniques to assist COLT are proposed and analyzed. The techniques described in this dissertation focus on two major aspects of COLT feasibility: recovery time and test delivery costs. To reduce the time between failure and recovery, and thereby increase system availability, an anomaly-based test triggering unit (ATTU) is proposed to initiate COLT when anomalous network behavior is detected. Previous COLT techniques have relied on initiating tests periodically. However, determining the testing period is based on a device's mean time between failures (MTBF), and calculating MTBF is exceedingly difficult and imprecise. To address the test delivery costs associated with COLT, a distributed test vector storage (DTVS) technique is proposed to eliminate the dependency of test delivery costs on core location. Previous COLT techniques have relied on a single location to store test vectors, and it has been demonstrated that centralized storage of tests scales poorly as the number of cores per SoC grows. Assuming that the SoC organizes its processing cores with a regular topology, DTVS uses an interleaving technique to optimally distribute the test vectors across the entire chip. DTVS is analyzed both empirically and analytically, and a testing protocol using DTVS is described. COLT is only feasible if the applications running concurrently are largely unaffected. The effect of COLT on application execution time is also measured in this dissertation, and an application-aware COLT protocol is proposed and analyzed. Application interference is greatly reduced through this technique