759 research outputs found

    Scheduling for next generation WLANs: filling the gap between offered and observed data rates

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    In wireless networks, opportunistic scheduling is used to increase system throughput by exploiting multi-user diversity. Although recent advances have increased physical layer data rates supported in wireless local area networks (WLANs), actual throughput realized are significantly lower due to overhead. Accordingly, the frame aggregation concept is used in next generation WLANs to improve efficiency. However, with frame aggregation, traditional opportunistic schemes are no longer optimal. In this paper, we propose schedulers that take queue and channel conditions into account jointly, to maximize throughput observed at the users for next generation WLANs. We also extend this work to design two schedulers that perform block scheduling for maximizing network throughput over multiple transmission sequences. For these schedulers, which make decisions over long time durations, we model the system using queueing theory and determine users' temporal access proportions according to this model. Through detailed simulations, we show that all our proposed algorithms offer significant throughput improvement, better fairness, and much lower delay compared with traditional opportunistic schedulers, facilitating the practical use of the evolving standard for next generation wireless networks

    On Asymptotic Optimality of Dual Scheduling Algorithm In A Generalized Switch

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    Generalized switch is a model of a queueing system where parallel servers are interdependent and have time-varying service capabilities. This paper considers the dual scheduling algorithm that uses rate control and queue-length based scheduling to allocate resources for a generalized switch. We consider a saturated system in which each user has infinite amount of data to be served. We prove the asymptotic optimality of the dual scheduling algorithm for such a system, which says that the vector of average service rates of the scheduling algorithm maximizes some aggregate concave utility functions. As the fairness objectives can be achieved by appropriately choosing utility functions, the asymptotic optimality establishes the fairness properties of the dual scheduling algorithm. The dual scheduling algorithm motivates a new architecture for scheduling, in which an additional queue is introduced to interface the user data queue and the time-varying server and to modulate the scheduling process, so as to achieve different performance objectives. Further research would include scheduling with Quality of Service guarantees with the dual scheduler, and its application and implementation in various versions of the generalized switch model

    Multi-resource fairness: Objectives, algorithms and performance

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    Designing efficient and fair algorithms for sharing multiple resources between heterogeneous demands is becoming increasingly important. Applications include compute clusters shared by multi-task jobs and routers equipped with middleboxes shared by flows of different types. We show that the currently preferred objective of Dominant Resource Fairness has a significantly less favorable efficiency-fairness tradeoff than alternatives like Proportional Fairness and our proposal, Bottleneck Max Fairness. In addition to other desirable properties, these objectives are equally strategyproof in any realistic scenario with dynamic demand

    A Survey on Delay-Aware Resource Control for Wireless Systems --- Large Deviation Theory, Stochastic Lyapunov Drift and Distributed Stochastic Learning

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    In this tutorial paper, a comprehensive survey is given on several major systematic approaches in dealing with delay-aware control problems, namely the equivalent rate constraint approach, the Lyapunov stability drift approach and the approximate Markov Decision Process (MDP) approach using stochastic learning. These approaches essentially embrace most of the existing literature regarding delay-aware resource control in wireless systems. They have their relative pros and cons in terms of performance, complexity and implementation issues. For each of the approaches, the problem setup, the general solution and the design methodology are discussed. Applications of these approaches to delay-aware resource allocation are illustrated with examples in single-hop wireless networks. Furthermore, recent results regarding delay-aware multi-hop routing designs in general multi-hop networks are elaborated. Finally, the delay performance of the various approaches are compared through simulations using an example of the uplink OFDMA systems.Comment: 58 pages, 8 figures; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 201

    Opportunistic transmission scheduling for next generation wireless communication systems with multimedia services

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    The explosive growth of the Internet and the continued dramatic increase for all wireless services are fueling the demand for increased capacity, data rates, and support of different quality of service (QoS) requirements for different classes of services. Since in the current and future wireless communication infrastructures, the performances of the various services are strongly correlated, as the resources are shared among them, dynamic resource allocation methods should be employed. With the demand for high data rate and support of multiple QoS, the transmission scheduling plays a key role in the efficient resource allocation process in wireless systems. The fundamental problem of scheduling the users\u27 transmissions and allocating the available resources in a realistic CDMA wireless system that supports multi-rate multimedia services, with efficiency and fairness, is investigated and analyzed in this dissertation. Our proposed approach adopts the use of dynamically assigned data rates that match the channel capacity in order to improve the system throughput and overcome the problems associated with the location-dependent and time-dependent errors and channel conditions, the variable system capacity and the transmission power limitation. We first introduce and describe two new scheduling algorithms, namely the Channel Adaptive Rate Scheduling (CARS) and Fair Channel Adaptive Rate Scheduling (FCARS). CARS exploits the channel variations to reach high throughput, by adjusting the transmission rates according to the varying channel conditions and by performing an iterative procedure to determine the power index that a user can accept by its current channel condition and transmission power. Based on the assignment of CARS and to overcome potential unfair service allocation, FCARS implements a compensation algorithm, in which the lagging users can receive compensation service when the corresponding channel conditions improve, in order to achieve asymptotic throughput fairness, while still maintaining all the constraints imposed by the system. Furthermore the problem of opportunistic fair scheduling in the uplink transmission of CDMA systems, with the objective of maximizing the uplink system throughput, while satisfying the users\u27 QoS requirements and maintaining the long-term fairness among the various users despite their different varying channel conditions, is rigorously formulated, and a throughput optimal fair scheduling policy is obtained. The corresponding problem is expressed as a weighted throughput maximization problem, under certain power and QoS constraints, where the weights are the control parameters that reflect the fairness constraints. With the introduction of the power index capacity it is shown that this optimization problem can be converted into a binary knapsack problem, where all the corresponding constraints are replaced by the users\u27 power index capacities at some certain system power index. It is then argued that the optimal solution can be obtained as a global search within a certain range, while a stochastic approximation method is presented in order to effectively identify the required control parameters. Finally, since some real-time services may demand certain amount of service within specific short span of time in order to avoid service delays, the problem of designing policies that can achieve high throughput while at the same time maintain short term fairness, is also considered and investigated. To this end a new Credit-based Short-term Fairness Scheduling (CSFS) algorithm, which achieves to provide short-term fairness to the delay-sensitive users while still schedules opportunistically the non-delay-sensitive users to obtain high system throughput, is proposed and evaluated