7 research outputs found

    Lessons Learned During an Experimental Blended Course

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    During the Fall 2003 quarter, Rochester Institute of Technology offered a graduate course titled “Operating Systems for Telecommunications.” This author facilitated the course which was conducted in two sections. The first section was conducted in an fully asynchronous distance learning environment. The second section met face-to-face (F2F) once a week while conducting the remainder of its activities at a distance over the Internet. This paper compares the two environments and discusses the lessons learned about faculty and student satisfaction and student performance

    Proposal for Designing of New BIOS Program

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    In this paper, a proposal for designing and implementation of general BIOS program have been done. This program consider as a modified version derived from previous versions with configure and adding a new activities differs from the others BIOS programs such as learning students, help and adjusting components using mouse only (never using the keyboard) in all windows of the implemented program. Also, the program has a flexibility to add any necessary function or activity

    Reducing the Number of Page Faults by Seperating Instructions and Data

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    Department of Computer Scienc

    Sistemas de Suporte à Decisão

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    Resumo Os Sistemas de Suporte à Decisão são sistemas de informação que apoiam os decisores na tomada de decisão. A dinâmica das organizações e o avanço tecnológico leva a que os utilizadores de sistemas de informação sintam a necessidade da sua actualização, da integração dos sistemas e da partilha de dados. E tudo isto mantendo a integridade, disponibilidade, consistência e segurança dos sistemas e dos dados. O Centro de Reporte e Controlo, como órgão responsável por uma das componentes essenciais à defesa aérea nacional, executa um conjunto de tarefas em que a disponibilidade de informação e a sua qualidade são essenciais. O processamento da informação depende da estrutura da tarefa e da sua complexidade. O resultado do processamento tem um efeito directo no impacto e no risco das decisões que forem tomadas. Depois de analisar a organização do Centro de Reporte e Controlo e a sua missão, foram estudados os sistemas de informação que este tem disponíveis, com o objectivo de definir os requisitos, os condicionalismos e o tipo de Sistema de Suporte à Decisão que optimize o cumprimento da sua missão. Conhecidas as necessidades e os recursos disponíveis foi encontrado um Sistema de Suporte à Decisão que permite, com os mesmos recursos humanos e materiais, cumprir melhor e em menos tempo algumas das tarefas da missão. Na elaboração deste trabalho, de âmbito académico, usamos o método científico de Quivy. Abstract: The Decision Support Systems are information systems that support decision makers in decision making. The dynamics of organizations and the technological means that users of information systems need to feel them, in the integration of systems and data sharing. And, at same time, while maintaining the integrity, availability, consistency and security of systems and data. The Control and Reporting Center, as a body responsible for one of the essential components of national air defense, runs a set of tasks in which the availability of information and quality are essential. The processing of information depends on the structure of the task and its complexity. The result of processing has a direct effect on the risk and impact of decisions that are made. After reviewing the organization of the Center for Reporting and Control and its mission, we studied information systems that were available, to establish the requirements, constraints and the type of decision support system that can optimize the performance of their Mission. Knowing the needs and available resources, was found a Decision Support System which allows, with the same human and material resources, achieving better and less time on some of the tasks of the mission. In preparing this work, at academic context, we use the scientific method of Quivy

    Operatsioonisüsteemid: praktikumijuhend

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    Scheduling And Resource Allocation In Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In computer science and telecommunications, wireless sensor networks are an active research area. Each sensor in a wireless sensor network has some pre-defined or on demand tasks such as collecting or disseminating data. Network resources, such as broadcast channels, number of sensors, power, battery life, etc., are limited. Hence, a schedule is required to optimally allocate network resources so as to maximize some profit or minimize some cost. This thesis focuses on scheduling problems in the wireless sensor networks environment. In particular, we study three scheduling problems in the wireless sensor networks: broadcast scheduling, sensor scheduling for area monitoring, and content distribution scheduling. For each problem the goal is to find efficient scheduling algorithms that have good approximation guarantees and perform well in practice